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Everything posted by Kermit

  1. Detroit is legit missing everyone. Except Diallo. That creep can roll. Kicking our ass all over the floor.
  2. I have no life, and that's why I'm sitting at home watching the rotting carcass of Detroit play this iteration of the Spurs. Good times.
  3. At least Tiago could hit a fucking free throw. But yes, voice of reason as usual.
  4. No dude, he’s not. I get that he’s improved tenuously on the defensive side, but he still has issues (ISSUES) on the offensive side. Dude can’t set a pick without getting whistled for a foul after four years now? I’ve never seen a player regress on the block like he has. Dude looks like a pedophile meeting Chris Hanson whenever he actually gets the ball in the low block. God help us if he actually has to shoot. He’s got this stupid fucking push shot that miraculously goes in half the time, but you can’t make a fucking free-throw? Ever? He misses open cutters, and benefits tremendously from playing with DJ, but you can say that about most of the players on the team. AND HE STILL REFUSES TO DUNK THE GODDAMN BALL. And it’s libel. Anyways, Happy New Year.
  5. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    And I’m enjoying every second of it.
  6. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    Evan Mobley is quickly becoming one of my favorite players in the league. He reminds me of a certain player who set up residence in San Antonio for years. Dude is going to be special.
  7. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    I love the way he destroys eighth graders on twitter.
  8. Utah can play physical defense without fouling. I wonder how they do it? How are they able to constantly body up, hit players after the shot, and move on screens without getting called for a foul. Very impressive.
  9. Offensively, dude is easily the best big man on the roster. He can hit the three, and rolls with authority. Also sets some physical picks. He’s not as athletic, so he really has to box out on rebounds or he’s losing the rebound. Defensively, he’s learning. He gets lost a lot and is a half second late on adjusting to drives. Probably won’t be a shot blocking center. The offense moves fast as hell when he’s on the court and his presence alone has opened the lane for our guards to attack. When Drew and Joc are on the floor, shit gets bogged down as everyone knows. It’s most definitely not garbage time stat inflation. He’s getting serious minutes as the first big off the bench, and has relegated Drew to garbage time.
  10. That sucks. The Pistons have like ten dudes out, and it shows. 444-4444.
  11. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    (Not cheering the injury, just the thought of them missing the playoffs without a pick)
  12. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    This is just embarrassing. I mean, fuck Lebron and “this is his bed he needs to sleep in it”, but at least try to make it past half-court.
  13. I guess they really are done with the Eubanks Experience. Russell Westbrook is a goddamn basketball cancer. That Lebron willingly brought him to the Lakers is just…
  14. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    I hope you have a great time, get laid, and watch the Lakers get handed a loss so monumental it dwarfs the Memphis/OKC game from earlier this month.
  15. This film is a searing critique on this nostalgia crap that Hollywood continues pumps out. At least that’s what I got out of it. They were going to make another one with or without them. Better to make one with the original cast.
  16. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    I’ve gotten over it. It just takes time, heroin, lots of masturbation aided by massive amounts of cocaine and viagra, alcohol, the WNBA, strippers, and Mormonism. Fuck Derek Fisher.
  17. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    I hope that happens tonight!
  18. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    My personal favorite.
  19. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    is this what we’re doing for Christmas? Sharing Lakers hate?
  20. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    Other than the millions of deaths, untold suffering, recession, inflation, and the insertion of politics into every conceivable facet of our lives, Tacko Fall starting in a non pre-season game is the worst thing to come from this virus.
  21. Kermit

    NBA 2021-2022

    Matt Bonner says hello, you overrated dingleberry. Also, Dirk sends his regards you playoff neophyte. I’m sorry, I’m being told he has won exactly one playoff game in his career. I wish Jimmy would’ve kicked this clowns ass in public.
  22. HOF candidates dropped. Cue the brittle fan bases he destroyed complaining about Manu’s inclusion at the top. Fuck all you bitches, he’s first ballot.
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