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Posts posted by Voldemort86

  1. Clarence Thomas is the ultimate troll. The guy is a black as can be, but his politics and viewpoints line up with some crazed hard right white power esque minority hating racist cruel motherfucker.


    I can’t wait until this guy retires. I hope it becomes personally necessary for him to do so as soon as possible, but will probably have to wait awhile.

  2. 4 hours ago, Js1 said:

    It’s going to get shot down by a non-controversial margin. Idk if I agree with Elias that it will be 8-1 with only Alito dissenting. Maybe 7-2

    Can you remind us about the implications of Moore vs. Harper? Some people were thinking it could be shot down by the court  because North Carolina GOP is going to resolve their map dispute after they won control of the NC Supreme Court during the 2022 elections. 

    I was told Moore vs. Harper could somehow stop democrats from fixing Wisconsin’s egregiously gerrymandered maps, which would suck after dems fought so hard to win the Supreme Court in that state.

  3. On 6/16/2023 at 7:08 PM, 4th&Five said:

    I’ve flown home with edibles a dozen times. TSA isn’t there to take your gummies. 

    I’ve thought about bringing stuff home from Portland or Seattle before.  I know that there’s no risk to getting caught at the airport or in the check line when boarding in friendly territory (west coast states). My only concern and the thing that made me not bring stuff back was when you land, you are temporarily vulnerable.

    The airport says those dogs walking around are looking for bombs, but can you trust it?  I’d hate somehow getting caught between the tarmac and my car. It seems like a low chance, but I guess it’s possible.

  4. On 5/30/2023 at 2:15 PM, bolverk said:

    The map's already been updated. As a reminder BLUE is where recreational is legal; GREEN is where medical is; and the D stands for decriminalized.

    Map of cannabis laws in the US


    In regard to recreational: Minnesota was a pleasant surprise this year. Delaware seemed inevitable.  Hawaii seems to be struggling to get on the same page despite finally having a governor who will support it, but they have that governor for 8 years presumably so it should be only a matter of time.  New Hampshire was close, but some state house dems / reps who previously voted for legalization in the house inexplicably voted against it in the senate. 

    New Hampshire and Hawaii feel inevitable, but it won’t be this year.  I keep hoping North Dakota and South Dakota will let us vote on it every election cycle, but conservatives have started to take aim at ballot initiatives because they don’t like everyday people getting a say on anything.

    Medical is a lot more difficult to read. There are some folks trying to get it on the ballot in deep red states in 2024, but those states “Nebraska and Idaho” have thwarted efforts in the past by using court technicalities and other bullshit.

    It’s frustrating that si much has to go right to change a shitty 50 year old law that is firmly entrenched. We have to gather signatures, get them approved, not have a governor hostile to marijuana, not have state courts throw out the petition, then actually win the vote on Election Day. Oh well….. hopefully 2024 brings lots of wins. I just don’t know as of yet where they might come from.

  5. 20 hours ago, Born to Run said:
    21 hours ago, Bookman said:
    So, are some of these shops selling actual weed now?

    If by selling "weed" you mean sell you shit that can get you higher than a cats ass; Yes. In gas stations even. "Actual weed" that term has gotten a bit complicated; I generally just buy in Cali or CO as I'm a low dosage, particular strains kind of user.

    Do you drive it back? What route do you take? See lots of cops?

  6. On 6/5/2023 at 10:22 AM, Pancho said:


    I hope this Cleta Mitchell suffers a terrible accident of some kind. The world would be better off without the architect of the  “trump really did win 2020” idea. 

  7. 2 hours ago, bolverk said:

    Kinda mixed.

    One thing to keep in mind is that the BLS releases two separate surveys here. 1) There's the jobs report which comes from a survey of employers, asking how many folks they have on the payroll. 2) Then there's the employment report which is a survey of households, asking people if they are employed and, if not, are they actively looking for work.

    So, we have employers stating they've collectively increased their payroll by 339,000 over the last month, AND we have people saying that 310,000 fewer of them have jobs but the workforce participation rate remained flat.

    The jobs report will get revised as more data from businesses come in. In which direction, I don't know. I don't believe the household survey is ever revised. I guess one could see it as either an early harbinger or a blip, but we need more months to establish a trend on unemployment either way.


    Despite the outsized job gains, the details of the report may suggest a labor market "normalizing" after the disruptions of the pandemic. The drop in employment levels registered in the monthly survey of households, for example, was driven by a decline in self-employment - something that had spiked during the pandemic alongside an unexpected rise in business starts that may have represented people searching for alternatives during the health crisis.

    Overall, said Rick Rieder, global bond chief at investment giant BlackRock, hiring momentum in industries that remain short of pre-pandemic employment levels, like leisure and hospitality, or that face notable labor shortages, like health and education, may continue to fuel monthly job gains even as other parts of the job market slow.

    It's an environment, he said, where the Fed may be right to be cautious.

    "The fact is that the labor market is still very tight, aided by shortfalls in some service sectors, as well as by historic demographic trends" like population aging, Rieder said. "Yet rather than see the Fed crush the labor market now, in order to bring down still excessively high inflation, we think it's likely that in time the economy could recalibrate organically and in a healthier manner."

    Could be people are ditching DoorDash or instacart for W-2 jobs?

  8. 10 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:

    I guess in Georgia now you can see an MD over a Zoom call for five minutes in the comfort of your home and qualify for a medical marijuana card.


    Isn’t Georgia’s medical marijuana program as worthless as Texas?  Just the weird Cbd oil shit.

  9. On 5/18/2023 at 3:18 PM, Rimbo said:

    quoted for truth

    i had a notification to get mine, ignored it, got shingles... i fucked around and found out.

    and it appears i had a relatively MILD case

    don't be me

    How early can you get it?

  10. 9 hours ago, atomheartbevo said:

    Abbot is 65 and starting to look it - no way he's able to run for President in '28, and there's plenty of under-50 Republicans who have more national name recognition than him.  And something about Harris County has him scared shitless (obviously they have the numbers to flip the state, but I mean the GOP's attacks on Harris County have really ramped up in a very targeted way). He maybe angling for a spot in an administration, but either way, whatever shine his star had, it is fading fast, and he's acting like some kind of Hollywood movie star who is past their prime and just trying to get one more starring role.  Which is fucking stupid, like I said - he could be doing things that would make a lot more Texans respect/like him and burnish his legacy, but he's doubling down on pleasing a small minority.

    Meatball appears to be on a collision course that will either see Trump destroy him or he outlasts Trump, but is still damaged goods with the MAGA crowd.  The hardcore MAGA types seem to hold as much of a grudge as Trump does.

    Texas is one of the dumbest states in the country. They exacerbate that fact by not having term limits. Now we Texans are stuck with loser candidates like Abbott, potty Patrick, and indictment Paxton who have no national prospects and nothing to move up to. What do these guys do? They treat our statewide positions like seats in US Congress. We could be stuck with these asshats for another 10-15 years because no term limits. What a shitty state we live in.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Rage+1 2
  11. On 5/16/2023 at 9:59 AM, YGIFS said:

    I'm considering a celebratory "death list" of people that I'll be allowed to drink/drug/dance for after they perish like Buscemi in "Billy Madison."  I know it's not a healthy exercise but I remember staying up late and having a few drinks after I heard Bin Laden died.  Jeffrey Dahmer, at a restaurant/bar near Wisconsin was the only time I was really of age when a whole room of people just got sloppy drunk to revel in the death of a horrible person.  

    But I think about what I'll do once people like Dan Patrick and Donald Trump die.  I know Dan has those pre-puberty lady hips and girlish skin, but he'll be 76+ when he leaves office.  Shit, he may die in office.  

    I think I'll invite the Westboro Church people to bring their signage to his funeral so at least his family can learn one genuine thing about him.  I'll celebrate but it'll be nothing like when Trump dies.  I need to get one of those Keith Richards kits with like Z-pac, blood transfusion, defibrilator, whatever that shit you take when you've consumed fentanyl, and a pre-accepted registry for a 28-day outpatient clinic.  Maybe the same for Dan Patrick's demise, who knows.  I can probably still knock out two benders before I get over 50.  Because I am going ingest every fucking drug I can find and shoot fireworks outta my ass.  

    Rush limbaugh

    potty patrick

    Clarence Thomas 

    mitch McConnell 

    ted cruz


    all of their deaths will be celebratory occasions. You were in Wisconsin when they caught Dahmer?  Crazy.

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