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Everything posted by Voldemort86

  1. I’ve been saying it some recently, but it looks like republicans might be hurt by creepy toad and GOP mega donor Sheldon Adelson kicking the bucket. the guy used to throw them at least $100-$150 million dollars per election cycle. Finding people to give and donate in that party is difficult because they don’t care about the greater good. The party is all about god, their gun, their bible, lower my taxes and leave me alone while they pretend that the whole world isn’t cratering and suffering around them.
  2. I wish stuff like this mattered, but we’ve seen time and time again that it only seems to hurt democrats. Cal Cunningham would be a US senator right now if he could just keep his pants on. Fox News and the desire to “own the libs even if it causes great personal sacrifice to you” is a lot to overcome. Lots of people get to the voting booth and vote R no matter what like they’ve been programmed to do.
  3. Last cycle, I talked myself into believing that Lindsay Graham and Susan Collins could lose, but both of them crushed it. I’m not going to get excited about the Tim Ryan or McMullen thing yet, but they are nice little stories I guess.
  4. Bathroom Dan has covid. Is it too much to ask for the same result from the rush Limbaugh thread to happen here? at the very least, I hope he’s in the bathroom standing over the toilet coughing up blood.
  5. Yeah….. the legislature proved last year that they don’t give a fuck about people. They didn’t do shit to reinforce the power grid. All they care is guns, bibles, and sticking it to transgenders / gay people.
  6. Whenever I click on this thread, I was hoping there would be a leaked photo of booberts saggy tits. Then I’m disappointed when there’s not. similar to the people who clicked on the rush Limbaugh thread for 5 years hoping for a death announcement but we’re then disappointed.
  7. Glad to hear her shitty restaurant has closed. They need to spray and clean that building down twice as hard to get all the boobert pussy stank and taint out of it.
  8. I think it’s mainly because of one man. Dan “pecker checker” Patrick. We have the worst lieutenant governor in the country by far. He’s a fucking psycho loon obsessed with bathroom policy.
  9. Oklahoma and Arkansas are voting on recreational marijuana this fall while Texas doesn’t even have full blown medical access. What a joke.
  10. There’s a huge difference on the democrat party spectrum which still exists that basically is between Joe manchin and AOC. Biden is one of the few old school democrats left and I just don’t see him doing anything to bring marijuana into the 21st century. Biden has too much old crusty senate in him.
  11. I hope he’s waiting until later 2023 to give him a boost before his re-election campaign, but it is odd. Both of these policies seem like no brainers to me.
  12. https://www.marijuanamoment.net/senate-schedules-marijuana-hearing-in-committee-chaired-by-cory-booker-with-legalization-bill-set-to-drop-any-day/ our old, crusty, and out of touch from reality senate is going to talk about marijuana reform. This should be interesting. Queue the John cornyn speaking with reports from 2001 saying that smoking weed makes you violent, kill people, and a total threat to society as we know it.
  13. The reason I call bullshit on this. How many of these hardcore masculine tough conservative men would willingly undergo a surgical procedure with a less than 2% chance of success and the potential for lots of complications?
  14. It’s so dumb because probably 99% of the time, the good guy with a gun hides like a pussy and doesn’t make a difference.
  15. I bet dumb ass conservatives are doing back flips for this guy.
  16. If I lived in Georgia, I’d vote Raffensperger/ Abrams / warnock. I suspect that average Georgia voter will vote Raffensperger/ Kemp / Warnock tho.
  17. Could it mean more now with creepy GOP toad Sheldon Adelson on his own personal worm farm? He’s been single handedly giving the GOP $100 to $150 million every election cycle since I can remember.
  18. Similar to Texas and Alabama, lots of stupid Republican men live in Georgia who vote R no matter what. They drive massive pick up trucks, think people should be able to bring guns to their kids soccer games, think the 10 year old raped in Ohio should’ve carried that baby to term, and don’t care that over 10 women have come forward to accuse Roy Moore of sexual misconduct. these men don’t care about you or anything else. Their only goal in life is TO OWN THE LIBS because of “Muh guns and my bible”. The trashiest human beings you will ever meet.
  19. It should be viewed as a negative that ANY candidate running for public office refuses to debate their opponent. People will not care and vote for him because of the R by his name. Politics are so disgusting in this day and age.
  20. This country is so weird and fucked up that she will probably sell a lot of books.
  21. I always thought the biggest flaw in capitalism is that once someone has a lot of money, it becomes very easy, dare I say effortless, to make a lot more money. Combined with the common policy of tax cuts coming from our politicians, it creates a system where the rich get richer and most everyone else struggles to get by.
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