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A Cellar Honker

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Everything posted by A Cellar Honker

  1. You are only half right. The entire government is bereft of ideas, not just the Republicans.
  2. It’s b. Stupidity is endemic in government.
  3. I don’t care what this guy did when he was a student.
  4. You have a tenuous grip on logic and reason, don’t you? How about a reasoned reply instead of invective and ad hominem attacks? Are you capable of that?
  5. I get that. That doesn’t make it right and it doesn’t make it immune from change. There are more parties involved here than just the woman.
  6. No one is afforded privacy and liberty interests to murder.
  7. Last I looked we had laws against murder. Let’s extend the courtesy to the late term unborn.
  8. Your logic is specious. We make late term abortion illegal because it terminates a viable, living, feeling human being.
  9. Then why is there such a problem with laws that make it illegal unless the life of the mother is at stake? I mean, if they are rare and hardly ever happen, it shouldn’t really matter if there is a law. And there’s an out included for the life of the mother. So what’s the problem?
  10. Apparently after being fired, Sessions tied one on and got a DWI
  11. Don’t forget the Muslims and the blacks. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/02/19/entrenched-anti-semitic-views-very-rare-among-whites-and-asian-americans-common-among-blacks-and-latinos/?utm_term=.b96b06737677
  12. And your party is chock full of anti-semites yet you continue to associate with it.
  13. The bombs were incapable of detonating. No one was going to get hurt, thankfully. But that doesn’t matter. Fake bombs are a terroristic threat. Unless of course your name is Clock-hahmed. In that case Prezzy Kenya-Kona blend invites you to the White House and calls you a “cool kid”.
  14. You also said “Good. I’m becoming convinced that’s what we need“. So if I misinterpreted your words, I apologize.
  15. Unbelievable. You have lost your mind. I don’t think you have thought this civil war thing through.
  16. I'm just having trouble sorting it out and the only sources I see questioning Kasshogi are right wing. And if Kasshogi was a bad guy, murdering him as a state actor in the way they did places the Saudis on the wrong side of this. I've been an MBS fan but he fucked up here. I get what you’re saying. Unfortunately, facts are in short supply now. I’m going to wait and see.
  17. The “narrative” I’m pushing is that there’s no clear cut good guys and bad guys in this story. And as far as your assertion that being critical of the MB is somehow “antimuslim”, wow.
  18. As is always the case, there's a lot more to the story than what's being reported. It turns out that Khashoggi, who is a relative of the infamous arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, was part of the old-line faction of Saudi royalty who pimped extremist Wahabbism, and was himself a member of the Muslim Brotherhood that has as its central tenet rabid anti-western and anti-modernity worldview. As, for lack of a better word, "progressive" as the KSA can be for a medieval society, the new prince (who is a millennial and a big fan of Silicon Valley high tech) represents a direct threat to that.
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