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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MillerEP

  1. ^ISIS with snow is becoming more and more ISIS-like
  2. Something to remember is that this was a stage theater (like Bass Concert Hall), which is marked as a cultural center. They were using it as a bomb shelter because it holds a lot of people, and had a basement. All cultural centers are off-limits in war by the Geneva Convention. So most NORMAL countries who wage war would not use that for military purposes, so I don't think that tactic would work at say a known military compound.
  3. https://twitter.com/bigSAC10/status/1668604069449981953?s=20 https://twitter.com/bigSAC10/status/1668959127022759937?s=20
  4. He did for those who pay the $8 (or $11?) for a blue checkmark. If you have a blue check there are no more limits.
  5. ^Long but well worth the read. It did seem strange to me that Russia was "counterattacking" when technically they were supposed to be in a defensive posture. This post might explain why.
  6. ^ Press release June 11, 2023 Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Address Statement of treason by the Wagner group The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation issues the following press release Defense Department. The Russian Federation has received information that the Wagner Group, a private water company operating in various regions, has repeatedly engaged in activities aimed at discrediting the Ministry of Defense and undermining the security and integrity of the Russian Federation. Such actions are recognized as a clear act of treason against the state and its institutions. The Department of Defense views this behavior with great concern, as it not only undermines our national security, but also endangers stability and peace in the regions where the Wagner Group operates. We have carefully observed and closely followed the activities of the "Wagner Group" over a long period of time and have found strong evidence to support these claims. The actions of the "Wagner Group" included spreading false information, disinformation and conducting authorized military operations that directly contradict the interests of the Russian Federation. These actions were carried out independently and without the approval or approval of the Ministry of Defense or other relevant Russian authorities. Considering the seriousness of these crimes and the continued disregard for the laws and principles governing the security of our country. The Ministry of Defense officially declares members of the "Wagner Group" as traitors to the Russian Federation. This designation means that he deliberately betrayed the trust placed in them, acting contrary to the best interests of the state and its citizens. Consequently, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is issuing a warning to all parties associated with the "Wagner Group, directly or indirectly, to immediately cease any form of support, cooperation or affiliation with this organization. Failure to comply with this instruction may entail serious legal consequences, including, but not limited, criminal charges and prosecution under Russian law property. The Ministry of Defense remains committed to ensuring the security and sovereignty of the Russian Federation, and we will continue to take decisive action against any threats, both external and internal, that threaten the interests of our country.
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