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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by MillerEP

  1. ^Tangently related, but interesting to see they can find peace without Russian meddling. My personal theory is Putin wants them fighting to keep playing them off each other and have leverage to use.
  2. https://twitter.com/parrot_soldier/status/1661360702701830145?s=20
  3. https://twitter.com/parrot_soldier/status/1661527784664047619?s=20
  4. ^I guess when all the men are being killed or flee, you have to turn to children?
  5. https://twitter.com/PStyle0ne1/status/1661110958163370002?s=20
  6. New Total war will be ancient Egypt: https://pharaoh.totalwar.com/
  7. You're fine to jump into the series whenever each is an independent game, it's not a sequel system. They're only numbered to keep them apart. They need to remake the game every so often to take advantage of new tech and graphics, or try out or expand on existing systems. I love all the Civ games, but I think Civ 6 is a decent "beginners Civ" since it's dumbed down a bit from previous ones like Civ 4 and 5. They also went with a more cell-shaded look for Civ 6, as opposed to more realism of the past so you don't need a beefy pc for big maps.
  8. Thoroughly enjoyed it, I think it was better than the first.
  9. https://twitter.com/parrot_soldier/status/1660713893562294274?s=20
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