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Everything posted by Phoenix

  1. If a team gets 600 yards but only scores 20 points, but the team they play against gets 400 yards and scores 23, does it matter who had more yards? Any ranking system that had Texas in the 40's after being 6-1 at that point in time, with a tough SOS in tow, immediately disqualifies itself.
  2. So people are using one data point to justify ranking Texas so low? The S&P+ is very far off from all the other ranking systems, and that's because it uses asinine statistics to come up with the rating. The only thing that matters in football is the SCORE. You can gain all the yards you want, in whatever manner you want, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't put points on the board.
  3. How, in any way, does my post make you think I'm an aggy?
  4. I have. It's the same schedule we have every year. 1 tough OOC, 2 easier ones, and a tough Big 12 slate. My point was that we knew it was going to take at least 3 years to get us out of the shithole that Charlie got us in. We have seen an improvement this year over last year, and if that trend continues, we will be a playoff contender next year.
  5. Yep. It was fun while it lasted, but we all knew that this team is still a year away from being a playoff contender.
  6. 2008 would like a word with you. Unless you believe Texas Tech should have been left out in that scenario, because we all know Texas and OU would not have been left out.
  7. Yep. And none of the computer rankings I could find puts UCF anywhere near the top 4. In fact, the Sagarin ratings have them all the way down at 28th right now. The strength of your opponents matters.
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