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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dilligas

  1. For the last couple years I’ve usually watched something else but followed along the game thread. That way I can enjoy something while simultaneously getting kicked in the nuts. Best of both worlds.
  2. I free ya, but CTJ showed amazing restraint considering what DHF implied. And after the last RB with the same issues I can see where he is coming from. No one is wishing ill to any player it’s just an overwhelming sense of frustration that invades everyone’s mental outlook right now. Nothing is right in the world from a Longhorn (and I’ll throw in Cowboy) perspective.
  3. Damn I’m glad I have stopped watching this shit. As someone who grew up religiously watching pro football and specifically the Cowboys since the early 70’s this product is pitiful. Can’t believe it’s been 25 years of the Jones regime. I feel about the same as I do the Horns, I’ve seen the best there will ever be and the shit now is just that. Jones, Herman, fuck it all.
  4. Thought he was another of the lying fucks that said he never reads social media?
  5. Well shit if the younguns have flown the coop seems like a much simpler decision as they now have their own lives going on. Make millions coaching football in Austin. Of course he has a pretty good gig now, as far as dollars are concerned. But limited ego advancement.
  6. Oh hell I agree, just kind of pointing out she mentioned no QB’s past 20 years ago. And an opportunity to shill for my man Super Bill. It’s all subjective.
  7. So this hot POA blonde did a segment about the GOAT Texas HS QB and no mention of VY, or my favorite Super Bill Bradley. Or as he told me Stupid Bill. Hard to argue against the midget, his numbers are incredible but I hope he gets broken in half tonight.
  8. Was kinda weird with the interview of coach bro on the field. Chick was in the stands with coach bro on the field with camera dudes. Seems a little like Theatre but WTF do I know.
  9. @hornfromdallas Just curious what part are you from? I was raised in the Grove and attended Spruce when we were the Apaches. Enjoy the info although I’m too old to understand the glitzy, woo and fucboi references, although I’m trying bruh.
  10. Man that #6 receiver is a BMF! Need a couple of those guys on the UT roster
  11. Whale shit, I apologize for my “Don’t be a cunt post” BTW I have a boil on my taint, should I squeeze that fucker or apply a topical ointment?
  12. Pretty sure @futureman guaranteed he would be coming to UT so obviously not.
  13. My buddy had email/phone conversations with Syd Miller a few years ago when poisoning was being considered and Syd basically said they didn’t like it either but were at a loss as to how to stop the bastards. My friend recommended a reduced out of state fee for feral hog licensing and I thing that was adopted?
  14. Saw a checkpoint on I10 at Segovia a few weeks ago heading to my place SW of Sonora. Freakin sucks especially after we went through anthrax 2 years ago. Hing it is isolated
  15. Several years ago I took my 24’ hi-lo to mustang island. Problem was we first went down PINS a few miles for the hell of it where someone produced a marijuana cigarette. Trying to back that RV into a space an hour later was comical and embarrassing. Lay off the ganja before backing
  16. Watching the aggy and bama use of tight ends is sickening.
  17. Maybe this fuckin country isn’t doomed after all
  18. Yeah it’s really ridiculous. Think those guys aren’t eating and traveling together? Nothing but optics
  19. Definitely bad ass, dude must have 4 different brains. Hell maybe 5, might be playing something with his dick.
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