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Everything posted by Cajun

  1. I eschew such temptations.
  2. I'm on my 5th Pei and, thankfully, no skin problems yet. But snoring, snorting, Tasmanian Devil sounds? Yeah. But for me it's like living next to train tracks -once you're used to it it's hard to sleep without the sounds. And on the subject of sweetness/cuddlebuggery, I'll co-sign your comments.
  3. PSA - if you can't find Magic Mushrooms I highly recommend picking up some melted Shar Pei as a stopgap alternative...
  4. Jeebus, that was tough to read. God I love dogs.
  5. Pierce is done. What a fail.
  6. Cajun

    Pink Floyd

    This just can’t fall off page 1, so enjoy some God speaking through metal strings—
  7. I have one of these in the back of my Polaris. Not enough for his 55 acres, but I figure I can keep the dove hunting spots I had cleared at bay for awhile with your suggested witches brews…
  8. THAT is the specificity I was looking for. Gracias!
  9. Well, I would assume he's aware, but I'll gently lay this 411 on him. Maybe he's just settled on having the Caterpillar guy on speed dial.
  10. My best pal, Kona (Shar Pei), of 11 years had a full-blown Fred Sanford (I'm comin' Elizabeth) massive heart attack and died in my arms a couple of weeks ago. I didn't sleep for a week because she was next to me every night snoring in the way that only Shar Peis do. My daughters rallied around and found a 8 week old brindle Pei up in Arkansas and the minute I saw her pic on the breeder's FB page I knew what I had to do. So help me wish Kona (pic 1) the best of fortune on her journey over the rainbow bridge and welcome to the Surly doggo family Nina (pic 2 & 3)...
  11. Help a no-nothing here out ~ What do y'all spray the mesquite remnants with? I don't think my cousin sprayed shit, but he had all that cleared area hit with a disc, then plowed, and then had grass seed planted. Is he going to get a nasty surprise soon?
  12. Sheeeiiit, reading these percentage "full" levels of Travis and others on this thread keeps me from slitting my wrists over Canyon being down to an all-time low of 59%. C'mon floods, do your thing! I wanna see Guadalupe River houses floating off the beach in Port A damnit!
  13. To use their terminology it’s fucking cringe as all fuck. So are the straight brimmed ball caps. GET OFF MY LAWN!!!
  14. Might as well bring Pronghorn and RoostaMan into this discussion. 😉
  15. You have to call it. I can't call it for you...
  16. The dreaded blinking envelope of DEATH!
  17. Shit, and I thought it was serious business over on the "Women over 40" thread when I said Eva Longoria was average w/o make-up, but this? This is something on a level I never imagined.
  18. ^^THAT is a mf'er I could hang out with right there.
  19. C'mon BL, scrub down that vinyl. Murder Hornet deserves better!
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