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Posts posted by staboner

  1. 35 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    You are right, I had similar thoughts. It was ridiculous and hilarious to laugh at their derangement syndrome and conspiracy theories. You are the purse chihuahua heads to their tails; the flip side of the coin. 

    Good luck out there, it's a scary world for little guys.

    you sure post like a fucking prick

    • Like 1
  2. re: AB quote. I don't find any of this difficult

    i don't give a shit who you are just follow the guiding American principles. Fight for the disadvantaged, belief in capitalism and the inherent good that it brings, and do not discriminate against ANYONE. do what is fair and fight corruption everywhere. 

    Not complicated. everyone gets wrapped up so much other BS. the "people we aren't listening to" are often severely violating something above ^^. And when they do they get called out.

    the elitist liberal whatever and the right wing nutjob are constructs which are killing this society. the seldom actually exist but we are all afraid of them and therefore direct our longwinded BS language at them when we try to communicate. see the last statement from AB - "The self-congratulatory tone of the privileged left—just repeating and repeating and repeating the outrages of the opposition—this does not win hearts and minds. It doesn't change anyone's opinions. It only solidifies them, and makes things worse for all of us. We should be breaking bread with each other, and finding common ground whenever possible." - Anthony Bourdain"

    He is part of the problem with this statement. he is perpetuating a boogeyman that for the most part is the minority. don't address them AB. you are, sorry were, part of the problem. 


  3. 1 hour ago, Nivek said:

    I was talking with a Trump supporter who is wavering but still trying to stay committed with the help of her friends/family.    She is upset at the Philly Eagles and supports Trump on the Anthem issue and disrespecting the troops.  I told her it was a troop, who came up with the idea and furthermore none of the Eagles took a knee.  Still she just doesn't like what they did.     No amount of facts, logic, reason, or understanding will change it.  There can be a video tape of Trump with his passport raping a little boy and urinating on a statue of Jesus wrapped in a burning American flag while they sing the Russian National Anthem and they will still love him.       

    i keep telling ya'll all that matters is the divide. the people/ideals/issues don't mean a thing right now. that is a civil war my friends

  4. Just now, Brisketexan said:

    I hope for that to.

    But I'm not dumb enough to bet on it.

    same here, i hope it brings light the people of NK and light to the plight they are enduring. but i ain't betting on it

    if we keep them hunkered down to themselves then i also think we keep the people's suffering out of our mind too. 

    so i am hoping for fucking something.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Caracara said:

    There's a never-trump argument for any eventuality. Watching CNN, in a span of 20 minutes I heard your argument, and then heard that if Trump "scuttles the deal" after dear-leader acted in good faith, releasing hostages, shutting nuke facilities, etc... Trump blew it.

    MSM has told you that the status quo is good. Anything Trump does is bad.  It is a small box to operate from, but many are crowded into it..  I hope millions of Koreans have a better life as a result of this summit, and the region is more peaceful.

    the media sucks for everyone son. stop posting decades old butthurt. we all know it. go the thread that bitches about the media

    i am prob in the minority here but i think having the meeting is a plus. if it actually happens and neither one of the unstables does/says something stupid. i don't think its about legitimacy as much as its about bringing them into the global public eye. and hopefully enabling conversation and common ground so NK doesn't hunker back down, eat bark, kill citizens and build more nukes. prob idealistic and giving trump some element of trust, but i still think its better than doing nothing and letting the status quo get more stale by the day.

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  6. 15 minutes ago, SubliminalHorn said:

    This is exactly what Bill Maher talked about in his closing segment on his show. He takes about how liberals constantly pat themselves on the back with epic burns at awards shows and that they leave bad yelp reviews for conservatives, etc rather than fight back at the voting booths or constantly highlighting everything wrong that is happening. The GOP are masters at this and that’s why they keep winning where it matters. Liberals are content with winning cultural wars, not at the polls. 

    just a general comment here

    the people getting ugly back - Bee and now homeboy here - just looks stupid. I don't think acting like child and being profane is the right way forward.

    your point is a good one. 

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  7. so uh trump and kim bout to meet in the Pore. wtf? i guess i haven't being paying attention much lately but i for sure thought this was never going to happen

    my monday just woke up is


  8. just anything else, shit fails

    we have a large population that is refusing to get with the world. other countries have this same problem too obviously, but some places (China, India, parts of Europe) will get with it - either because they have to (China), they want to (India), or that believe its best (Europe) and they will embrace globalism as it comes. its always coming no matter what the somewheres say. 

    America has plenty of people that want to be there too - but we are held back by a polluted government system, selfishness as a country motto and citizens that refuse to accept who they/we are. Protectionism will rule the day

    the reason we are asking questions liek the OP says is really telling. there are no answers because there is likely only war left. shit some would say we have been living it for some decade or two already. just hope for no nukes my Gs. 

    also the internet and disinformation - mixed with a population too insecure to get over it - will never allow a global world leader. our existing institutions will work to hold that person back. 

    • Like 2
  9. 6 hours ago, slorch said:

    The Bible doesn't matter now.  Y'all say so incessantly.

    This is way out of line...unpossible, even.  You must destroy all dissent.  Conform or be cast out.

    Liberalism is the religion of tolerance... until it isn't.

    horseshit. you either love all people or you don't. 

    intolerance of the intolerant. not this shit again man. 

  10. 28 minutes ago, Gardner Barnes said:

    I am lucky that I get to travel for work.  I explored (and will continue to explore) parts of cities I would have never entered 15 years ago.  


    I am convinced that the explosion and acceptance of more ethnic foods and the search for culinary authenticity is largely a result of Bourdain's influence.  Andy Ricker, Roy Choi, David Chang..the list goes on and on

       Not to mention the TV guys like Zimmern, Ripert, Costintino, even Tesar all owe Bordain a HUGE amount of credit for where and who they are.  Hell, FlavorTown owes him a HUGE debt of gratitude for the press alone.

    Just trying too capture his influence on food and travel, and his influence on me is hard to put in words.  I kind of feel like I lost my guide.  As soon as our kids are out of the house my wife and I are going to vagabond it around world capitals for 10-15 years.  Largely because of how small I realized our worldview was based on some of Bourdains work.



    I read he was found by Ripert.  That just fucking sucks man.

    I appreciate your comments here quite a bit. I was very fortunate to basically be a child of two immigrants and therefore was raised traveling. Later in my life I realized the importance of those experiences and maintain to this day that traveling is my number one passion. I also believe that it is thee best way to get educated on just about anything. It is the best learning. It is the best window into yourself and into others. 

    I am even trying to figure out how to do more volunteer work re: traveling. Not where I travel (to do it), but I spend my $ and/or time promoting traveling as a primary education tool for people who don't have access to it, or don't currently value it. If you see anything along those lines hit me up. I will do the same. 

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  11. 1 minute ago, Orca of Peace said:

    thanks AB for leading us in travels and cultural discovery all over the world. You were a Uniter of humanity. What a dream job as others have stated. The world is much poorer without him. 

    my feelings exactly, except that the world is now much richer because of him.

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  12. 1 hour ago, RPM said:

    Fucking tragic. He had the dream job of dream jobs and all the money and perks that went with it. Still didn't silence those demons.Cook free or die.

    my two cents

    1) happiness is always relative. its not about what you have , but where you are going (or not going)

    2) we tend to think of drug abuse in the moment only. see heroin relapse comments up thread. i firmly believe drug issues cause lifelong mental problems and can lead to serious depression even when cold turkey. we don't have the science (at least i don't think so) that fully supports that, but thats my feeling. could be clean for 30 years and his brain was scrambled a bit more than most due to heavy coke us. 

    RIP. had my dream job. i will not judge. thanks to him for making this world a much better place. 

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  13. On 6/4/2018 at 3:55 PM, PRONG HORN said:

    June 4




    this always gets to me. i remember seeing it on TV when it happened. i remember my parents being glued to the TV and just being silent. i remember the stillness in the room when the video played on the news. i was what, 12 years old or so. man. one of the defining moments of the 20th century. picture absolutely gets me every time. 

  14. 2 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    The idea that preparation for a summit with a foreign adversary is being played out in part (or perhaps exclusively) in the media is absolutely terrifying.

    I am not kidding when I say this . . . my son and his soon-to-be-9th-grade buddies could handle this better.  I'm serious.

    well lets see - fat, loser child leader of hermit country versus spoiled rich sociopath from worlds largest crumbling empire

    what could go right!?

    you know what the rest of the world is thinking

  15. 22 hours ago, David Dennison said:

    The only reason this is an issue is because Colin Kaepernick had the audacity to be black. If I white player had started doing this for any reason whatsoever, the White House wouldn't have said a word.

    Our president is a racist and the people who support him politically support racism.

    actually i don't think trump is racist. he is just selfish and doesn't care about inequality

    the distinction is all over this thread actually. 

    people are yelling "racist" and then others (like slorch) yell "race baiting". really you are both at fault and both talking past each other

    issue is inequality. some people care about it (most of us) some people don't (slorches). 

    what is important is that we have parts of our society treated different than other parts. and i love that NFL players are trying to shed light on that. its a wonderful protest really, too bad they will just get bought out (they get paid shitloads) and it will eventually wash away. unless our dumbass president keeps trying to further divide, which as i type, yeah, thats his MO

  16. 41 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    Trump pisses on our living room rug daily and Tahoe gets offended when we have the audacity to notice it.  The word gracious and Donald Trump do not belong in the same sentence.  He is a disgrace to the office and does not deserve an ounce of respect from anyone because he has done nothing to earn it.

    still baffled why anyone takes Tahoe seriously

    • Like 6
  17. 8 minutes ago, troph said:

    having to ask yourself before you walk in the door of an establishment - is this a place I can go and purchase goods or services if they know who I am or who I love is a shitty way to have to walk through life.  being refused service because you're gay or trans or queer or whatever has to be humiliating and infuriating.  until hobby lobby, it was well settled law that "because I think they are sinners" wasn't a vaild legal reason to refuse service to someone when you are otherwise open to the public.  I know all the straight white men on here think this is no big deal.  but damn, I think about it all the time, especially on bathrooms, but same goes for buying goods and services.  it's both not a big deal and it's also a really big deal all at the same time.  but then so is sitting in the back of the bus versus the front.  so yeah, it's the same thing to those of us on the wrong side of these sincerely held religious beliefs. 

    yeah i find the religious freedom angle here to be really frightening. 

  18. 1 minute ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The idea that the president can be his own judge and jury with a pardon for himself seems like it is directly opposed to what the founding fathers intended.

    statement only matters to people of party opposite to president in question

    ergo nothing matters


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