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Posts posted by staboner

  1. 22 minutes ago, Jograves said:

    Wish they'd give it a break with interviewing these kids. They're obviously scared. 

     yeah its bad.

    1.5 hours after the incident occurred a news 11 reporter asks a crying girl. "i know this may be early, but what is next for you? for this school? for this community?". LMAO. 

    sucks to hear of multiple fatalities. very sad. poor kids and teachers in America are going to have PTSD from this. really. i can't imagine this isn't just leaving a huge emotional set of problems on anyone who is in a school as a student or teacher

  2. 11 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    Probably Russian trolls and the NRA pushing this narrative.  I’m being partially snarky but nowadays who the fuck knows.  

    i listened to the March 2018 Radio Lab podcast on the russian everything. reviewed and interviewed parties from a "fake" set of protests in florida. holy shit. great idea on their part (the russians) and man the americans that were involved. yikes. 

    so yes, who the hell knows what and where anything is coming from. americans are so thirsty to have their hatefilled views reinforced at every corner. i can't imagine we are that hard to dupe 

  3. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Are any of you going to actually process the intent of Hank's post?

    We don't have bums in our town, Jimmy, and if we did they wouldn't rush, they'd be allowed to go at their own pace


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  4. 10 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    Nobody who actually watched last year’s Finals could ever believe this. They lost without him, then they won with him while he won Finals MVP and hit the series-clinching three, and tour take is that “his team won it for him”. What?



    this gif is fucking amazing

  5. if you, your wife, or the to be child like scotch - the Whiskey L&B is probably my favorite bar in the world.  https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g188590-d6454641-Reviews-Whiskycafe_L_B-Amsterdam_North_Holland_Province.html

    museums of course. they are good.

    food is weird in AMS. the good food will not be anywhere near the red light district. but the bar scene is great. recommendation - DO NOT eat at any of the million Argentinian steakhouses. 

    music is great here. i am sure you can find a calendar of sorts online and do some searches for live music, festivals, etc for the time you are there. 


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  6. 10 hours ago, Washpark said:

    Are evangelicals just now code word for white nationalists? Given the complete abandonment of their principles to justify their support of Trump, I wonder what is really behind this voting coherent.  

    I grew up in small town America where Christianity was rule of law but never met a true evangelical so don’t understand if this group actually exist outside of politics. 

    is it interesting that they support Trump? 

    IMO evangelicals are just like the rest of America. Holding their nose when it benefits them. They aren't something different to me at all - except for the one small thing about wishing for the end of times. thats the scary part.

    i'll say this a million times. give everyone a seat at the table. bring everyone to the debate. let them air their visions in public. that would really let us find common ground and also give the weird cliques in our society a chance to show themselves in public. 

    some day....


  7. 7 minutes ago, Storm the Field said:

    Payne going with the "I didn't hear that despicable remark b/c my producers were talking in my earpiece, but if I had, I totally would have called him out on it."


    sounds like he has what it takes to run for office


  8. 4 minutes ago, kevwun said:

    Decorated pilot, POW for 5 years and longtime Senator who is currently dying of cancer.  Still they'll throw him right under the bus in the name of Trump without blinking.

    yeah that was rough to listen to 

  9. Interesting to see not many votes for "no guiding light or ideology".  I guess thats me

    On my part thats not at all apathetic, but rather simply understanding that humans will eventually corrupt everything. All I see (now, and for the last 20 years) is the need for change. I am sure given my adult years are 1995 and onwards - that probably makes me a big jaded with any ideology. 

    I would say the right way to have governance is to be a fiscal conservative and to be socially liberal. But I don't see that on the choices there. Maybe Libertarian-ism is teh closest, but too many bat shit crazies in that dimension for me to claim that one. 

    Interesting poll. Love the history. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Anastasis said:


    Let me try, let me try.  It's the same process as making low enriched uranium, but is easier. 


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  11. 1 hour ago, dieucla98 said:

    I saw Balcones has a Rye Whiskey out and it was $37 so I figured what the hell, I'll give it a shot for my OFs.

    Holy hell, that rye does not work. It's 100% more like a scotch than a bourbon or rye. Flavors are completely off. Would not recommend. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with that bottle now... 

    i had the same problem man. 

    i went with old fashioneds myself to use it. it doesn't work at all in a manhattan or a sazaerac. at least in an OF you can control the bitter/sugar environment around it. 

    but yeah, the more i drank of it the more i didn't like it

  12. 20 minutes ago, elnimo said:

    Get ready to be disappointed.  His echo chamber is full of war hawks.  Bolton's Iraq playbook is being followed to the T.  We will be in a war shortly.  Israel will start it and we will be forced to finish it. 

    thats my fear

    16 minutes ago, Caracara said:

    I think Bolton was brought in for his rep, to play bad-cop, talk tough and paint doomsday scenarios.

    problem is we have elected officials and people who put them there wanting doomsday

    the lack of radiation on my skin today is zesty my friends. very zesty. but man i am not liking this shit at all today with iran

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  13. 2 hours ago, Fozzz said:

    imo, accumulation is simply how capitalism tends to work when not working through some major crisis.  Where would we be today had it not been for the leveling effect that the great depression and WWII had on this country?  

    don't forget teddy and busting up the steel monopolies

    funny how we need a leveling but we are always just too stupid to do it ourselves

    oh well, humans gonna human

  14. 16 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Jesus would be roundly loathed and reviled by GOP “Christians.” Dirty middle eastern hippie troublemaker.

    its amazing how the different interests have all landed. i guess with such a free, prosperous country you get lots of factions. and with 2 parties whoring out to everyone to get a vote - you end up with Jesus holding a fucking uzi

    again, i give you bill's version


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  15. 54 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    this is an extremely thoughtful post, and underlines sort of where i am at with republicans. the old saying goes "the older you get, the more conservative positions you'll take." i've found the opposite, as i used to identify far more with republicans. 

    but nihilism is a good way to point out what's going on with the power structure in this country. as well as the "real, deep-seeded hatred" of the poor. being poor sucks. people act like it's lobster and iphones. it's not. it sucks.

    conservative politics don't exist. i have certainly trended to much more conservative policies in certain ways now that i am older. so to your point - that shit happens and its natural.

    but we don't even have conservative policies. we don't even fucking have policies. we have a fake culture war with all kinds of odd bedfellows making a go at it. its awful. 

    posters like *redacted because i am not trying to pick a fight here* are all conservative posters that i have back and forth with over the years. they hide behind their hatred of the democratic machine as a way to support a deathwish like trump. they were their conservative nametags while do this - which is just BS. 

    then you have Tahoe who is so goddamn malleable he would try to sell you goose stepping as a form of civil disobedience so long as the R in the office is with it. that mindset is frightening. tahoe sold out a long time ago. tahoe over country. 

    then you have moderate conservatives - i would argue lots of posters here - that are simply holding their hands out going WTF world. this is my adulthood? really!?

    i would say i am a moderate liberal with a bend towards ensuring a smallish government as a way to keep this BS from happening in the first place. i got nothing.

    beautiful day out my Gs. hope the googles work today


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  16. 59 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    I don't think I agree with this.  

    I say this as a former conservative myself--and I say "former" only because I don't think conservatism in any coherent form exists anymore--conservatives never adhered to the nihilism that  distinguishes Trumpism.  And I think it is rooted in the newfound and astonishing rapaciousness of many of the very rich in this country.  That's a new development; it's a characteristic unique to the baby-boomer generation.  This concept of "I'm going to get everything I can and fuck everyone else"--we haven't seen that before.

    It used to be that there was a sense of noblesse oblige among the insanely rich.  Sure--to some degree it was patronizing and patriarchal.  But at the same time, it resulted in private philanthropy that built hospitals and schools.  It resulted in a governmental structure that funded the government from the people with sufficient funds for the purpose.  There's still some of that around with people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, but they're outnumbered now by the likes of the Mercers and most of the Waltons.

    And I'm not going to tell you that it was purely a noblesse oblige brought of altruism.  It came from a peculiarly American idea that people of merit could rise above the station of their birth through talent and hard work.  And that through the rise of such people, the entire society is benefited--especially the rich who might benefit from their talent and hard work in the course of their rise.  

    That sense informed conservatism for more than a century.  Conservatives supported policies that encouraged work and furthered a meritocracy, and they disapproved of policies that disincentivized work (e.g., certain welfare programs) and undermined merit-based advancement (e.g., certain affirmative-action programs).  Yeah--there was the support of "liberty" that is peculiar to that class that has the time and money to enjoy the fruits of "liberty" if the government would just ignore your eccentric behavior.  And yeah--there was a loathing of anything that had the whiff of socialism.  But there was also a recognition that society had to be governed by certain norms, and that the poor needed a hand up from the government in order to be in a position to advance (though programs such as public education).

    What's unique and different about Trumpism is that all of that is gone.  It has been replaced with a morality of absolute solipsism among our upper class.  Steal everything you can now before you die, because who cares what happens after that?  And to get away with that, they have imbued the society with a sort of nihilism that tells people that nothing is really true; nothing is really right; nothing is really false; nothing is really wrong; nothing is really real.

    And ultimately, there is a real and abiding loathing of the poor.  Real, deep-seeded hatred.  I don't get it.  I'll never understand it.  But it's there.

    And somehow, notwithstanding that, they've gotten people who they would regard as "poor" to adopt their nihilism, to their own detriment.  So yeah--cancel all the programs that keep you from crippling poverty, all so that a rich guy in Manhattan can have a few million more.  And don't worry about the debt--that rich guy will be dead long before it's a real problem.

    Yeah--none of that is consistent with conservatism; at least not the conservatism I grew up with under Reagan and Bush.  It's more the conservatism of the early 20th Century Russian aristocracy.

    just hope that its the bottom of the American experiment and not taking us there. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Hank Scorpio said:

    One thing is for sure, cutting taxes for the uber wealthy, slashing social safety net programs, rabid hard-line immigration policies, and going to war with Iran are NOT and HAVE NOT ever been a part of the mainstream Republican platform. This is all new and comes from Trump because he is not a Republican. The GOP never advocated such extreme positions before Trump. Yep. All Trump. 

    yes, sarcasm aside. its been a republican platform forever now. the way its discussed and executed has change, but same same. 

    Trump is just the best at getting the have nots to get behind it, thats the problem. along with some haves who simply have forgotten how to perceive correctly. its frightening

  18. i can't imagine a world that humans don't blow up with nukes. its just in our nature to destroy shit. i can't see a war breaking out and then no one using the best shit to combat it

    lets see what bill has to say on the issue


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