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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. Brady can be quite the shithead but this is pretty magnanimous
  2. Jesus Deej, spoiler that shit
  3. Oh man. It’s on. She done fucked with big dildo and big butt plug.
  4. As it has always been, better bread and circuses. The stupid can be rendered docile with shiny objects
  5. So I’m watching Cobra Kai and still irritated that I got negged for celebrating the release of an American stoner from a Russian prison. I like weed. I like basketball. I like America. I even fought for America. Why is this a bad thing that she got sprung? Then it occurred to me. Some of y’all just got beat at the All Valley. Didn’t turn out like your Orange Sensei tricked you into believing. It’s ok y’all. There is a whole new thread about fucking yourself in ipihb. So skiddle skaddle on over and suck your own dick. Mother fuckers throwing fire on joy. Be better. Gott damn.
  6. Got to live test a new longer range drone on something. Right? Site was likely chosen based on some qualities that made observation of effect easy. Clear satellite view of airfields, no trees etc.
  7. That’s a hell of a thread title update. Love it Thank you Georgia voters. Or just over half of you
  8. Your link is wonky. Here ya go https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/12/07/trump-tower-bedminster-records-search/
  9. Ouch. They worked so hard on D and then turn it over
  10. I tuned in at half time. You can thank me for the change of fortune
  11. Some kind of “today we are all hunter Biden’s dick” ?
  12. Maybe there is something to this “attacking” thing
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