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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by NAVY

  1. More anti-crustacean rhetoric from fox
  2. Yeah although Lincoln Riley and USC fucked OU in the ass. So the assfucker of those cock suckers is my friend or something like that
  3. Creighton? Never heard of her hook em also fuck those refs
  4. Is this a fancy way of saying we’re going to read the report? assholes
  5. Great Satan wins great Satan wins great Satan wins !!!!!!!!
  6. There is no anxiety like soccer anxiety
  7. Ayatollah will now release the volcano aligátor death hammer
  8. NAVY

    Getting old sucks

    I spit my drink out. lol thanks
  9. Fucking Russians mucking about for something they can conquer. nb4 Russia starts yammering that Belarus was the real target all along
  10. Scanning the stands, some fat Floridians clap two arms together while other fat Floridians signal preferences with a single arm
  11. Lol. Good luck with putting the devil’s mark on Jesus ball
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