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Everything posted by bullet

  1. I like getting the committee out of it as much as possible. That's why we need guaranteed slots for at least 5 and maybe 6 conference champs.
  2. So did Art Briles rape your sister? Or you? You have an irrational hatred of Baylor. Maybe you should read up on Sandusky raping children for at least 13 years unconstrained at Penn St. Art Briles was only at Baylor for 7 years. I guess you are totally incapable of reading. You made the stupid claim even for Surly that nobody in the Big 10 was as bad as Baylor. Well at least two schools were. I never said everyone was as bad as Baylor. Just that other schools had problems and two schools in the pristine Big 10, yes, were absolutely as bad as Baylor. And after Sandusky, Penn St. hired the guy who tried to cover up a rape by football players at Vanderbilt. PSU is totally tone deaf. Baylor is not the reason we left the Big 12. There have been scandals in the SEC as well. Recruiting was the reason we moved.
  3. You should have stopped while you simply looked biased, not ridiculous. You can't even look up Wikipedia? Try Baylor and Scandal. Sandusky and Scandal. Michigan St. and Scandal. Baylor is not the only school to have turned a blind eye to sexual assault issues. Florida St., Missouri and Notre Dame have similar stories on a single victim.
  4. https://247sports.com/college/arizona/article/pac-12-propoganda-and-inside-story-failed-media-deal-214257173/ Scheer's retrospective. "...Meanwhile, Arizona president Robert C. Robbins had already made up his mind. Colorado going to the Big 12 was one of the worst kept secrets in college athletics. If George Kliavkoff did not know that the Buffs were leaving the conference, he deserved to be fired on the spot. Most schools were operating under the belief that Colorado was gone and it was just a matter of time. Arizona may not have been at that level, but the administration was planning the departure for longer than any of the remaining schools. The idea that Robbins deserved an Oscar or was openly telling people he was staying is something that nobody would confirm to us, likely because it was not true. Our source was consistent with its messaging for months: “Everything is on track.” Those four words indicated that a Big 12 move was the plan unless the Pac-12 came back with some remarkable numbers. We do acknowledge that Crow tried to ruin the entire thing, though Robbins was planning to go without ASU and ask for forgiveness later if he had to. At the Arizona Board of Regents meeting on August 4, sources that were in the room said that Crow was “embarrassing” in his behavior. At that point there were multiple people in the ASU Athletic Department that recognized the need to move to the Big 12, but convincing Crow was a completely different animal. Arizona left the meeting with the belief that it would still wind up in the Big 12, but Crow had not done the Wildcats any favors. The following day was the craziest day of the realignment process. We reported earlier that week that Oregon and Washington already had their invitations to the Big 10 and were ready to accept them. There was going to be one more meeting on that Friday morning and schools would show up out of professional courtesy and all the moves would be made...."
  5. Miami just got admitted to the AAU, so that trumps NCSU.
  6. Uh, everyone at Penn St. knew Sandusky was a problem in 2001. Some knew in 1998. It wasn't until 2011 that it came out. Baylor only took about 4 years to come out. Not to excuse Baylor, but Penn St. and Michigan St. (2011 notification by government, fired Nassar in 2016) were every bit as bad in their coverups if not worse.
  7. Again, you have to look at student fees as well. U of H is 8.5 million. UTSA is about $14 million and Texas St. is $19 million.
  8. JMU and ODU have massive student fees. JMU is $45 million. ODU is $31 million. WSU has 1.28 million in student fees along with $14 million in institutional support.
  9. That's historically been the number "truly" in the top division. When the CFA existed, it had 63-66 schools while the Big 10/Pac 10 alliance had 20. Some independents and Big West and MAC were left out. When they set up tiered voting rights in the 90s, the Big West and MAC with their 20 schools got 1 vote each while the 85 in the other conferences got 3 votes for their conferences. CUSA and WAC had the 3 votes (until the WAC split into MWC and WAC).
  10. Louisville has a sweetheart deal with their arena, so they punch above their weight in revenue.
  11. That's the advantage Ohio St and Michigan and SEC teams have. And only Ohio St., Michigan, USC and SEC teams make it to the semi-finals.
  12. 61,000 in 2018 is pretty good (BTW it was just less-about 58k in 2017). There are only 23 schools that have averaged over 60k for the last 4 years and only ND, Clemson, FSU and Virginia Tech are not in the P2.
  13. Maybe those fans were generating revenue ordering beer?! They drew 55,000 last year, 44,000 the year before that, 53,000 in 2019, and 61,000 in 2018. They were as bad as 28k in 1997, but as good as just under 70k in 2002.
  14. I just don't think they would go down to 40. More likely is Prestige Worldwide with 12-16 schools and other conferences with another 50 or so.
  15. People follow Miami when they win. They draw close to 70k in their good seasons. Now in their bad seasons, they may be in the 20s. They are like UofH, stuck in a pro sports market without a large diehard fan base.
  16. While true, the Big 10 is much more aligned as institutions. Except for Northwestern, USC and Oregon, they are all highly rated Enormous state research universities. There's a huge difference between Texas and Florida relative to Arkansas, LSU and the Mississippi schools.
  17. https://www.si.com/college/2023/08/11/stanford-cal-acc-unlikely-future-unclear-pac-12 SI confirms Auerbach's story. 11-4. One vote from jumping the shark. "...The two members of the disintegrating Pac-12 need 12 of the 15 members of the ACC to support their move. Four schools stood opposed when the issue was discussed Wednesday night, sources say: Florida State, Clemson, North Carolina and North Carolina State. Lacking the requisite numbers, sources say it is unlikely that the potential expansion of the league will be put to a formal vote. Sources described ACC members Notre Dame, Pittsburgh, Georgia Tech and Louisville as among the most vocal in advocating for the Cardinal and Golden Bears to join the league. ACC commissioner Jim Phillips has been leading the discussion, presenting financial and scheduling scenarios to the league members. In explaining his advocacy for Cal and Stanford this week, Notre Dame athletic director Jack Swarbrick told ESPN, “The notion that two of the very best academic institutions in the world who also play [Division I] sports could be abandoned in this latest chapter of realignment is an indictment of college athletics....” What about Rice, Jack?
  18. Maybe, but that $30 million story is from Canzano and seems to be a Kliavcoff planted story to shift the blame to the presidents.
  19. Did you go to a Big 10 school? I count 11!
  20. Why would you need to merge? Just do a joint TV contract.
  21. Well the Big 10 and SEC aren't going to get in the middle of the GOR fight, but they might have given them a wink, wink, nod, nod.
  22. Stetson Bennet has transferred to UTSA?!
  23. Rice had benches that could give you splinters. At Cal they were literally broken with the jagged wood edges from each half exposed.
  24. I was there around 2000. Went in and watched a practice. Place was scary. Broken benches everywhere. Unreal.
  25. If not 2024, then by 2026 its down to an A4. Whether they reload or merge, that conference will be a G conference.
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