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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UpperWestside

  1. 31 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    When you’re making that much money, you can afford pretty much any house anywhere.  And I would take a $50mil house in Bel Air than a $50 mil house in Houston.  

    I will just have to drive by them. Yes to Bel-Air though! Doesn’t seem to be Ohtani’s speed, but who knows. I gotta see him play at Chavez Ravine now though. Saw him several times in The Bronx. The first match-up with Masahiro Tanaka was incredible to watch a few years back.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. 15 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    When you’re making that much money, you can afford pretty much any house anywhere.  And I would take a $50mil house in Bel Air than a $50 mil house in Houston.  

    With this money he can buy a small archipelago and start his own country.

  3. 1 hour ago, formermav43 said:

    You might consider the irony of acting as a gatekeeper for how people should properly follow a sport while simultaneously deriding others as killjoys. 

    You are a sad human being. I feel for you.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Helobious said:

    Do you think the dodgers care more about the revenue he generates or his production?

    Teams that want to win will pay what it takes to do so. You know the Dodgers care not one iota about what they are paying Ohtani. I honestly feel kinda sad for the killjoys that have spent the last 24 hours deriding this deal and focusing on stuff that does not matter to the Dodgers or any team trying to win. The analytics people that do their best to turn off fans to the sport will spend the rest of the winter mired in negativity about this deal when it’s neither their money nor their team. 

    If Ohtani had asked for 80 million the Dodgers would have signed up for him. Some teams are trying to win. It does not always work out that spending gets titles (Exhibit A in The Bronx right now), but I will never give a team the business for paying for the best players. Good on LA for doing this. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 29 minutes ago, oh_snap said:

    Remind me, does WAR include jersey sales and revenue from broadcast rights in Japan?

    Yes. All of it. WAR includes anything and everything about the sport. He’ll have a WAR so high it’ll never be matched and it’ll make this contract a mere pittance. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Sbbruin said:


    So does this mean I can say he can have a smaller WAR since he’ll be only getting a paltry sum of 45-50 million with the deferred payments? I just want to make sure his contract is in line with his WAR because that is all that really matters. Gotta make sure he is not vastly overpaid.


  7. 26 minutes ago, FartingMonk said:

    It's crazy.  Ohtani is at 70 mil a year.  The entire Oakland As roster is pay 43 million a year.  That's 27 million  a year more than an entire MLB roster.

    Which has been purposely deflated down to that team salary because the owner wanted to get to Vegas.The Dodgers should not have to share revenue with a team like Oakland who has that payroll on purpose. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Drool 1
  8. 7 minutes ago, Ignatius said:

    Just don’t have enough depth at WR…every throw is into tight coverage, nobody getting open.

    The one thing that the Jets do excel at is their secondary. The rest of it not so much. Putting a rookie against Gardner is not a good time for Stroud.

  9. 33 minutes ago, slorch said:

    wind is expected to increase from 4MPH to 40-ish sometime before the 2nd half ends.

    Sounds  fun!

    The weather here today is a complete mess. I’ve been in that stadium before and when the wind picks up just forget about hoping for anything resembling football.

  10. 44 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    We can shut the season down now.  Champ js crowned.

    Lakers: 1 NBA Cup

    Rest of the league: 0

    Monumental moment for a franchise that has had so very little to celebrate over its history. Might want to head over to Figueroa tomorrow for the parade celebrating this title!

    • Hook 'Em 1
  11. Two hours to go before the crowning achievement of Lebron’s career takes place. I know all of you are just as excited as I am to skip/ignore/forget about this before you go to sleep as I am!

  12. Just now, Helobious said:

    “I already have enough money” said no human being ever. 

    Get what you can while you can do it. What a position to be in as an athlete to collect the pay he will be getting. I’m happy for him and anyone else that gets paid like this. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    He couldn’t have. He also deferred more than half his salary. So he’s not even worth 700M. Look dude- baseball has a very very very clear way of valuation. We know when production is overpaid and we know when it’s underpaid. It’s incredibly likely he doesn’t hit as many WAR as dollars he collects. Like- really really likely he has leas than 75 or so WAR over the next 10 years. 

    He could have, but since you are the preeminent message board decider of what a player is worth I am just not going to argue with you. It’s pointless to engage further with someone who ties WAR to what a team wants to pay. A team is free to pay whatever they want to whomever they want for however many years they want.

    Not worth 70 million because he deferred payments. Honest to goodness that is comedy gold level stuff.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Like 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Does he really make that much off the field in the USA? I've seen one New Balance commercial and he has always seemed super private (which is absolutely his prerogative).

    This contract is such a huge amount of money if I were Ohtani one of my first thoughts would be that I never have to be in a commercial again.

    The crush of media from Japan will probably make the Ichiro following of Japanese media  look small in comparison. Companies will throw money at him here and back home. It’s up to him to decide how much he wants and if the time spent doing it is worth it to him personally. 70 million sounds awesome to me, but I am not and never will be in a position to make 9 figures a year like Ohtani can.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    He’s not worth more than 700M as a player dude. It’s probably fair value. If he comes back and pitches well. It’s a comical overpay if that part of his career is done.  

    He is absolutely worth more than that once he starts pitching again in 2025. He is pretty much worth whatever the market says he is worth though and this year it has this as his price. 70 million is nice, but he could’ve gotten more if he really wanted to dig in his heels for a bigger payday. I want to see guys get paid whatever they can take away from an owner. The more for them the merrier.

  16. 6 minutes ago, formermav43 said:

    Maybe they’ll even make it past the division series this year! 

    Look anything past May for him is good on the meaningful games side. The Angels were like the Mets of the West Coast. They are there, but does anyone really care?

  17. Good for Ohtani! This is a landmark contract in North American pro sports, especially for a foreign born athlete. Now he gets to finally play in meaningful games and gets paid like he should. I think he is worth far more as a player, but with the endorsements he’ll be racking up here as well as back home he is easily going to be pulling down well over 100m a year. It’s hard not to like him as a player and he seems like a pretty cool person when he’s not playing ball.

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