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Posts posted by Texaspython

  1. 2 minutes ago, Enchubben said:

    You may disagree, which is fine, but it was a tax cut for everyone not just the rich. So yea, I like money, and I’d like others to have money too. And I’d especially like it if the government stopped taking it from people at increasing rates to spend it on stupid shit or to give handouts. 

    If that makes me greedy, ok.

    More likely, misinformed. 

  2. 1 minute ago, DonkeyCigars said:

    I thought I might not vote for Trump and had vaguely, sort of wishy-washily built up some mental justifications and a case for not doing so over the past few weeks in anticipation of it being crisis of self, but when it came down to the actual ballot and myself staring down that barrel, I reverted back to what was comfortable and easier for me to do (both socially/culturally and politically) and I voted for Trump again.

    I don't know if I have kept my integrity or if I am a coward. Probably equal parts both, ammirite?

    Well, if he wins, it’ll be votes like yours. And I wouldn’t call voting for Trump “keeping your integrity”. Voting out of fear and insecurity are really Trump’s wheelhouse. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. 1 minute ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    You're making my point. The left is the party of lecture don't listen. 

    I think we lefties do plenty of listening, far more than the Trump people I know. I just think most of the dialogues leaves Trump people feeling stupid. How do you get around the truth? Are us lefties to placate the untruths and half truths? Smile and look past the lies? 

  4. Really, my election anxiety is from the complete lack of a ground game this year by Dems. I understand the calls/texting subbing for a ground game but we’re in unknown territory here. No modern prez has won without a great ground game.

    That’s really the only thing I can foresee derailing Biden. It’s so incredibly unlikely but I can’t shake the lingering thought there just isn’t enough follow through from Dems there. 

    • Haha 1
  5. Just now, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    The judge quoted a law that apparently says Election Day requires a building. Early voting said something about a structure.  run-offs require a edifice.

    I’ve done some election law and can tell you, in a state with many poorly written statutes, the election code may be the worst. Lots of vagueness which leads to counties having to guess what the Leg meant. It’s not fair they get held to some strict scrutiny. They’re usually doing the best they can with what they’ve got.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    I didn't fucking neg you.  Those court cases were about voter volume per polling place; i.e., it was about having enough capacity to let everyone vote.

    You have a staggering blind spot when it comes to Missouri and St. Louis.  I mean, you get almost everything wrong.

    I was about to say, it’s really pretty eye opening had blatantly wrong he is about this. And he claims he’s an attorney?

  7. 8 minutes ago, Poe It Up said:

    Taking counsel from The Federalist proved to be a very smart decision. 

    Like I said above, he took sound advice and put it into motion. I’m sure those two would have loved to select a SC nominee, but Trump won the election, which counts for more than just “existing” in my estimation.


    Given the hypocrisy of it all, I would think it’s a reason to vote against him. Of course, that assumes your vote has any ethics attached to it.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  8. 2 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    Lifetime Republican. Never voted for a Democratic President or Senator in my life.

    2016 no way in hell I was going to vote for Clinton. none. That said. I couldn't and didn't vote for Trump. He just wasn't (isn't) qualified. I wrote in a vote. I hated copping out, but I just couldn't vote for either. Rest of ballot mainly R.

    2020... struggled for most of cycle on it. Up until around May I was going to just go ahead and vote for Trump. I've liked his policies and a couple of policies/regulations on the left will hurt my industry and occupation I feared (saw same when Obama was elected and much better when Trump was then elected).

    As time grew closer I just couldn't stomach it. Trumps tone on race and pandemic were just too much. I really didn't want to vote for Biden either. Though about copping out again and that really didn't settle well as last time I figured Clinton would win anyway. I decided to vote for Biden but as I got in the booth I still paused... and paused some more before going to the dark side and voting for Biden.

    There just has to be a minimum level of human decency to be considered worthy of a vote. You can't be a complete "fuck tard" and be eligible. Trump doesn't meet that low bar. I opted to vote for Biden as I feel like he has to win to move our country past the tone of Trumps presidency and I didn't want him to come up 1 short.  Rest of my ticket was pretty evenly split R/D

    I know how hard it is to break a lifetime loyalty to a political party. Good on you man.

  9. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Had an outdoor gathering with some liberal friends I don't normally talk politics with and she made a point that I hadn't fully thought of that led me to believe the Democratic Party is potentially as likely to fracture as the Republicans... the age gap between Democratic leadership and the vital blood of the party is 4 decades plus.

    This liberal friend is the DCCC variety, the corporation-friendly, "we can't unilaterally disarm" type when it comes to rubbing lobbyist elbows and loving big donors. For years she's been scolding and chiding about how the young AOCs need to "work more closely" with the ancient vampires (not how she would describe them) like Pelosi and Hoyer and Clyburn. She's realizing that the ancient vampires would rather die clinging to power and guaranteeing Republican victory than pass the torch to anyone and that the party needs all of those people to actually literally die before it splinters into the Democratic party (center) and some kind of progressive party. RBG made this especially stark and obvious.

    Stranger things have happened.

    Don’t start throwing out your fantasies as some legitimate possibility.

  10. 3 minutes ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    2016 was about insiders vs outsiders, establishment vs non... Trump was the right and only outsider candidate (obviously) to go against Clinton if they had any chance to win. 2016 was anti-Clinton as much as pro-Trump.

    2020 is about Trump having delivered on what he promised... the left doesn't see it that way, but the right does. It's also been made all about Trump. The media is just as much to blame for giving him the platform and air instead of spending time on how Biden's vision is better. They've made this about Trump instead of the issues.

    2024 he's either out of terms or he's the prior loser. If you believe the country is almost 50% racist and sexist and that's all his base is then I would quickly figure out why Trumps non-white support is growing and certainly figure out how "the worst President of all time hands down" can somehow win one and possibly two.


    Trump campaign made a concerted effort to dig into the minority community. It’ll prove to be a bad move. 

  11. 1 minute ago, gmr548 said:


    Most of that shift has already happened between 16 and 18. The political environment hasn't changed much outside of COVID, and we know opinions there unfortunately break largely on established partisan lines. We also know the GOP had a significant voter registration push in Texas. Non-voters in a non-competitive state are in both parties. I don't know if y'all just haven't been to Tarrant, Collin, or Denton County but the idea that there aren't votes for the GOP to round up there is silly.

    I think it's reasonable to expect those counties to shift slightly because higher turnout does boost dems on net. That may be enough. But this is still a very Republican state and they're fired up too. A Biden victory is not likely, an certainly not by the margins discussed here.

    I agree with most of what you’re saying but I’d add, the dynamics of Texas politics are rapidly changing. I enjoy most repubs whistling past the graveyard on this.

    Trump is a uniquely bad candidate in Texas. He’s been the greatest gift to Dems since Nixon. Trump has accelerated what was happening naturally.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  12. 3 minutes ago, Bullneck said:

    As someone else said, we are joining in progress. 

    I wonder the white car was following the bus and the black truck ran up beside the on the shoulder?  Seems like a "follow" car would be following the bus.

    Yeah, it’s obvious what happened. But hey, it’s safe to assume the insane people with guns were the reasonable ones in this scenario.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Haha 1
  13. 8 hours ago, Voldemort86 said:

    Denton, tarrant, and Collin counties are my big concern.

    i live in tarrant and I guess I’m not sure it will even go blue. We do have a lot of “ I have mine, screw you” types here.

    if we can get it down to where trump doesn’t gain hardly any votes from the 3 counties that would help a lot. 

    Do you guys think Biden will win or possibly get very close to breaking even in these counties?

    I’m hearing 50/50 so far in Tarrant, dem/repub votes. It’s gonna be close.

  14. 5 hours ago, Thatguy said:

       Very common! The first time it happened to me I was 25. My company moved me to a new city and put me up in an extended stay while I looked for a new place. I just couldn't take being in that place night after night so one day I headed out to a restaurant just to hit happy hour and mingle. I am talking to this couple. Late 20's, and out of nowhere he hit me with, "My wife has never been with a Black guy and we were thinking.....". Blew my mind! Then the next thing you know it was being asked quite frequently. Like every 3 to 4 months. I am not sure why. Guess I am just an approachable Black dude? Maybe it's the Grey Slacks tips I got from Snacks.

        I can go into detail about what they are looking for, but that's not for the political board, as I have been asked some crazy stuff. However, the profile is almost always the same. Conservative looking couple. Guy seems like the country type on the outside, but......

    I have a different take on that. I think it objectifies black men even more. 

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