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Posts posted by Texaspython

  1. 8 minutes ago, MC Fresh Breath said:

    Hahahaha.  Oh man, that’s one of the worst takes ever.  “Hobbled.”  Geezus.



    We just lost every targeted swing congressional district in Texas with progressive candidates running on the green new deal. Repubs are good at elections because their radical elements let the more centrists run on issues that win elections without withdrawing their support.

    The only reason we control the house is because of Trump. The way we’re heading, we won’t keep it in 2022.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. You mean a Louisiana politician has taken fossil fuel money in an effort to ya know, win an election! 

    There is no appeasing the far left other than complete submission to their agenda. Dems aren’t incompetent, they’re just constantly hobbled by the unreasonableness of the left.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  3. 9 minutes ago, Gengs1 said:

    The gop isn’t going anywhere, they will morph more into Trumpism then anything. They will dig deeper into craziness with the help of ONA/Parler etc.

    They actually did well this election, they gained more house seats and didn’t lose any majority at the state levels, why would they change.

    they just need 1 senate seat and they will crush the dems in 2 years for house seats 

    This is my fear. Their election was actually very successful.

  4. 55 minutes ago, Bateshorn said:

    Honestly, I’m watching this slow moving disintegration,  I’ve come to realize this ends in a whimper, not a bang.  People will start to drift away as states certify.  Career’s will refuse orders, and only the most committed cabinet members will try to hold on and enforce his will, often running up against “no, I refuse, and you have no way to make me in the time left”

    Trump will eventually move down to Mara Lago, abandon all pretense of governing and wallow in despair and grievance.  Former never Trumpers turned MAGA heads will suddenly reappear as Reaganites as if nothing happened “Who?!!! Never heard of the guy!”

    Biden will eventually sue the GSA and get the keys to the transition.  Trump staff will attempt to embed, and not assist with the transition, but it will grind forward, as the careers step in.  

    The WH will engage in an orgy of records and property destruction. 

    January 20 will come and Biden will be sworn in and have to immediately get to work with little fanfare, including dragging appointed people out of agency jobs who refuse to resign.

    By 5pm on 1/20, Mitch McConnell will declare all of the country’s travails Joe Biden’s fault.

    I think he’ll move to Mara Lago after the electoral college election and never come back.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

       This was my experience in Galveston County, except for one thing. I came in and presented my ID to the geriatric at the front who printed out my pin number. I took my pin number to a table where two Black Ladies were sitting. One of them handed my a long stick with a cotton swab on the end to use on the machine instead of my finger. When I grabbed it she didn't let go. Instead she gave me the "You know what you have to do" Black Woman head tilt.



      That's when I responded back with the " You are got damned right I know what I have to do" Black man in agreement look.


    Then she let go of the stick. I walked over to the machine, put the pin in, and gave them the straight D they were looking for, all ticket long. When I was done, I walked out like.......



    Maybe the post of the year.

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  6. 7 hours ago, Lobo said:

    Yeah, I'm surprised his team let him tweet that out.  I mean, Zapata County is not that far from the traditional "RGV" lines, but it's certainly outside of them.  Everybody has a different definition, but most end at Rio Grande City.  Shit, I got all kinds of hell in Raymondville because I called it part of the Valley, didn't realize there was some magic line somewhere around Sebastian.  

    But like it or not, Texas has even more soul-searching to do.  Trump not only did better than expected in Texas than we thought, but changed up a bunch of other shit along the way. 

    I wouldn’t really say that at all. We’ve improved our margins the last 3 election cycles. We’re ok pace for 49/51 next time, with depressed Latino vote. Turn that around and look what you’ve got.

    • Fuck You 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, seven said:

    Just my opinion, but I don't think minors are where we should be making examples out of people. 

    He needs to be charged and the juvenile system will take care of him. He won’t be thrown in prison but hopefully he’ll get a little perspective. If not, it won’t be before long that he’ll be in the pen.


    But he should be charged.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  8. 20 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    But you are right that Jones Day has been readily identified to one degree or another with the GOP.  Usually in much lower-profile ways.  And they apparently repped Trump a lot pre-presidency in some of his more sane litigation (those that don't require loading the channel with bullshit). Kasowitz Benson seems to be his preferred law firm for yelling and smearing shit.

    Kind of like Perkins Coie has been pretty readily identified with the Democratic Party.  But probably no one would have really noticed but for their involvement with the Steele Dossier.

    Yeah and that just makes sense. I’ve dealt with them on a couple of things over the years and found them to be exceedingly easy to work with.

  9. 1 minute ago, Ghost of LL said:

    He has to skate a pretty narrow line on this--convince Georgia Republicans that the election is sufficiently rigged against them that they should be enraged, but not so rigged against them such that their vote doesn't count.

    It's an unpredictable play.  Nobody's ever tried it before.  We'll see how it works out.

    That's my read of it, as well.  It's a nothing.

    They’ll show up because they know it’s not really true.

  10. 1 minute ago, aggie08 said:

    I know quite a few traditionally Republican voters who don't follow politics in any meaningful way, even with a President as in your face as this one, who just vote Republican because "that's what you do when you have a little money" or "that's what you do when you're religious." Trump is just a sideshow clown to them, and they aren't acutely aware of the real, malicious harm that he and his administration are doing. Hopefully, those voters exist in Georgia and will have no choice but to see the hard truth as the world watches Republicans trying to pull voter fraud out of their asses and craft crazier and crazier narratives to undermine our democracy.

    I don't know, I guess I'm cautiously optimistic that we don't have 71 million complete idiots that legitimately buy into such obviously bullshit lies and conspiracy theories, and the next two months will separate those who still see logic and can accept data, science, and research. The question is, will they value that over what they perceive is in the best interest of their bank accounts.

    (Narrator: aggie08 is going to be disappointed)

    I know plenty of people like that. I see a glimmer of hope there.

  11. 21 minutes ago, 'stache said:

    He won't let himself be hauled off from the White House. He's barely there anyway. He'll be at Mar a Lago on Jan 20 and will pretend to be president from the "Southern White House" like the Avignon Papacy. He'll tweet as though he's president. But nobody in any position of power will care, especially world leaders. Except maybe Kim Jong will allow him to meet with him again, and probably Putin. It's gonna be a shit show for sure, but I don't see any real problems with the transition, even if Biden has to do it on his own. It's not like he doesn't know how to be president, he was VP for 8 years very recently.

    I think you’re right.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Brandywine said:

    All Greg Abbott needs to do is throw out the “socialist, they’ll take your guns away, abortion and immigrants taking all your jobs” ads and he’s still in. The only way a Dem will win is if they have answers to that that changes minds or a charismatic character that makes someone want to change. I can’t think of anyone like that. But the Republican same o, same o has worked for 30 years and still works. Same ads, different people. 

    Yes, that’s why running left just doesn’t work. Target a few progressive issues and run hard on them. MJ on a motorcycle or someone spouting off about racial justice or the green new deal just won’t get the job done in this state.

    Its tough for Dems in this state, run left and lose the middle. Run to the middle and the left abandons you. The result is the same, very right wing Repubs win.

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