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Posts posted by Texaspython

  1. 2 hours ago, Bateshorn said:

    Trump can't force Pence out.  As Vice President, he is also a constitutionally elected official.  He's literally the only person in the Administration that Trump can't fire, assuming you accept Bill Barr's vision of an all powerful Executive.

    Technically, isn’t the VP apart of the legislative branch presiding over the Senate?

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 10 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    This is where you start to see a wide gulf between inexperienced, possibly slapdick lawyers and big firm lawyers.

    Expert witnesses on pretty esoteric subjects are common as goose shit in big time litigation.  Handling experts not only requires experience in handling them and preparing their reports, but also acquisition of your own "expertise" in the subject matter of the expert's testimony.

    Most big firms are going to have a lawyer or two with some expertise in experts and at least in the vicinity of their subject matter, like an undergraduate degree in a related field.

    An expert witness, unlike a non-expert, is permitted to give opinion testimony to a jury or to the judge.  But qualifying them and preparing a report of their testimony (basically an affidavit) is fraught with difficulties and pitfalls.  

    Even if Sidney Powell and her associates wasn't deranged and apparently generally incompetent, it wouldn't surprise me at all that a firm like Perkins Coie's lawyers absolutely pants her on expert witnesses.

    Nailed it, these guys are so out of their league.

  3. 40 minutes ago, Sawbonz said:

    This is a bit disingenuous. I don’t think anyone is trying to say progressive candidates lost their elections because of wanting to defund police. Progressive candidates who won did so in solidly blue districts by and large. Where the losses occurred were in former red districts that went blue in 2018 and reverted in 2020 despite Biden outperforming Trump, and in places where analysts thought Democrats could make inroads due to Trump’s unpopularity. I don’t have hard numbers but it’s more than just the centrists on this board that feel this way. Andrew Cuomo and James Clyburn have talked about it in interviews.

    And it likely had an effect even in solidly blue districts although obviously not enough to impact the outcome; according  to this article Biden outperformed Omar in her district by >15 points  





    It’s so incredibly stupid it blows my mind. 

    • Fuck You 2
  4. What this boils down to:

    Social issue

    Progressives freak out and start screaming hysterically.

    Centrists, “we agree guys but you’re going about it all the wrong way”.

    Progressives, “you’re awful and worse than republicans”.

    Centrists, wtf

    Swing voters, “progressives are dangerous as shit”.

    Lose election

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 2
  5. 29 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    If the Dems can get kneecapped by one shitty slogan, it’s more a testament to the weakness of the party leadership than it is the slogan. 

    Kind of an important one. Let’s be clear though, the Democratic never adopted the slogan. Only progressives intent on losing elections.

    • Fuck You 1
  6. 55 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    The Democratic Party leadership sucks is what this debate boils down to.  They couldn’t overcome a grassroots activist message or develop it into a better message on their own.  Instead, they distance themselves from the problem and let the right wing media dictate their approach to this issue.  

    THEN they blamed the uppity progressives when things went a little south for them electorally.  No self reflection or accountability on their part. They just played into to the framing by Fox News like shitcunts.

     It’s an idea that has been apart of progressive ideology and the academic set for quite sometime. It was seized upon during the protests following the Floyd murder.

    The Democratic Party had no opportunity to stop it. Like must dumb slogans, our opponents pounced on it and by that point it was already too late.

    • Fuck You 1
  7. The slogan is dumb because people generally like cops, they think it’s unfair to good cops, and they want a safe community.

    The problem is, most people know a cop they like. Or at least, they think they know a cop they like. They see them casually at church or possibly a friend or family member. The truth is, as much as they like Brad the cop, they have no idea how Brad conducts himself while on the job.

    It’s a dumb slogan and a major reason for down ballot losses.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Fuck You 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    It's more than one nominee.

    And all of those issues are feel-good table stakes issues that don't do much for the working class, but make woke white people feel like they're doing something. They're issues that every Democrat in my lifetime has run on, and there has been zero progress made against income and wealth inequality. The real issues are in the tax code, education reform and student loan reform, election and ethics reform, elimination of corporate welfare, and healthcare (FWIW I am a fence-sitter on this one). But those are all third rail issues for them because their rich puppeteers won't let them touch them.

    Green economy, infrastructure, and some token bill that sends some money to the inner cities are all bullshit issues to make people who aren't prepared to attack the real issues feel good. 

    Nobody is angry. Well, maybe b_t is angry. Most everyone on this board is middle to upper-middle class so none of us have enough skin in the game to be angry. I'm dispirited because it looks like more of the same. Rich getting richer. Poor getting poorer. Ever-shrinking middle class getting squeezed by both sides.

    I honestly don't give a fuck about the green economy. I don't give a fuck about infrastructure. What I care about is systemic change that will actually do something to help the 99% of us who aren't billionaires. 

    Sure, carried interest and the like are toxic to the middle class yet we’ve got progressives clamoring to increase marginal tax rates on ordinary income. Talk about a reason why we lose more middle class to upper middle class voters. Progressives want to tax working people to death who put their pants on everyday and work their ass off. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, BradInATX said:

    The "enemy" is beaten. It's time to govern, which also means holding our leadership responsible.

    Wealth inequality is probably the single biggest problem with our country both now and into the future. Hiring a bunch of private equity bros to run his economic team is not a good start, even if just from an optics standpoint. We see hispanics and blue collar workers abandoning the Democratic party mostly because they're seeing that they're just as unlikely to help them and just as sycophantic towards the rich and corporations as the GOP is. This feels like more of the same slide down that slippery slope.

    Despite wealth inequality being one of my hot button issues where I lean far more left than in other areas, I'm going to give it a bit more time before I get pissed off than b_t and others probably will. But it's not an ideal start.

    The future of the Democratic party is to be the party of the anti-rich. They seem to be either too stupid to care, or too beholden to their masters to change.

    Elections come every two years. The point isn’t just to win but to hold power long enough to accomplish our shared goals. The progressive agenda didn’t fair well in Congressional races. At least not enough to win key swing districts and the senate. I’m not sure what you guys want from Biden other than some sort of 4 year suicide mission. What exactly does that accomplish?

    But more importantly, what the hell are you guys talking about? One nominee out of his economic team spent some time in a private equity firm? So the f what. They’ve already stated their goals are  expanded guv spending, infrastructure, education, green economy and attacking racial economic disparities. They’re clear they want to raise Corp taxes and cap gains.

    Why are you guys angry again? 


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  10. 14 minutes ago, JimmyJames said:

    I disagree with this assertion.

    Yes, I disagree with plenty of what the Democratic Party does but I don’t run around like a whiny bitch. I get this concept that we have to stick together in order to beat the real enemy. I also understand, like many others, that getting only what you want is for babies.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Pancho said:

    It’s pretty clear Cruz believes it’s his birthright to be president and he feels he has to swing whichever way to get people to like him nationally. I’ve said before his words/actions over the last few months shows he’s going directly after trump voters for 2024

    Which is just so dumb. He’ll never captivate them the way trump has.

    • Fuck You 1
  12. 26 minutes ago, washparkhorn said:



    I don’t know or care what that means.

    You’re a clown, just like your boy b_t. Losers who continually hold this party back.

    Ignore time, adios fool.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  13. 1 hour ago, washparkhorn said:

    If you are a billionaire - correct. It means more of this:



    The disconnect between productivity and wages is the hallmark and goal of neoliberalism. More of the same begets more of the same economic suicide. Nice job liberals.

    More importantly, how was brunch?

    The larger disconnect is between your brain and reality. But keep fighting those people on your side. It’s gonna get you something one day!

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 1
  14. 22 minutes ago, shadow_operative said:

    Sam was garbage today. 


    shit, do you remember two seasons ago when i was critical of him? you'd have thought i wished death upon Vince Young and then personally raped every football poster's entirely family...for being critical of Sam Ehlinger. if only the wolves came out en masse like that to eat crow when it turns out they were wrong. 

    It’s a weird cult.

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