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Posts posted by Texaspython

  1. 7 minutes ago, bluto said:

    Hearing clay Jenkins is gonna toss his hat in the ring, nothing official by any stretch

    He’s be a very bad candidate to draw in independents and drive our voters out, imho.

    • Fuck You 1
  2. 1 minute ago, kevwun said:

    No Democrat is going to be elected Governor for a few more cycles.  It's not worth getting your hopes up.  If he is unseated, it will be in the Republican Primary.

    I like someone from Houston. Not much more thought to it than that. 

    • Fuck You 1
  3. 52 minutes ago, heso said:

    I think it’s generational but there’s two other demographics that are shifting strongly democratic and pushing the party: college and post grad education and non religious. So you have a younger, more educated party that isn’t constrained by religious dogma and they’re looking at things pragmatically and saying boy it sure seems like it makes a lot more sense to build a society from the bottom up that includes everyone and has its eyes on the future. 

    I think some of that youthful exuberance comes with a bit of “fuck your we’re moving this country forward with or without you” and it leads to political missteps like embracing the term defund the police. That being the banner for police reform allowed Trump to scare a lot of people that were too stupid to see through it for what it was. Maybe it led to increased turnout in the base, but all of the data that I’ve seen seem to say that a lot of the country said “we don’t want Donald trump, but we’re scared of the caricature the left is allowing itself to be painted as. 

    That was a huge problem and part of why the left needs to dial back their rhetoric.

    Medicare for all needs to be the mantra until 11/22.  

  4. 10 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Tell me about your voting history, python.

    I’ll answer this because you need to know then you’re on ignore. I’ve been a straight ticket dem my entire life. Even when I knew the goofy liberal had no shot, I voted for them. I’ve been far more involved in politics than you have my friend. Spent my entire life dealing with morons like yourself and losing elections. 

    • Fuck You 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    You've been incessantly toxic for 3+ days and you're whining about how the left is mean? Gain a modicum of self-awareness, dude.

    Just towards you. I’ll do what I think most have and put you on ignore. The guy who didn’t support the Democratic nominee really shouldn’t have an opinion.

    • Fuck You 1
  6. 15 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    You've been incessantly toxic for 3+ days and you're whining about how the left is mean? Gain a modicum of self-awareness, dude.

    Just towards you. I’ll do what I think most have and put you on ignore. The guy who didn’t support the Democratic nominee really shouldn’t have an opinion.

  7. Also, it’s beyond frustrating that the left would declare war on their allies less that 24 hours after a big presidential win. It’s just so on brand for these guys. Less than 24 hours after beating one of the most evil bastards in this country’s history and the left has convinced themselves Joe Biden and Dems like him (and me) are the enemy.


    Y’all don’t have to be happy about Biden winning but let the rest of us celebrate for awhile.

  8. Defund the police and socialism were on the ballot and losers for Dems. You can’t run around and talk about socialism and defunding the police then act shocked that we lost on those issues.


    Biden won because he ran away from socialism and defunding the police. We’re going to get slaughtered in 2022 unless the adults grab the wheel. The extreme left is just so out of touch. They just don’t understand we win despite the stupid shit they say.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  9. 1 minute ago, wildcat09 said:

    This. Moderate Dem candidates in swing districts that spend all their time saying the rest of the party is bad because X but they’re not like that lose because that’s not a message that’s going to win you many votes.

    How many Republicans does anyone know who spend most of their time during a campaign disavowing their most fervent supporters? It’s zero. They don’t do that shit, even when their supporters are actual nazis, because they’re good at politics.

    They do it all the time. Their base is just insanely loyal because they understand something is better than nothing. Hell, all that Trump has done isn’t half as bad as what his base wants.

  10. Just now, Firemans4Horn said:

    the dude your opinion GIF

    61% of Floridians voted to raise the minimum wage to $15. 

    68% of people in Mississippi voted to allow medical marijuana. Arizona, South Dakota, Montana, New Jersey also legalized marijuana. 

    Sounds like one of the two parties has a lot of opportunity to pick up voters if they actually ran on progressive issues that voters give a shit. 

    Right, and they don’t, that’s why they lose. Talk about healthcare, social security, minimum wages, not defund the police and systemic racism. But progressives are gonna progressive. Losing elections is tradition with these guys.

  11. 12 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    Moderate Dems lost too.

    Of the 38 "red to blue" candidates the DCCC pushed, one has won and two are in close vote counts.  35 lost.  Some of them were progressive.  Some of them were moderate. 

    In NE-1, Kate Bolz was a moderate candidate.  She is currently in the Neb Unicameral, and voted for a piece of shit abortion bill.  She was decently funded.  She lost by 22 points, which was 7 points behind Biden. In 2018, a practically unfunded candidate with little campaign staff lost the same district by 21 points. Donna Shalala is a moderate and she lost her election despite being an incumbent. 

    No matter how you cut it, there was a headwind against Democratic candidates.  Progressive or Moderate was irrelevant.  My guess is there was considerable Trumpster turnout which voted against Dems, while enough of the more traditional Republican split their tickets - Biden + Rs.  There may have also been enough independent voters who went Biden+Rs.  


    And why do you think that is? Those moderates were saddled with dumb progressive politics like “defund the police”. You don’t win elections running far left. It’s a miracle Joe was able overcome that bs. 

  12. 19 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Georgia: 49.5% to 49.3%
    Pennsylvania: 49.7% to 49.1%
    Arizona: 49.5% to 49%
    Wisconsin: 49.6% to 48.9%

    Those 4 states (52 electoral votes) were decided by around 90k voters.

    Omar got 64.5% of the vote
    Ocasio-Cortez got 68.8%
    Tlaib got 77.9%

    Also curious to see the answer to this question.

    You quote safe dem districts? Look no further than Candace Valenzuela. We had a great candidate in Kim Olson who Candace was meaner and nastier to than her general opponent. Left wing candidates lost toss up races everywhere because they didn’t get tough enough on the riots.

  13. 1 minute ago, G650 said:

    Biden outran Omar, AOC et al by an average of 5% in their own districts before anyone gets carried away with this whole the left did better than centrists bullshit.

    This election was a repudiation of Trump and the far left.

  14. 41 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    This forum is 90+% white guys with a college education and at least two pair of New Balance. What plays here isn't very relevant when trying to bring out Democratic-leaning voter bases.

    Desperation to appeal to our demographic is what gave us a Trump presidency in 2016 and a near-loss in 2020. We lost ground with minorities for God's sake.

    We lost ground with minorities because they want less left. It’s silly white liberals they’re tired of.

    You can’t persuade anyone on this board including me. Of course, I’m a democrat, I don’t know what you are.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck Around and Find Out 1
  15. 51 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Progressives need to be preparing right now to challenge Republican incumbents AND establishment Democrats in 2022 and to do it vigorously. Biden won the primary with about 52% of the vote, and a TON of that had nothing at all to do with his politics or beliefs, so there was no mandate coming from Democratic voters for a half-Republican administration who will govern from the center-right.

    The vigorousness with which we fight this internal civil war is 100% up to Joe at this point. The media talking heads will left-bash non-stop no matter what, and we have to ignore them.

    Typical, “let’s lose more races” strategy from the left. You people are just so so dumb. Hell, you can’t persuade anyone on this forum. You think we oughta unleash an army of candidates like you? Disaster 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  16. 1 minute ago, workswithseed said:

    Wait, legal, or illegal? I love how racist supposed Texans are till you see them buy food, or going on to any type of event in Texas where many Mexicans live. If you're afraid of Mexicans-Americans in Texas, well you might as well leave right now, cause, they've most likely lived there a lot longer than you.

    You’re cutting a wide swath that my post didn’t indicate. But I get it, you’re a Trump loving repub who’s angry right now.

  17. 1 minute ago, Macklemore said:

    Latinos in Texas are Texans first like the rest of us. Why would it be surprising if they started voting like the majority of Texans? Good post

    Well, there are a few reasons why it’s different, you should hear how a good number of white Trumpers really feel about Latinos.


    I think the point is, the National dem message doesn’t quite resonate here. It needs to be tweaked.

  18. 22 minutes ago, squeegeedegg said:

    As a hispanic, I have no reservations with the generalization that voting "latinos" would feel disenfranchised by the love BLM is getting from the Dems, almost as if in solidarity with the All Lives Matter crowd.  Adding to that, voting Texicans are hardly to be considered culturally anything but regular brisket-on-flour-tortilla Texans like any other rural white person.  Rough analogy but they are not the same Hispanics you see in the urban centers


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