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Everything posted by hornhorn

  1. There are no countries that can have private charities of our size because of one simple reason, they do not have capital markets like we do. Look at the top 10 companies of US and then compare them to the ones in Europe, Asia etc. Most of our companies are around a generation old or younger, almost all of their companies are over a 100 years old. Which also means that wealth stays in the same place which isn't the case in the US. That growth allows for different people to become successful and create private charities of size that we see. Europe does not offer that, neither does Asia.
  2. You have nothing to support that, in fact all the data supports the contrary. And even if it did, you do not have the right to confiscate someone's wealth just because they have it. Your rights do not and cannot infringe upon someone else's. For all the ethical practices you progressives preach, you seem to ignore this basic premise. You then get into mental gymnastics of how someone like Gates has stolen from you.
  3. Must be. No other explanation for such a laughably inconsistent position.
  4. Weren't you just complaining about the corruption in US govt literally like 3 posts ago? Are you suffering from short term memory loss?
  5. And Meth, convenient that you remove that word. And you also assume that I'm white. LOL. Spend someone else's money, accuse someone of racism and Progressives. Is there a better combo? Yes, this is reality: https://www.cagw.org/media/press-releases/citizens-against-government-waste-releases-31-trillion-waste-cutting JFC, did you actually complain about Gates Foundation wastefulness while vouching for Govt spending? Is this opposite day or are you just detached with reality? Don't answer it, rhetorical question.
  6. Talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees. Imbecile move BT. Not surprised. LOL wut?
  7. No dumbass, what I'm saying is before we ask Gates to part with $6 billion we should ask the lolpoors to part with beer, cigarettes and other shitty things they consume.
  8. I'll answer it for you, he hasn't. He has no clue of how bad corruption can be in other countries. Forget Lagos, in Brazil and India if you wanted to file for a permit to extend your back patio you have to bribe everyone from the peon sitting outside the govt office all the way up to the guy approving those plans. Same goes for the police or any other govt structure.
  9. Its unreasonable when you have to be on a payment plan to buy shoes especially when you have other cheaper, just as quality options available. The first person you should look to for a sacrifice when you have no wealth is yourself, not Bill Gates. Bill Gates shouldn't have to part with his 56th yacht so that you can have a little more, you should part with your Air Jordans, meth, beer, cigarettes, rims, etc. before we vote take his 56th extremely luxurious yacht away.
  10. But that's what happens when people are stupid enough to buy Air Jordans and sweaters on payment plans: https://www.wsj.com/articles/eyeing-that-sweater-its-yours-in-four-easy-payments-11569672000 Inability to curb instant gratification is America's problem. Not wealth or income.
  11. Your views on billionaires alone spells out the sort of thoughts bouncing around in that head of yours. LOL, not interested.
  12. Citation needed. Boy, we can make the US look a lot worse than it is when we just flat out lie. According to the OECD, the wealth inequality in the US is at 0.39, UK is at 0.36, New Zealand is at 0.35. For a third world comparison, South Africa is at 0.62. Source: https://data.oecd.org/inequality/income-inequality.htm But continue with your lies.....just like Warren and Trump.
  13. Meh, I agree with some of their points, tend to agree with a lot of Democrats on a lot of issues. I'm just not a full blown, paying cult member like you brainwashed masses. Praise Warren! Glory glory to Sanders in the highest.
  14. Its funny how if someone disagrees with you, you think they're a Republican. He disagrees with my stupid stance so "OMG HE MUST BE A REPUBLICAN". No way my stance is thoughtless, incoherent, bereft of Math or morals. I might be further left than most of you "progressives" who's "charity" tends to start with someone else's money and end only within imaginary lines called borders.
  15. I have 200 odd posts here, you have over 10,000. You tell me.
  16. Or have a time machine to fix all those problems. So I guess we'll add that to the Progressive Dems wish list: 52 trillion dollars all from someone else and not me, infinity and time machine. Got it.
  17. Also, Bill Gates: eliminates polio from several countries in Africa. Warren/Sanders/AOC combined: The one puh-cent!!!!!!!!
  18. What is Warren's M4ALL plan Lassie? Good girl!
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