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Everything posted by hornhorn

  1. Or telling career politicians like Sanders, Warren who have made themselves millionaires to go earn an actual fucking paycheck instead of living on taxpayer tits.
  2. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/07/us/politics/michael-bloomberg-president-2020.html
  3. From a simple utility standpoint, you typing away in your air conditioned office/home is a waste of resources. Society should put you to work that actually benefits them. The fact that all the things you complain about still exist is just the evidence of that waste.
  4. You should follow the thread as to why Gates was brought up. I didn't and I don't dispute anything you said here.
  5. We know you're a sucker. I just wanted you to reiterate that so YOU understand what a PR machine sounds like that you accused me of. And LOL on good values and beliefs.
  6. Its easy, wealthier than me: Morally corrupt, gimme some of that. NOW!!!!!! Poorer than me: loser.
  7. There's absolutely no need for a human being to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, play video games, have a house larger than 800 sqft, a car that runs faster than 45 mph, eat meat, spend ungodly amounts on football tickets. If anyone does any of these things and spends more on these things than they do on charity, they suck! Claim about 2/3rds of population in India and China. You should totally live by moral standards of someone else.
  8. Moving goalposts. This was Gates vs. the names I mentioned now you're including MLK? Gandhi possibly? Point still stands, Gates has done more than any of the dolts you worship. And yes, what you and other rally attendees do is worship, not me.
  9. Who said that there's a problem? Just pointing out the obvious that those people are nothing but leeches indeed. Which BT is having a hard time seeing. And again, Gates' MO is here's my money, let's solve polio in Africa. Solved. Warren/Sanders/AOC/every other bullshit politician's MO is let's get Gates' money. No, more!
  10. Did Obama prevent it? I know what he did do, which was bomb innocent Syrians with depleted Uranium. And then apologized for doing so. We have a real problem with worshipping political figures who use other people to do the work with money that other people earned with systems that other people built and turning them into gods. Bill Gates, Bezos and Bloomberg rarely have rallies with thousands of people cheering on them for free. Warren, Trump rallies are for you to see. That reminds me of worshipping more than someone claiming that Gates did more than Warren. It's not even close.
  11. Compared to those I mentioned? He has singlehandedly done more than the ones I did. More than Obama, Warren, Sanders, etc etc etc. He pointed to polio as a target and eradicated it. Those other leeches I mentioned are pointing to his wealth as a target, and I promise you won't even come close to touching it, much less eradicating it.
  12. LOL. One could say the same about you and Sanders/Warren/AOC/any other dumbass that's trotted up as the champion of American "poor". Yep, poor in quotations.
  13. LOL. That nerd has singlehandedly done more for humanity than Warren, Obama, Sanders, AOC, Beto or whoever you are cheering for and have no hope of getting elected.
  14. I'm not grading him, but they aren't changing. The 90s and tom Osbourne are gone. They will ceiling at Michigan state. Win 10 every now and again but 8 should be expected. Too much of a fly over state. If OU can do it why can't they?
  15. Yeah Herman's like, "did you guys know we have a bathroom on the second floor? Hot damn!".
  16. He's got a towel lady just to hand him towels. He's a job creator!
  17. I don't know man, I'll have to discount everything you say all because of your username.
  18. I mean why have two DIFFERENT game plans for offense and defense? Have the same plays, just replace WR with LB and spread the sheet. Its how I logged my calls in Salesforce when I was in sales.
  19. Probably the ones that want them to play in the NFL?
  20. But wouldn't he be even faster if he was running from ten yards deep into the backfield given the head start and all? -- Tom Herman probably.
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