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Posts posted by Chrispy

  1. 44 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    This is really easy to say when the state has placed its thumb on the scale in your favor for centuries. 


    No, it’s a simple formula that has been proven to be effective. It’s up to them to make that decision and I hope they do. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, ndawg said:

    Blaming gun violence on a breakdown of family structure is pretty lazy analysis. Where's the measurement of the breakdown? Where's the root cause analysis?

    People who have never lived in these neighborhoods (including myself) have absolutely zero working knowledge of what the real situation even is. By the time we see such a low precision statistic like murder rates, we're looking at a proxy variable that's so far removed from the fullness of their reality that the most responsible course of action we can take is to refuse to draw conclusions altogether. At least without equipping ourselves with a deeper understanding.

    Different cultures throughout the world vary greatly in their family structures. Do you even have any particular style of family structure in mind when you mention the "proper" kind of one?

    Yes, two parent household. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    What do you suggest?

    Fair question and a very tough question to answer. Simply pointing to the data and explaining that black youth is in a perilous state hasn’t been very effective. Going after the deadbeat fathers often is counterproductive, in that it can result in the father being incarcerated. In a free society such as ours, the onus falls on the black community, which is where personal accountability comes into play. 

    Until that happens, I would implore these single mothers to take advantage of the state funded medical care programs to ease some of the financial burden. I would encourage after school activities that could keep the kids busy while these mothers need to work, which means less time on the streets. Also, I think it’s important for the mother’s to be honest with their children (at a reasonable age) about the family situation and explaining the necessity of the nuclear family. 

  4. 37 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    While we focus on the nuclear family, can we also focus on:

    - Disproportionate arrests and incarceration

    - Voter ID laws

    - Racial gerrymandering

    - Racially discriminatory hiring and promotion practices

    - Racially segregated schools

    - Racially discriminatory home financing

    - Segregated neighborhoods


    I don’t mind focusing a small amount of time to those issues, but the primary goal needs to be maintaining the proper family structure. 


  5. 4 minutes ago, Dr. Teeth said:

    Notre Damn has diversity? UT is leaps and bounds more diverse than ND. ND is probably 3/4 white. Someone show the man some stats.

    I’m guessing his definition of diversity doesn’t apply to religion. What a stunning comment and I hope that Mensa has the brains to counter such nonsense.

  6. 16 minutes ago, whatup said:

    The problem isn't that enough money isn't spent on them, its that the parents do not give a fuck about their own kids.

    Even with twice the amount of money poured into those schools would mean nothing if nobody cares once those kids leave school. 

    Focusing on the nuclear family is the correct answer, but be prepared to get called a racist. 

    • Like 1
  7. 30 minutes ago, JimmyHoffa said:


    They have tried. It doesn't work on the scale that most would want it to. And others have been a colossal failure and massive waste of money. To a little reading on the history of Cabrini-Green.




    Sadly that ship is long sailed and even if it was feasible they don't have a dime. Pension massively underfunded, City, State, all dealing with massive debt issues and budget shortfalls.


    The biggest problem is the gangs run the bad parts of Chicago, those that are law abiding citizens turn the other cheek as it's easier to put your head down and mind your own business and hope that your kid doesn't get shot than to put a massive target on your back by saying something or trying to make a change. Throw in the massive majority of kids come from a single family home, the streets are how they get educated and it's very difficult to say no once the gangs come to recruit. In many cases if you do try and avoid that shit it's just the same as being from a rival gang. 


    This. and innocent bystanders getting caught in the crossfire. 

    Which is why I never fully understood Rahm Emanuel relocating detective bureaus further from high crime areas and disbanding gang task forces. 

  8. 15 minutes ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    Seriously.  Is there some Juarez style turf war going on now? Or just all unrelated shootings?

    Gang warfare and retaliation accounts for the majority of the murders. 

  9. 1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:

    It doesn't. Socratic method means asking questions. The questions he asks he answers himself immediately, no waiting or latency; he is setting himself up because he loves to hear himself talk and is a godawful listener and participant in back-and-forth because he's not listening to understand, he's listening to formulate his next argument. Watch the famous video of him DESTROYING THE SJWs on his own campus.

    That's why the right loves him. His worldview, which is essentially a fuddy duddy white partriarchy traditionalist, is 100% set in stone. So yeah, he's not a big supporter of anti-semitism or anti-black ideology, but he is a huge supporter of the exact worldviews and mindsets that make anti-semitism and anti-black ideology thrive.

    Sure, there are definitely instances of him pacing the floor while uttering some variance of free association and seemingly forgetting there’s an audience, so your point is not without merit. While I’m sure it’s a hindrance to participation at times, I attribute it to him being eccentric rather a terrible listener, but to each their own I suppose. 

    I’ll have to watch that video, but I must admit that most of those “own so and so” videos always leave me feeling a bit underwhelmed, the only exception being Christopher Hitchens. Peterson often uses practical examples that can be applied to everyday life and I think that appeals to many on the right. Although I’d venture to say that the majority of them haven’t read his book Maps of Meaning, so they tend to misconstrue his point of view, for which I ultimately can’t hold Peterson responsible. 

  10. On 4/28/2018 at 8:56 AM, bad_teammate said:

    Jordan Peterson, the intellectual darling of the right, is a fucking moron


    I’m curious as to how he became a darling of the right, as he excoriates them routinely, from the lectures I’ve witnessed. He tends to think aloud and prefaces many of his opinions and speculation as a dialogic process meant to sharpen one’s argument. The clip above is a perfect example. If one of his students had challenged him, which is what his teaching style encourages, he woud have been pleased I’m sure. He’s extremely methodical and not overly strident, which I find refreshing in today’s political climate. 

    That’s not to say he’s infallible, which he will openly and readily admit. Peterson is many things, but I have to challenge you on the assertion that’s he’s a moron. 

  11. 21 hours ago, SmokeyBear1861 said:


    Men at Texas, be more of a faggot and stop that toxic masculinity. 



    So the justification for the program is that they believe masculinity inevitably leads to men lashing out at others and themselves, yet there is no evidence for such a claim. Hell, similar programs at other universities readily admit as much, so what am I missing here? It sounds like a gigantic waste of time and effort. 

  12. 7 hours ago, DixonHur said:

    Crispy, when do you consider the point at which abortion should be illegal?  Why?

    Good question. To me, since I’m not guided by any religious doctrine, it becomes a matter of fetus viability. I believe around 24 weeks the viability is anywhere from 50% to 70%, so that seems reasonable to me. The entire topic disgusts me and even more so after having children of my own, however; I understand the reasoning of those who feel abortion is their only choice. 

  13. 21 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    A new Rosanne show was in the works - and then went on air.  That had never happened until recently, and now - viola! - your friend has a job.   Shouldn't we be thanking ABC's show runner for your friends job? 

    So by all means,  roll with your own epidemiological determinants theory  Pretty straightforward my man.  MAGA!!! 

    It’s Roseanne, geez, that’s blasphemy. My buddy struggled even during the show’s first run in the 90’s, so unfortunately I can’t give them any credit, as much as I would love to. Trump’s the only new variable in the equation, aside from a few swift kicks in the ass by yours truly. 

    These are good times my man, and life keeps getting sweeter and sweeter. Enjoy it. 

  14. 34 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    You advocating welfare then, champ?  Or are you going to answer the question?  

    I’m trying to decipher your broken English. To clarify your question, are you asking if I want the aborted fetuses piled on my door? Since, as I’m sure you’re acutely aware, I’m not against early term abortions. 

  15. 40 minutes ago, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    You took in the observations.  Did ya take in the kids?  How about we start piling those kids on your doorstep, Swam?  

    These women were offered assistance in one form or another, none of it mandatory. In my post that you quoted, I explained my stance on abortion. You’re swinging at shadows champ.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    Then you can't link Trump to his hiring sport.   Proximate Cause Moose outside shoulda told ya.


    You alleged that Trump turned your deadbeat friend frog into a capitalist Prince.   Feel free to make claims and not be able to support them.  CR board, and all... 

    Trump’s tax plan resulted in my friend getting a job at a booming small business, pretty straightforward my man. You can choose to believe it or not, it means very little to me. Have a good weekend, I know I will. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Gatorubet said:

    So there were no jobs before this company??  And you know for a fact that the company decided to use the alleged saved tax income to hire the deadbeat, and did not do a stock buy back with the tax money, and that THIS employment was related to the separate new hire budget using past years allocation? 

    You really have to do more to prove how and why the deadbeat was only and solely motivated to work for that one company - instead of every other opportunity available to him during the tenure of his deadbeatness.   Or why he forsake any other company who was hiring,  and focused his work ethic epiphany on this one application.   It's remarkable, this alleged specificity.   Maybe is was Trump working so hard at his golf game that inspired him.

    Yes, I know. He praised Trump’s tax reform and is extremely optimistic about the future of his business, resulting in the hiring of a couple new employees. One of which was a friend of mine, and I’m certainly rooting for him. 

    As far as his motivation, who the hell knows, I’m not sure Freud himself would be able to ascertain the answer to that question. 

    Also, let’s get something straight, I have zero to prove to you. Anyone that throws out haphazard references to Charlottesville is not worth taking seriously. I’m only engaging with you out of pity. 


  18. 36 minutes ago, Gatorubet said:

    What Trump action caused this?  Were there no jobs at the end of December 2016, and then the local Tiki Torch Factory doubled in size and started hiring?

    He was hired on by a small business that has benefitted from tax cuts, thus taking him off my hands. He still has plenty of time to squander the opportunity, however; so I’ll remain cautiously optimistic for the time being. Meh on the Charlottesville reference, it’s tired. 

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