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Posts posted by Chrispy

  1. 11 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

      And this is where you have a disconnect with the black community. Newsflash, rap  music with thug looking black guys saying "we don't love them hoes" is false. Snoop Dogg has been married to his wife for 21 years. Dr Dre has been married to his wide for 22 years. Ice Cube has been married to his wife for 26 years.

      Black people are out here trying bro. We have the same problems in relationships that white people do, and the number two reason for breakups is financial strain. So when an entire race of people is on a lower socio-ecenomic level it stands to reason that the level of broken homes would be higher. Pressure busts pipes. When money gets short and lifelong dreams are crumbling, arguments go up and relationships fold. Doesn't matter the gender, race, or country of origin that holds true.


    Everybody faces these issues, that’s the point. I’m not sure you read what I wrote. Raising your children in a two parent household is essential for the success of any community. It’s that simple, advocating for that is a good thing.  

  2. 1 minute ago, Catdaddyhorn said:
    1 hour ago, Chrispy said:
    Yes, whites built the railroads and the Japanese were never put in concentration camps. Read a damn history book. Our education system has failed so many. 

    I'm sure those 4 years in internment camps had generational impact.

    And the railroads? The Vietnam refugees? Man, do you live in the US? 

  3. 7 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    It's not at all irrelevant. Wealth is primarily generational and social and economic mobility are far more constrained than popularly conceived. Immigrant populations will do better the more money they have coming in and the stronger connections they have to their homeland. Race is the irrelevant factor.

    Black Americans, when slave-descended, have none of the built-in advantages of even the poorest of immigrant classes.

    The populations that have had the most stolen from them would logically be the ones doing the worst and if we look at America right now, slave-descended blacks and Native American populations are showing the signs of centuries of systemic oppression.

    Bitch-ass sarcasm. Always with the bitch-ass sarcasm.

    No, that's not what "often" means. Christ you're dumb.

    Says noted child psychologist, Racist Idiot.

    In what sense is anyone here taking responsibility or accountability away from American blacks? Should white Americans not analyze the impact of white power and white racism in America?

    I am not saying black Americans should or should not do anything.

    Cite your sources.

    The poor Nigerians are performing just as well, so err, try again. 

    Often means frequent. He was saying that hard work is frequently mitigated and that’s utter nonsense.

    Please tell me you didn’t procreate. 

  4. 1 minute ago, Thatguy said:

      Bro, it's been 54 years since the ink was laid in the Civil Right Act. 54 years. That's barely a single generation. That's not a lot of time to ask an entire race of people to get their shit together. Black people are not robots my friend. We are people the same as you, and as such we suffer from the same shortcomings that all the other people in this world have. We have alcoholism, drug abuse, mental health issues, or just plain being assholes. In order for the black community to rise up to the level that the white community is at in that short a time span they would have to be flawless. There are many layers.


    That’s the point, we’re all screwed up and face adversity every single day. No matter the race or gender, life is a bitch. I’ve scratched and clawed my way to a good life and I’ll be damned before someone tells me I earned it with white privilege. Asking the black community to step up and raise their children in a two parent household is a way to help them achieve greater success, which is the ultimate goal. It’s not scolding, it’s solid advice. Advice they would be smart to incorporate. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Thatguy said:


    Bro, you have no idea what you are talking about. Like. At all. Black people are out here trying. I came from a single parent home and I too am not struggling. You are missing a very simple fact. It takes time and generations for people to find success in life. You expected everyone to get their shit together as soon as the civil right act was signed. Ridiculous to say the least.

       Another fact that you are missing is how the war on drugs affected the black community. Young people were getting slapped with life altering crimes for things that should've been a slap on the wrist. That had way more to do with set backs in the black community then "just choosing to not be in their kids' lives". But by all means carry on. The soap box is right over there.

    I’m glad to hear you’re doing well, as many in your position are not. The civil rights act and drug war played a role in the past, I’m not denying that. But in 2018? No, I think the lack of personal accountability is the main culprit.

  6. 13 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    I never said that. You set up that particular straw man.

    My argument is that education and hard work are often mitigated by race-based discrimination.

    Often mitigated? Please. What an uplifting message to the black youth. “Hey guys, don’t bother, you’re screwed no matter how hard you work”. Sheesh, talk about crippling an entire generation. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    And what situations did these people come from in Nigeria? Are we talking about the impoverished dregs of society or children of the Nigerian middle/upper class? Were their parents in the extremely impoverished class? Were their parents well educated?

    Did they come to America because they were starving in the conurbations around Lagos? Or did they come to America as a way to increase their already-existing wealth?

    You're in your usual bitch-mode of whining sarcasm, but this is very often the absolute truth.

    Some had wealthy families, some didn’t. It’s rather irrelevant in the end really. 

    Just tell young black men to pack it in I guess. He’s a victim and no matter how hard one works, it’s fruitless. It’s easier than telling them the truth though, so I understand your inclination to coddle. 


  8. 1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

    OK, so what accounts for the disparity within Nigeria?

    We're gonna get there! I have hope!

    White liberals are only slightly better than white conservatives in this regard.

    Whining bitch sarcasm is always where they retreat. #sad


    Why is it so hard for you to answer simple questions? Why do you flail around so much?

    And why do they have such a low divorce rate and why do they "put an emphasis" on education? Why? What makes them different in that way from slave-descended black Americans?

    Please answer simple questions, you stupid racist coward.


    Because, for them, coming to America is a dream and they’ll be damned before they have to go back. They recognize how truly great this country is and all of the opportunities that it presents, there’s no way in hell they’ll squander their chance. We won the lottery being born here, but we often take it for granted. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Brian Fantana said:

    Lol @ this Asian-American vs. African-American false equivalency. As if the barrier to entry to our society was the same for both.

    Yes, whites built the railroads and the Japanese were never put in concentration camps. Read a damn history book. Our education system has failed so many. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    It's like watching a simpleton smugly say "checkmate" after shoving your king up his nose.

    And why do they have such a low divorce rate and why do they "put an emphasis" on education? Why? What makes them different in that way from slave-descended black Americans?

    I notice you left out the success of the Asian American, smart move. I work with many Nigerian immigrants and they despise the victim attitude that has, in their view, weakened so many African Americans. They recognize the best path to success and they work to achieve it. They’re an inspiration, and as a result, I actually improved my job performance. 

    They’ve laid out the best path to success, it’s up to the rest of us to follow. 

  11. 1 minute ago, bad_teammate said:

    You're not answering the question: What accounts for the differences between the races in this regard?

    By what standard do you measure "emphasis" on these things?

    Nigerian immigrants are the most successful immigrants in America by educational standards. Why?

    Why is it that racists always turn into whining bitches who hide behind sarcasm when asked simple questions? It's pathetic.

    For black Americans whose ancestors were slaves, this is true. For whites like me... eh... not so much.

    - I'm not going to get arrested for being white on the way to work or in a coffee shop.

    - I'm not going to have my resume put into the "no thanks" pile because of my name.

    - I'm not going to be put in jail for having a joint.

    - My kids are not going to be punished more harshly for the same offense as kids of other races.

    - My kids are going to be treated with more respect by adults in all areas.

    I will not have to work nearly as hard as you to achieve the same success, and my kids will start ahead and have an easier time than your kids staying ahead and getting further ahead.

    Nigerians have a very low divorce rate and put an emphasis on education. You just made my point for me very eloquently, thanks. 

  12. 6 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    Are you saying that black people make more poor decisions than white people?

    As far as fatherhood and raising their children? Yes. 

    The same goes for white people, the Asian population is passing both of us by. I say we try to learn from them and instill the same values. 

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  13. 4 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    No, I'm not denying that two parent households are better. I'm arguing that two parent black households still lag behind single parent white households.

    Why is that?

    And why do whites lag behind the Asian population? It can’t be their emphasis on structure and education can it? After all, they’ve never been discriminated against, right?

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