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Posts posted by Chrispy

  1. 55 minutes ago, sidis said:

    your efforts to make this whole theme your shtick on here is amusing.  how insecure can one person be?

    I felt it would have been irresponsible not respond to Fondren, as his grasp of The Follicular Phase of the menstrual cycle seems rather tenuous. Also, it might help his joke land in the future. 

    You’re the guy that fancies himself a philosopher, if I remember correctly. Remember, Socarates once said “there is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance”. 

  2. 34 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    Couldn't they have just like given them penalty strokes or stuff ?

    Only if it were a tournament. The police have better things to do than mess with this nonsense. I wonder if the women were walking or riding carts, because most country clubs discourage fivesomes from walking. Also, how long was the was the round taking and how long was the break? 

  3. 3 hours ago, Thatguy said:

    Let me address the points one by one.


    1) Chrispy said that black father's needed to try and stay in their kid's homes. A statement like that implies they aren't trying. That is completely different than discussing statistics, or the why's it may be happening. Hopefully you understand the difference. The discussion of data is not racist. The implication that black father's aren't trying is. If you are not guilty of that then you are free and clear. Discuss the data all you want.


    2) The second point about BigLaw was an assumption on Johnny Sack's part. Once again, if you are making wild swing's with no statistical data to back it up, then you are going to raise the eyebrow of people in the know.


       Let me be clear. You are free to discuss anything you want. I invite it. It's the only way we are going to learn about one another. Lastly, we are all racists about something if we are bring honest.

    Call me a racist and blame external factors, it makes no difference to me. I expect more out of black fathers not less, simply because I know they are fully capable. The people stating that they’re trying their best and still failing so miserably are the real racists. Anyway, I’ve gone back and forth on this thread and I’ve been reduced to tautology to make my point. The onus to fix the problem is on them, have a good one.

  4. 41 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Your post count is right by your name on every post you make. Interesting that your lifestyle changed exactly when shaggy did. Clearly, you aren't trying to turn over a new leaf. May as well admit who you were. 

    It’s not on my mobile device, I would have to click your name and I’m not that interested. I’m not firing up the laptop to talk to you knuckleheads. I was Teddy Duchamp on shaggy, you’re just wrong on this one. 

  5. 43 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Strange that a shaggy lurker would suddenly decide to make 190 political posts in short order on the new board.  Meanwhile, there are a few prolific Cloak Room posters who post exactly like you, but aren't here.

    You counted my posts? Well be still, my heart. Like I stated earlier, my priorities and lifestyle changed, so I post more. They would be wise to emulate my style, but I can’t take any credit for them doing so. 

  6. 59 minutes ago, Mole said:

    You've called several posters on this thread racist - one explicitly and at least one other by suggestion. Would you care to point out them being "obviously racist?"

    Now that you've made constant and reflexive racism accusations, you're pivoting to white fragility to explain away your unrelenting need to call disagreement racism.

    Stay woke. You've got it all figured out.

    You know how some preachers decry homosexuality to a point it gets weird? And then it comes out they hang out in airport restrooms? That’s how BT is with racism. He’s fighting this internal battle and trying to come to grips with his racism, so he’s obsessed with it. 

    I have faith in him though, I think he’ll persevere  through these dark times and realize there’s no reason to be ashamed of who he truly is and the anger will simply fade away. 

    • Like 1
  7. 22 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Chrispy is more of a pussy because he is afraid to post with his shaggy screenname.

    My shaggy name was Teddy Duchamp I believe, the character from Stand by me. I never posted really because I was more interested in chasing tail at the time and the Austin night life. If that makes me a pussy, so be it. 

  8. 52 minutes ago, ousux said:

    Greater Houston area is becoming like a mini southern louisiana..

    Immense pressure to go full aggy or risk being shunned and blackballed by the community.

    The Woodlands/Conroe area is something I know very well and has a heavy aggy presence. Which makes the Ossai and possible Johnson signing all that more impressive. 

    Although, the same can be said for Katy and we grabbed Ojomo. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    I don't think the way to go about this is to disparage Johnny Sack for his relative "privileged" upbringing in the work force.  He could have fucked it up, but he didn't. 

    That said, how many African-Americans have a  grandfather from the depression era without a college degree that started a business that made them millionaires?  Can we at least acknowledge that racial discrimination pretty much wouldn't allow that to happen back then?  Can we recognize that African-Americans typically don't have those success stories in their family that have a huge affect on their kids and grandkids?

    I can get on board with a lot of what you’re saying. Essentially, Johnny is saying he had an influential role model in his life that inspired his success, while at the same time not receiving handouts and working his ass off. He should be commended for that, not belittled. 

    It’s not surprising that there’s a lack of similar role models in the black community, considering that they’re most likely to live in a single parent household. “Back then” is the key word that you mention, there’s no reason for the number to be so astronomically high in 2017. No community will thrive under those conditions.

    Hell, the Asians are kicking everyone’s ass. They are currently suing Harvard because their Applications are being held to a higher standard, since their peers routinely have the highest scores. Nuclear family and education, problem solved. 


  10. 10 minutes ago, FondrenRoad said:

    Awww. Poor baby can't afford to live in CA. 

    And you have said you had a trust fund before. Maybe it was from grandpa though. Really, you're just trying to cloud your identity now. And here you go again. People who make their own success don't feel the need to proclaim it.  You, for sure, don't know shit about me.

    Someone with your racist bias shouldnt be on a hiring committee. Youre a liability. Just go back to dining with clients. 

    Sure I could, there’s a plethora of tent cities to choose from. 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    You don't know shit about me.  I was top 10 percent at UT Law and could go to any Texas biglaw firm I wanted to after I clerked for a federal judge.  

    Forget it, this particular individual feels that plate tectonics determined, millions of years ago, California’s homeless nightmare. He’s a total nutjob. 

  12. 31 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Even if you take JohnnySack’s Biglaw shit completely on its face, it’s kind of funny that he still doesn’t see how it is an absolutely perfect example of the long-term impact of systemic racism.

    There are reasons that blacks are so rare in Biglaw and there are reasons it is so hard for Biglaw to find “qualified” black candidates.

    All of that is staring DIRECTLY in his fucking face and what he takes away is, “hey we’re trying to give them some preference at the last stop on the train line” and completely fucking ignores the 400 previous stops.

    It’s kind of sad to constantly realize that the most wealthy and powerful people in the nation have the intellectual depth of a kiddie pool.

    Hopefully this morning’s flagellation session has eased your pain and cleared your conscience. 

  13. 48 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:


    The insecure white focus on the meager amount of scholarships given favorably to blacks while ignoring the Rocky Mountain range of obstacles in front of blacks is amazing. The purpose of selecting for minorities, to the small extent it is done, is to account for the TREMENDOUS oppression still being placed on them today. Why is it that so few minorities make the Big Law grade cut?

    Why is it so hard for you people to acknowledge that you live in a society that favors your skin? Why are you so insistent on pretending you've never been a recipient of privilege? it's insane.

    It has nothing to do with the fragility of one’s ego, diminishing someone’s achievements based on their skin pigment is flat out dumb. 

    Looks like I’m going to have to suspend my Sasquatch search and find this white privilege feller I keep hearing about. I got a perfect place above my mantle where it would look magnificent.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Catdaddyhorn said:
    20 minutes ago, Chrispy said:
    An anecdotal story about a guy doing blow with his friends is sufficient evidence that the DEA is not looking for cocaine? 
    If you want to indulge these conspiracy theories, have at it, just know that it will result in unnecessary paranoia and wasted energy. 

    So we're dismissing anecdotes now. A few post ago you were lauding a bootstrap anecdote after rejecting large scale demographic data.

    I’m not dismissing it as much as it really didn’t make any sense to me. If he said these kids were doing blow in front of cops, then my ears would perk up. But doing blow at a random party and then extrapolating that into some vast conspiracy theory was tough to follow. 

  15. 5 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

       People on this thread have told you their friends were doing lines of coke in their early years and nothing came of it. Rich people are not getting off easy on drug convictions, they are NOT even looking for them.

    An anecdotal story about a guy doing blow with his friends is sufficient evidence that the DEA is not looking for cocaine? 

    If you want to indulge these conspiracy theories, have at it, just know that it will result in unnecessary paranoia and wasted energy. 

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