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Posts posted by Chrispy

  1. 3 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

       No they did not. They weren't running all through Beverly Hills giving high society 3 and 4 years for snorting coke at parties.

    Beverly Hills? That’s your basis for how the US enforced cocaine laws? 

    How insightful, rich people got off easy from drug convictions. Stop being paranoid my man, nobody is out to get you. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:

    I'm not going to feed the troll

    Did it help me get into college? No, being white actually hindered me. Did it help me get jobs waiting tables? No. Did it motivate me to dig myself out of debt and raise my credit score to 800+? Nope. Did it get me my current job? LOL...

    Don’t let him bring you down. From one white guy to another, congratulations on your success. There is no amount of self immolation or flaggelation that they will deem sufficient. Just know that your success eats them up inside and that should be enough. 

    • Like 1
  3. 21 minutes ago, Thatguy said:

      I told you the board was going to light you up...lol.


       You do realize that you are arguing that you should get more time for crack because it supposedly is more addicting when crack wouldn't exist if you rid yourself of cocaine, right? So why not just go after cocaine? The answer is simple, but I want to see if you try and squirm around it.

    I didn’t argue for longer sentences for crack, only that is was very concentrated, had an instantaneous high that was short lived, and ravaged the black community. 

    Um, they did and continue to go after coacaine.

    I took issue with comparing that to high school tomfoolery, so you’re somewhat confused. 

    Now, I don’t think the mandatory sentencing was some surreptitious plan to cripple the black community, I think the community at large was scared shitless and overreacted. Some of that misguided policy is still felt today. 

    They’re raiding meth labs daily. Here locally and across the nation; is this racially motivated also? Of course not.


  4. 5 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Cool.  But you should know that the answer isn't mass imprisonment of citizens. 


    Well, not only that, it’s not feasible. My assumption earlier in the thread was that a poster mentioned I was being hypocritical in my position by saying that crack users should go to jail and not opioid users. Hence my original commment, that no I’m ok with them going to jail. 

    Sorry for the confusion.

  5. 1 minute ago, hayden_horn said:

    i don't necessarily think so. i have plenty of folks in my life that talk and reason like he does in order to justify their prejudices and bigoted hot takes.

    Bigoted, give me a break. Any hint of personal accountably in the black community postulated by a white man is racist. Which is why none of this will get solved. 

  6. 1 minute ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    Crack is just cocaine.  White people attached the dangers of crack to black people to make it sound really fucking scary. 

    The majority of my friends were popping pills and doing cocaine in the Paradise bathroom in college.  But pills and coke are attached to white people, so no biggie. 


    Oh really, it is? It couldn’t be that crack is way more addicting than cocaine could it? Or that it ravaged the black population? No, that’s not scary. 

    I, too, had white friends popping pills and drinking and smoking. And guess what? Some went to jail and some didn’t. The lengths people go to feel sorry for people is ridiculous. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    So driving while intoxicated (not me, was with a friend), kicking cop cars and threatening to kick a cop's ass(not me, with a friend),  and carrying marijuana (guilty) in high school is "tomfoolery"?   Luckily, the cops that stopped us all agreed and let us go. 


    Yeah, I saw a lot of that. I saw zero crack, that was in another stratosphere. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Hank Kingsley said:

    I think about all the stupid shit my friends and I did in high school and college, and our run-ins with the police. Not once did a single person get arrested.  Can only imagine how different our lives would've been if we were black and law enforcement threw the book at us. 



    Yes, let’s compare high school tomfoolery to smoking crack. Jesus.

  9. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Them sending money home is evidence that they come from the poor class in Nigeria? torbush

    Nigerian immigrants come from educated families with the means necessary to go through the immigration process, actually send family members to America, and fund their early days in the USA.

    That's how this shit works.

    No, they don't.

    Yes, them telling me the conditions they left is why they work so diligently. You’re making stuff up now. 

    Yes, we all face hardships. It’s hip to say white people don’t, but nonetheless untrue. 

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