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Everything posted by squeegeedegg

  1. In what way is it ideal to have your best line of scrimmage DB sitting back at safety and a true freshman at Nickel?
  2. Just take the blind side rush and go through Belgium. Works every time
  3. Not only the last decade of shit but the fact this is the first true road game this team has had and it's in Morgantown of all places. Texas can win this game while not playing their A game but that will require the veteran leaders showing up, thats Duvernay, but also CJ if he can play he should play...same for Foster. If you gotta keep them on a snap count that's fine, but they shouldn't be sitting on the sideline looking forward to OU
  4. I'm ready for some good news with LB recruiting
  5. IT post, last page I think... Saying the dad is leaning heavily on opinions of scouts, for whatever reason. It's likely all 9.95 bs but that's why I said what I said about Alabama
  6. Alabama being mentioned lately as the bigger threat for what it's worth
  7. Some overreaction concerning Dixon I imagine?
  8. I think having Brandon at NB actually is the main reason we held up so well against Hubbard in the red zone...I would not want Brandon to move back to safety unless there's no other option. Estell I thought played great, and I would keep Chris Brown on the field at safety as long as possible, even after Caden returns. Adimora to spell. Foster needs to be at Joker. Corner is just a sad situation, but I don't see anyone playing better than Jamison and Boyce, even at that low bar... So there's our answer. Cook just hasn't helped the team in any way this year
  9. Haven't seen a Bama game in a while. Decided to watch a replay of their last game vs So. Miss... They just look a step slower and less physical on defense than I expected a Bama team to look. Offense is a different story. Other than Najee Harris being average to slightly above average back that runs way too upright, Bama will be scoring at will in conference play. Bama vs LSU is shaping up to be a shoot-out... Aggies 5 years too late to the human cube fest but completely unaware, as is tradition
  10. Not being mentioned much, but seeing Montrell Estell hold up decently well is very encouraging to see
  11. He's just a TE that doesn't like blocking
  12. These guys truly seem to think more than 1 score lead is good enough
  13. Holy shit lol each team is just doing all they can to keep each other in the game
  14. Hey JWash and Mehringer... Take notes from every other team in the Big 12 pls, starting now
  15. What a horrendous second season Sterns is having so far. Each year I get hyped that he's going to show out against schools like LSU and OSU given the history and connections he shares with each but nope nada
  16. But we played the off-season practices super ultra hard so that means OSU should be no problem right?
  17. As is tradition, let's go ahead and kick start a freshman's Heisman campaign for him
  18. Im gonna just say it. I need to start caring less about football. Years of Charlie ineptitude gone and the team is head and shoulders above where it was just a few years ago but I still can't fucking enjoy any of it because all I see are the stupid choices and stupid mistakes
  19. Reminds me way too much of a dude I went to high school with. DJ Grant out of LBJ '08... Looked great at WR beasting on short, skinny corners. Like Grant, I sure hope Omeire gets turned into a TE at Texas
  20. Coach speak there... Cade and especially Reese have a looong way to go in the running game and pass blocking
  21. Lmao how does he see anything with his helmet on
  22. Okie Lite... blowU is more aggy than OSU
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