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Everything posted by squeegeedegg

  1. I never said it before out of fear of being negged but all the comments from our fanbase about OU being overrated and a soft joke were pretty fucking dumb. All you have to do is watch a little football this year and see Texas isn't standing alone at the top of the Big12 with regards to physicality, and nowhere near the top when it comes to the physicality of the WR and DB groups. Credit Herman for bringing more physicality to the conference, but these things are in no way static. Credit Riley for adapting quickly to rising threats in order to keep the high ground. Getting a rematch with OU is a priority, but it's going to take better coaching than what we've seen so far. Texas won't necessarily be the most physical team on the field anymore through the rest of conference play.
  2. Just think about how integral strong WR play is to the success of Herman's offensive philosophy. In terms of physicality, downfield blocking etc. Who's the position coach? Drew fucking Mehringer... Is there any surprise?
  3. Is OU playing better overall D than LSU? Sure seems like it
  4. Sometimes players are too fucking proud to be honest with the staff about their status in the moment and sometimes the coaches are too fucking scared of adjusting with the backup schematically to make the call themselves. "Trust"
  5. Everyone expecting the O-Line to run over their D-line got to our guy's heads
  6. Saying their line has been soft all year is just coloring the statement with memories of Mike Stoops
  7. New target? Time to Daddy98 it up in this bitch
  8. Clegane's Keep, if he wants to stay close to home imo
  9. Saban won't be able to get his defense performing all that much better than it is now, which is, worst they've had in a while. He is definitely smart enough though to take command of the game on their first offensive possession and get 75 yards on 6 or 7 plays for a touchdown in about 1:30 minutes of game time. Auburn 2.0 but with a heisman contender at QB and about 4 all-american caliber receivers . the aggy crowd will wilt immediately
  10. Don't worry, Drayton will have him thinking and tiptoeing behind the line of scrimmage in no time
  11. This could be a case of iron dulling iron. Our receivers are putting up numbers in spite of the terrible coaching from Mehringer. They still have shitty technique and get by only on physical traits. Practicing against inaccurate downfield throws and lackluster big WR effort all off-season is reflecting in the DB play against better coached receivers. And Duv is an outlier , succeeding because he's in the slot, outside of Mehringers shadow of shittiness
  12. Every single DB on the team plays the ball poorly in the air and especially along the sideline. It's Washington
  13. Thank you Sam, I'm feeling calm with 3 minutes left in a conference road game... It's nice
  14. Is that Bryan Cranston on the Ford commercial or am I imagining things?
  15. Every year we start off with idiotic personnel decisions in the defensive backfield... So glad Jamison is forcing himself into the lineup with amazing play on the field
  16. 2 score lead in the 4th quarter? Breaking out a fresh bottle of TUMs
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