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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by RPM

  1. 10 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:
    Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman met with Jared Kushner in October

    Salman has since bragged about using classified intelligence from Kushner as part of a crackdown on 'corrupt' princes and businessmen in Saudi Arabia

    He said the intelligence from Kushner included information on those who were disloyal to Salman and who were his 'enemies', insiders tell DailyMail 

    Kushner's attorney's spokesman said it was 'false' that the president's son-in-law passed on secrets and that he was 'well aware of the rules'

    The crown prince launched his crackdown on corruption in November, days after he met Kushner for talks in Riyadh

    Hundreds were rounded up, including princes from rival parts of the Saudi royal family and some of the country's wealthiest businessmen

    But the crackdown saw accusations of torture and at least one reported death 


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  2. Do not stab or repeatedly apply the brakes. That's how you burn them up. Using constant light pressure is the right way. The old rule was drop off a mountain at or below the speed you topped it. With all the horsepower today's engines have, that would get you in big trouble. Brakes have improved a lot with disc, but there's still a lot of drums being used. I used to scoot over on the shoulder to kick up snow during the winter. Probably didn't help, but it made me feel better. Summertime I just watched the smoke and prayed.

  3. Anejo is aged 12+months 
    Repo is aged 2 to 12 months
    Blanco is 0 to 2 months
    Longer the age the more it taste like whisky and gets complex
    The blanco's will have a more citrus flare by brand
    Then we get into highland and lowland tequilas.......
    You're close, but tequila (processed correctly) will never taste like whiskey. Whiskey is aged in new charred oak barrels. That's where the color and a lot of the flavor comes from. The sweetness comes from processing after aging like Jack Daniels does.

    Tequila is aged in uncharred white oak barrels, hence the lighter color and flavor. The smokiness comes from baking the Pina before it's mashed.

    Of course there are always exceptions to the rules with artisan products.
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  4. 2 minutes ago, 77horn said:

      She can't bring herself to tell the whole story, so she's been sticking to the defending her "family story", while refusing to take a DNA test.

    She's told the story as it was told to her and has been consistent about it.

  5. 21 minutes ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    She got her undergraduate degree from the University of Houston and her law degree from Rutgers.  She was never part of the east coast elite establishment.

    Cougar High elitist!

  6. 57 minutes ago, 6th Street said:

    I mean I live in the Midwest, and Trump filled these simpletons with hopes and dreams of manufacturing jobs coming back, reneging on NAFTA, etc. So pretty obvious why he cleaned up in MI, WI, OH, and PA. 

    A pro union southern Democrat or Midwest guy would swing these voters back to D. Warren is viewed as an out of touch east coast establishment liberal that doesn't care for the working class.

    I live in Texas. That's about as blue collar east coast elitist hating as it gets. I view Warren as more in touch with working class people than anyone in the republican leadership. I've seen her throw down with big financial criminals and demand stiffer penalties for their crimes. I've seen her fight for consumer rights. You know who that supports? The working class.

    Out of touch? Not at all.

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