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Everything posted by Hawndoh

  1. Hawndoh


    I don't get to play as much as I would like so I still suck at it. I might be around 10 runs total and still haven't beaten Meg.
  2. Dude, Black Panther is one of the better MCU movies. It was great.
  3. We've still had a few good laughs each episode but it's a noticable dip.
  4. Fishing shirts can sometimes have UV protection built in too. Makes sense if you work outside. Backing into a spot can be faster if you have a long vehicle with a bad turn radius, especially with modern backup cameras. You can manuever in tight spaces at slow speeds better when reversing. That's why you are supposed to reverse when parallel parking.
  5. You mean season 8... Only the first episode had that much social commentary. I don't think the cast was going to return to the show if they weren't going to address that stuff. We are still watching but it has certainly lost a spark. Not because of the social stuff, but not having Hitchcock around with Scully is weird. Boyle's hair is weird. Holt and Kevin having problems doesn't fit at all with their prior 7 seasons of backstory. And sitcoms have been doing the "new parents struggling with the baby" story line forever. Even the cold opens have been pretty weak.
  6. I've had a PS2 and PS3 in the past. But I went Xbox this time around mostly for Gamepass.
  7. Music rights are also the blame for some shows either never releasing on DVD or finally releasing with new songs replacing originally aired tracks
  8. Hawndoh


    It released on all the other consoles this past week, and it's on Gamepass for Xbox. I started it for the first time on a Series X and it's been a lot of fun.
  9. I would think to be a cop movie that the protagonist should be the cop. Smokey and the Bandit is an outlaw movie.
  10. Listening to radio stream and it's been a train of cautions and now a red flag.
  11. It's very narrow. I cut cable and can't watch it but I predict a lap 1 red flag.
  12. My first ever in person game was 1998 vs aggy with Ricky's record run.
  13. I downloaded all 102 gb of it and flew around Bora Bora a bit. I need to go through all the tutorials and learn the controls though. Seemed to run fine on the X for the little bit I did. Looks fantastic on a 4k TV.
  14. It's the Olympics. Nobody will care a month from now.
  15. Well, they win so they're not aggy. But they do whine a lot.
  16. They said in the show, maybe the first episode that all the time travel shenanigans if Endgame were deemed to be the "correct" timeline by the time keepers.
  17. Yes. The most universal trait of American culture is selfishness and narcissism.
  18. A few weeks ago I binged all 6 seasons of Longmire. It was an A&E show I think for three seasons and then a Netflix show for three more seasons. It's pretty good.
  19. Calling it the OLED edition. It is not the 4k capable switch pro people were hoping for. New 7-inch OLED screen that can run 720p in handheld mode. 1080p in docked TV mode. Wired Ethernet port built in. 64 gb built in storage, up from 32. But looks like everything else is basically the same. No new Nvidia hardware or anything. 350 bucks this October.
  20. So goalies can just punch people in the face, I guess...
  21. Or even just select the text briefly to read it.
  22. Hawndoh


    I've been binging this. It's good. I do find it hilarious though how quickly they can just pop down to Denver or to Montana or even Arizona in one episode in like no time at all. But the characters are good, the actors seem to fit what I remember from the books pretty well. Obviously because it's being presented a couple decades later than the books were, they've cut out all his Vietnam war back story, but maybe something like it comes up in the second half of the series. I only just finished season 3.
  23. I see they've gone the ChevyHD route of "why design a front end when a giant gaping hole will do"
  24. I think he just lost the tournament there.
  25. Rahm's lady has them rude new-mom thangs.
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