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Everything posted by Hawndoh

  1. I don't know but I cut cable so the broadcast FOX is all I get. I'm gonna miss the start of our game.
  2. Run clock, stop throwing flags. I don't want our game delayed. Edit - I mean the tv coverage delayed.
  3. "they cut the lead in half" 7 is half of 21?
  4. Its better than Pitbull and Boost mobile.
  5. That hair is the worst thing I've ever seen.
  6. My motherboard doesn't have wifi either. Pretty common for desktops. Saves money and most desktops are wired to a network.
  7. Perhaps Mulan didn't perform well enough for them to try to do the same thing with this movie.
  8. Pretty much anytime anyone uses a computer. Furiously typing letters like a court reporter and yet windows and graphics fly around the screen.
  9. I never even found the right place in Amazon. Only ever found the old xbox
  10. I tried to preorder an Xbox, got as far as getting into the shopping cart and never could proceed farther. Now they're sold out. I was trying Target.
  11. But that's the thing. They aren't just sitting on Zoom calls when at the building. It's way easier to keep them on target, it's way easier to answer their questions, it's way easier to solve technical glitches for the kids in the building. So learning is way more efficient. I just gave my first unit test and there is a pretty clear statistical difference in the scores between the kids in the building and the kids at home, and we've only been in the building about 2 weeks. I have 10-15 students that have raised their grades a full letter grade after returning to the building compared to what they were doing at home the first few weeks. So from my experience, there is definitely a "point" to the hassle of getting them to school.
  12. Cause the 2nd period was the exact opposite
  13. Hell yeah! Morale crusher right at the end of the period
  14. Boom. Dallas has looked great this 2nd period
  15. Actually I just finished two weeks of coseated, not three. Working a lot of hours, feels like three.
  16. It's not like the teacher is ignoring the existence of people in their classroom. They join the zoom so they can hear the discussions and the answers kids at home are giving... I've just finished up my 3rd week of co-seated classrooms. All 7 of my classes throughout the day have kids face-to-face on campus and kids at home. I still look at and talk to the kids physically in the room exactly the same as I always have, I also just look into the camera and speak to the kids at home, too. I call on kids in the room to answer questions, and I call on kids at home to answer questions. If I want to stick kids in small groups I can do that with Zoom. Zoom can split them all off into little groups and then automatically bring them all back together after whatever time limit I set. The kids physically on campus can just join the Zoom call so they can be part of small group discussions with the home kids. It's really not that hard. I share my projector screen on the Zoom call, so what is being displayed on the wall by the document camera is also being streamed to the kids at home. So everyone in the class is still seeing the same thing, it's just kids in the room look at the wall, kids at home look at a screen. Everything is going pretty well and the kids who are coming to campus are enjoying being around other kids regularly again, even with all the extra procedures. They wear masks all the time except lunch. Lunch is very spread out. I have to spray a disinfectant/viricide on each desk a kid sat at between class periods, we minimize the use of shared resources and keep everything digital as much as possible.
  17. Way more people have moved totally digitally now. Many don't get blu-ray movies or anything now that streaming is so widespread.
  18. My brain swapped a couple of letters around and I thought you were talking about a really spicy tamale. Maybe I'm just hungry.
  19. I love it when I get a message from a remote learner that says "I can't finish my assignment because my school computer is too slow and it isn't working" Then I load up his screen from my computer and he has 37 chrome tabs running, half of which are YouTube videos. Yeah, I'm sure your computer is slow.... So I close all his tabs for him, and surprise it works now. How about that?
  20. Seems as though they are at least talking.
  21. Nice race today for team Andretti. Pretty lousy weekend for Dixon.
  22. Is it a joycon or a pro controller. I haven't needed to do it myself but I have heard swapping out a joycon analog stick is fairly easy and cheap to do.
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