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Everything posted by Hawndoh

  1. I supposedly just secured an XBox through Best Buy. But it was for in-store pickup only, and pickup is projected to be Saturday the 26th. But I'm going to be out of town at the in-laws, so I've had to put in another person's info as the pickup person, hopefully it all goes well and they can actually pick it up. They did already charge my CC, so I'm guessing that actually means I have secured it.
  2. Targets around here still have the sign up that says "online only"
  3. Yesterday I saw a Triumph TR6 out in the wild, going through a Target parking lot. Not a car you see every day.
  4. I've pretty much concluded I'm not getting one until Feb or Mar. My job isn't one where I can sit there refreshing like crazy trying to order.
  5. I struck out again trying Best Buy.
  6. But that would financially ruin Cowboys fans and screw up the Texas economy.
  7. Casinos don't revitalize anything other than the casino owner. I mean look at those thriving, revitalized communities of Shreveport, LA or Durant, OK or that town in Mississippi near Memphis TN. Thats the way they sell it politically but they don't revitalize anything.
  8. I have 3 monitors on the home computer, two monitors plus the wall projector in my classroom. I would die if I had to work off one screen.
  9. Could Riccardo or leclerc or max just jump in lewis' car and win as easily as he does? Yes.yes they could. All 3 of them would be a world champion in that car
  10. App said it was in stock at Microsoft. I got it in my cart but it would never take my credit card and I missed out
  11. The difference is Stroll is in a fast car and Latifi is not. Pay drivers buying their way into a back marker doesn't annoy people as much as buying their way to a competitive car.
  12. They should just feed him fake intel reports that would benefit us after he sells them off to Russia or China. He won't know they're fake, probably wouldn't even read them.
  13. I naively thought that maybe the Series X would be easier to get because its main launch titles were delayed, but nope.
  14. Walmart doesn't care if bots are buying them, a sale is a sale.
  15. Oh I've sat through many parent conferences for even dumber stuff.
  16. After all these lawsuits fail the next funniest wave of lawsuits will be these lawyers suing Trump for not paying them.
  17. A long term sub, nice retired guy, who was working for a teacher on maternity leave at my school tested positive 3 days before his sub job was to end. Sucks, and I hope he is fine. Older retired guy that didn't need to be here.
  18. Anyone with the power and influence to change the rhetoric. It doesn't matter who started the phrase, but those who want to reform police and are in a position to do so need to take control of the messaging.
  19. They really should rebrand their argument and stop saying "defund the police" and maybe say "demilitarize the police"
  20. Pray, spam the button, and get lucky ... Or over pay a scalper on eBay
  21. Supposedly walmart was releasing Xboxs at 11central online for in store pickup. Tried, and the button even appeared, but it immediately just said sold out.
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