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Everything posted by ss13

  1. On ESPN tonight at 8. Whenever it’s aired with commercials, the girlfriend winds up on the cutting room floor.
  2. Next week is listed as 90 minutes for now.
  3. The first google hit under her name says they were engaged.
  4. Saw that commercial the other day, they have a bunch of new shit. I don’t have a close location anymore though.
  5. Damn, I haven’t thought of Johanna in a minute.
  6. This dude really sucks.
  7. Tori & Brad, Danny & Melissa, have we had other married couples compete?
  8. I didn’t realize they’re married now.
  9. Bayleigh’s basically the one that brought up the “people die every day” tweet.
  10. Fucking sucks that Gregory is replaced by Lee Anne in the final. That ain’t a fucking spoiler, it’s in the previews.
  11. Great fucking post, idiot.
  12. Sweet jesus, Nikki is going to be a beating all season.
  13. I’ve followed Derynn on Insta since the first season, so knew she was fat for this one, but wasn’t expecting quite so much.
  14. That was a badass episode. We know one poster won’t like it though.
  15. Melissa is on some kind of historical run right now.
  16. That a girl Stephanie, get you some.
  17. Whole lot of talking by Kevin in the first half hour.
  18. Fuck, the sponsors spared no expense for this final.
  19. Lot of chatter about that out there. They were counting on a shitload of $ this year. I’m friends with a couple XTO/Exxon boys up high enough to know Simpson, but they ain’t saying much yet.
  20. Since everyone was so pumped the other night, more live fights on ESPN now.
  21. Great find, thanks. Everyone here should watch, it’s worth it. Hopefully they don’t fuck with the rest of the season like that.
  22. Made these tonight with beef HT gravy. Great rec on the Velveeta Shreds, hadn’t used it before, permanent fixture now.
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