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Everything posted by EZ$

  1. Make those fuckers play. So what if you have to play some non-scholarship guys.…the non-playoff bowls are basically exhibitions anyway.
  2. WTF….these guys don’t know shit and don’t have any type of “inside” or “behind the scenes” info or knowledge. What’s makes them any more qualified as anyone on this site??
  3. On target….no problem. Define “catchable” (with our WR group).
  4. Walter Nolan said it had nothing to do with NIL (money), it all had to do with the way he plays football and how it matches A&Ms play (although there is no way to know that since they don’t have a DC). Are y’all calling Walter a liar???
  5. Guess you haven’t seen the latest Looch 44 ya dumb sip!
  6. I’m sure he also made up the $15M/year or whatever was offered by LSU to show the recruits how dedicated Jimbo was. Must be nice to have the “press” help recruiting vs our slapdicks making everything more difficult.
  7. So are all these guys that are declaring skipping the bowl game? Jimbo usually does a good job of getting his guys to play the bowls.
  8. What were the early reports coming out of OSU? I know he should have still been In HS, but was he challenging for the starting spot before the season started. Any news of unbelievable arm talent in practice or anything like that?
  9. Perroni with 17 voicemails to Banks to confirm…
  10. Seems like he really wants to come here, we’ve just done everything possible to make him question that decision.
  11. $250k for about 12 catches his first couple years combined at that….
  12. Assuming QE isn’t a lock and assuming he even wants Stewart, this could be a little blow to him thinking players will follow him.
  13. I don’t care if this dude is a 6-star, I’d never be able to take him serious after seeing this shit.
  14. If I ever see this ugly aggy POS in public, I’ll need a shaggy lawyer for punching his dumbass out. Probably even sucker-punch him just for the fun of it.
  15. I would guess that he has informed a couple recruits (likely Stewart for sure) that he’ll be in Austin on Saturday and they should meet him there. He’ll commit and then work on them flipping/committing.
  16. Yup, we need Kurt Bowels to start covering recruiting.
  17. Looks like Careful Consideration portal’d before DeColdest, wonder if we offered??
  18. So paying players legally is worse than what aggy and the rest of the SEC have been doing??
  19. Mahomes could kick in $1M/year to Ewers easily by putting up less than 1/30th of his annual salary (not including a shit load more in endorsements). But does he really care about Tech that much? What’s 1/30th of VY’s salary???
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