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Everything posted by quigley

  1. I know the Sackers story very well. I'm in the industry and raise the alarm in the 1990s when their deception was starting. That said, the Kochs have purposely muddy the waters to allow the continuation of the fossil fuel industry for 40 years. It's a matter of degrees, but the playbook of the two groups is the same, and the outocomes are the same.
  2. You're probably right. The partisan lean in GA favors the R's, and GA is quite inelastic. That said, neither Perdue nor Loeffler have done much during their time in the Senate except insider trade. So they have negative name recognition. D's have a great leader in GA, Abrams, who's shown in two consecutive cycles that she can mobilize voters in the state. The cost of inaction is too great not to try to mobilize GA voters.
  3. Funny you should mention Grinch. I can see OU going back to a few recruits who they lost/were losing to Michigan to see wassup. (Donovan Edwards, Junior Colson, eg)
  4. I view the Kochs and the Sackers (Purdue pharma, makers of oxycontin) in the same light: They both used donations to palatable causes (research, arts, NPR) to buy them a place in polite society. All the while, their core businesses were destroying society.
  5. I used to be of the same mind. We never gave to political causes pre-2017. Rather, we gave national/international orgs, local orgs, and even to some specific people via random acts. We give five figures, not Koch-like funds but something. However, after we elevated the orange monster to the WH, the multiplier effects of political power became evident. With our current admin, I learned everyday that some uneducated idiot or an educated grifter could screw over thousand or even millions of people because they had been appointed by an uncaring politician. So, we start giving to political causes. we wasted money on McGrath in KY (a little) and Harrison in SC (more). We've donated to FL voting rights restoration and Fair Fight in GA. We'll continue to do this. We'll donate to the Dems in WI also. I'm looking for progressive orgs doing consistent, grassroots voter organization. Ideally, finding a group organizing in the Hispanic community in TX is high on the list so I'm open to suggestions.
  6. Truthfully, on a nice summer weekend, that plaza can be busier. It's definitely busier during events like the Kite Festival. Their permit was for 10K.
  7. Their permit request was for 10K. The WH spokesperson, who is a Federal employee, is embellishing the number by 100x.
  8. This post is exactly the reason Stacy Abrams, unfortunately, will never be president. ☹️
  9. I liked your post, and the only qualm I have with is is that the Koch's DIRECTLY did this with climate science. When you throw climate science under the bus, you erode confidence in science writ large. They went to MIT. They're smart and know better. It's simple greed with them. Steal $10, go to jail. Steal $10 billion, go to the Aspen Institute.
  10. When learning that Porter Wright and Jones Day were FINALLY ditching Trump, my first thought was that they don't think they'll get paid, not that they suddenly find the work odorous.
  11. Have people seen the Parler - Russia connection on twitter (Dave Troy)? To be honest, the first time I heard of Parler I thought that this is the natural extension of Russian influence into the Make-Amer-Grieve-Again space.
  12. You picked up on this too. For those that don't know, this is part of the Holocaust deniers platform. For now, let's just hope he's a rube.
  13. Doug Jones's competence and civility embarrassed them.
  14. This is why GA Senate races are really important. Converting "norms" into laws would be the first bill passed by the House. If the GOP Senate threaten to filibuster it, out with the filibuster. Then DC and probably PR become states, and Joe Manchin can become a R if he wants or jump in the Potomac.
  15. Republicans are playing a dangerous game. If they try to invalidate the popular vote in the swing states, they may fail (meaning Biden is president), energize GA voters for the special elections, and license Biden and the Dems to get rid of the filibuster and to balance the SCOTUS.
  16. It's the producers who call the shots on this, and they take directions from the C-suite. Fox is joining the Resistance. 😄 Really, they've done the math, and they're bottom line must be better if he loses. They've changed the editorial page editor at the NY Post too.
  17. Nah, he thought he lost in 2016 and was okay with it because it was for publicity. He thought he'd lose this year too based on internal polling. There's something driving this, fear of jail, of the embarrassment, or of something.
  18. It's a multi-pronged strategy. If he wins the election in the courts or by forcing the election to the states, then of course he wins. If he loses, he still gets a lot out of it. It sets up the initial talking points for TrumpTV, and it's part of his grift.
  19. Of course. We've given up on 1/2 - 2/3 of White people from the jump. The assumption that White people will hold back progress in America has been the bedrock of Republican strategy for three generations and has proven correct. Electorally, White people, especially White men, are happy to keep voting like Dread Scott was still the law of the land. That's why Spanish-speakers, Blacks, Native Peoples, and Asians have to understand that putting their differences aside will be critical forcing White people to allow equality. Especially important for Spanish-speakers because of their increasing vote power and openness to culture war garbage. Biden needs to create a carve-out for wet-foot/dry-foot for the Cubans that will allow normalization of Cuba and allow Cuban-Americans to still bring family members over easily. He needs to investigate what people in the RGV really want and give it to them. If it's jobs/money/healthcare, that's the easiest: build a Space Force base there. Asian-Americans need to understand that Affirmative Action won't ultimately hurt them. Take Ice Cube's Platinum Plan and actually do some of it. And if you haven't watched Chappelle's SNL monologue, please do. It's refreshingly honest.
  20. Wow, politicians actually have real feelings and don't just go to cemeteries to pose for pictures.
  21. An OU - UT rematch in the CCG is a real possibility at this point. Sooner fans are rooting for the Horns at this point.
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