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John Lawrence

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Everything posted by John Lawrence

  1. It's largely young people out there. I think some spread will be good. Let's get the herd immunity on.
  2. 5-10 miles per hour should work just fine. Anyone that doesn’t want to get their ass run over can move. I have no sympathy in dickheads blocking roads getting run over at slow speeds. You don’t have to let them Reginald Denny you
  3. Vehicles should keep going at slow speeds. If they want to get run over at five miles per hour, that’s their choice. motorists shouldn’t have to be detained by a crowd nor risk a mob beating them up. If those assholes get run over at a slow soeed, fuck ‘em
  4. You should volunteer your home or business to be burned.
  5. He threw the guy a beating and then backed off before hurting him too bad. Guy got what he deserved. Smith showed restraint. Felt like justice to me.
  6. I mean the guy lighting himself on fire has to be the leader in the club house. When you want to use gas to light something, you douse the gas on whatever and then pour a small trail away from what you are lighting. Then light the trail.
  7. Gun to your head, who do you think they are?
  8. The world may never know which way those young 20 year old women tagging a Starbucks with Black Lives Matters leaned politically.
  9. This dude must be high as fuck. Trying to load up at ATM on a public bus. LMAO.
  10. Fair enough. Many of the best people I know are Christians.
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