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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Orale

  1. I don't know if I'd call him my hero, but Anthony Bourdain is someone I really admired. When he died I was seriously bummed out for a couple weeks. He inspired me to travel the world and to appreciate great food no matter how humble. Outside of some family members that died, I haven't felt that way about anyone else I can think of.

  2. Minecraft stopped working for the kids, so I bought the upgraded version of it.
    Back when it was owned by Mahjong Studios, buy it and logging on was a breeze.
    Now that Microsoft owns it, it is a beating to even buy the damn thing. Gotta create a X-box account, put in my address 2x, and donate a skin sample. Now that it's finally installed, my kids can't use their original log in to play the game because it's already taken.
    Maybe it's user error on my part but I'm going to blame MS anyway.
    They bought Skype some time ago and I travel abroad frequently. After they bought it, it was such a pain in the ass to to do anything with the app. You now need a Microsoft account to use it and they constantly require you to change your password which is a pain.
  3. Interesting thinking.  Like it. 
    Katie "Whiteboard" Porter is definitely a good communicator and a good candidate.  Kinzinger switching parties would be awesome as well.  
    Porter would be an amazing president. But she's somewhat unattractive and as stupid and superficial as that is, it would make it hard for her to gain traction. I would love to be wrong.
    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Rage+1 1
  4. I'm about to board a flight to Thailand and this was the only thread briefly discussing it. I'll be in Bangkok 4 nights then Chiang Mai 4 nights. I'm thinking one of the beach areas for four nights then back to Bangkok a night or two before flying home. Any suggestions are appreciated.

    A blog was suggesting Ko Tao which requires a flight to Ko Samui then a 2 hour ferry to Ko Tao. I live in Hawaii so seeing pretty beaches is fine, but not necessarily a high priority if there are more culturally interesting places to visit in the country. I figured I would go to Bangkok first and get suggestions from locals and expats before booking the last four or five days of the trip.

  5. Lisbon is one of the great cities of the world. There are large terraces on the tops of the various hills where you can grab a spritzer or beer, a sun chair, and just people watch and take in the gorgeous views. I'm jealous. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  6. I've joined the club (suck it never-covids!). I flew late last week. I mask in terminal and until the filtration system kicks on around take off. But who knows. I woke up with a mild cold and light cough this morning. Took the test just in case and sure enough. It sucks because I'm still on that trip and now I'll be isolating in a hotel room all week (with some masked walks in nearby parks). After a round of DayQuil and Vitamin C I feel pretty good. I'm vaxxed/boosted so I'm glad for that. Hopefully I don't get the up and down recovery some experienced. Onward!

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. On 6/18/2022 at 9:47 AM, Homercles said:

    Yeah didn’t mean given on outbound, but many countries expect you to have the other half of that customs form they stamp when you arrive.  That’s what I was wondering about.  

    I went to Mexico City a couple months ago and was given that torn off piece of paper. When I flew out there was no immigration check. Just went through security like any airport in the U.S. without anyone checking my passport. Weird. 

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