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Posts posted by rickyspub

  1. Speaking of actual GT tackles, what happened with Richmond at Tenn? I asked a few pages back and no answer, so I am guessing the talk from the 9.95ers that we were strongly engaged was a fabrication. I want to say one article even said we were the front runner.

  2. 2 hours ago, zalienman said:

    Here are the Quality Control Coach salaries from July 2017.  



    William Stein Quality Control Coach (Exempt) INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS 20150323 WHITE MALE FULL TIME $44,375.00
    Casey Horny Quality Control Coach (Exempt) INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS 19960816 WHITE MALE FULL TIME $42,102.00
    Michael Huff Quality Control Coach (Exempt) INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS 20161003 BLACK MALE FULL TIME $35,625.00
    Trey Haverty Quality Control Coach (Exempt) INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS 20170109 WHITE MALE FULL TIME $30,767.00
    Roosevelt Maggitt Quality Control Coach (Exempt) INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS 20170120 BLACK MALE FULL TIME $29,148.00
    Austin Bell Quality Control Coach (Exempt) INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS 20170606 WHITE MALE FULL TIME $11,335.00

    Somewhat disappointed to see these amounts are still so low, though I hope Horny asked for a raise and CDC said, 'No means no'.

    Guys like Beaty and Fedora are getting paid on their buyouts, so the amounts don't matter that much to them, and Huff hopefully didn't blow all his NFL money on cars, but what about Coleman? Is he doing the analyst gig for peanuts because KSU is still paying him?

    I hope Samples is getting more than this.

  3. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

     Will get shit from the legislature about these line items salaries that fall outside the official headcount long before the NCAA ask us any questions 

    Meh, I think we had like 400+ employees at one point during Patterson's tenure. CDC has already put in a plan to reduce overall AD head count, some of which gets shifted to these analyst positions. I hope basketball and baseball can get some of this sort of help as well.

  4. 33 minutes ago, Sejjr said:

    That USC shit is hilarious. The program that brought us Sarkisian and Kiffen is now complaining about Herman being a douche? Well, I guess they would know better than most. 

    I love how one idiot acts like we were using 1-yr deals for the assistants as a negative recruiting angle against them, when we were using the fact that Helton is on a 1-yr leash to stop sucking.

  5. 4 minutes ago, sushihorn said:

    Well Jimbo never figured that one out in the first place, so...

    Well actually he did. He chose aggy knowing that if he insisted they would dodge ever playing Texas and therefore he avoids having to face Herman. Problem solved!

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Machinator said:

    Can't do spring OVs until April 1. I'm sure names will pop up starting next month.

    Thanks. EJ's post says Ransom is taking an OV to OU in April and I think Phillips and maybe Robinson were also noted as taking OVs to OU this Spring. It seems they have prioritized setting up OVs for the Spring. You can still only host 5 guys in the Spring, right? 

  7. I haven't seen any reports of any Spring OVs for us. OU is hosting one or two OVs soon from big names guys on the West Coast. Those guys also look like they are taking unofficials to us (and aggy). Have the coaches decided Spring OVs don't pay off or will we see some OVs during Spring Practice/Game?

  8. 10 minutes ago, Leanderman said:

    "Aggy spent weeks making that one edit, they actually sent it to every recruit and just changed the name on the Jersey. Seriously "

    Too busy scouring the nation for 5 star recruits to do anything but cut and paste.

    I think it took them that long to count to 99,844.

  9. 35 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    On their own fucking page that lists his interests, they have 7 schools listed as warm -- 6 western schools and Notre Dame.  aggy is listed as one of his cool interests.  So where the hell is that coming from?

    I am sure aggy has told Phillips he could start for them right now and with them bringing in another class without a real CB, they can promise instant playing time next year too. 

  10. It seems to me if you want a specific guy in the class early, it is on more than the position or area recruiter to make it happen. If we wanted Collins in the class now then Herman, Orlando, Washington, Naivar, and Carrington should have also been in this kid's face 24-7. If the plan was really to leave it entirely to Giles, that would suggest he is indeed not an immediate priority or Herman is blind or perhaps a bit dumb.

    • Like 1
  11. 48 minutes ago, Tex Long said:

    Why is this thread? WTF do y'all (any of y'all) give a shit about Connelly and his predictions? Do you gamble, is he an indicator of anything worthwhile? 

    Honestly, only I gave a shit because Connelly is a pussy in his articles and little bitch on Twitter, especially towards Texas.

    I am not a bettor, but it sounds like some years his predictions would pay off...well, if you bet the same amount on every single college football game. Some one else said he used Connelly's picks in a pool of select games and lost his shirt. So in aggregate I guess he is better than throwing darts, but if you are betting on individual games you are probably better off researching the details yourself and deciding which lines are most favorable.

  12. 13 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    I think you may be confused on Connelly’s system here. That article in the S&P thread with husband preseason rankings explains his system. My understanding is he  does measure percentage production lost. He uses specific production data like yards rushing, receiving, tackles, etc and multiplies those by weighted percentages to determine the production lost value. So basically, he already does what you said. He doesn’t just say both teams lost their leading rusher, so it’s the same value.


    Got it. I thought his weights were used to account for the fact that some positions don't necessarily have specific data to record. So a lost lineman is worth say .222 while a lost QB is worth more at .444 or something like that. 

  13. 24 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    I mean what data would you want him to use to determine the level of quality of individual players coming and going? If there were reliable advanved stats/metrics for individual players, that could work, but that doesn’t exist for college football. Maybe he could do something like subtracting adjusted line yards from a RB, but that would get iffy and only helps for one position.  

    Weighing production stats and starts for OL is about the only way to do it when applying this metric to so many teams, which is why these kind of models are inherently flawed.

    At the very least you could measure percentage production loss at a position instead of acting like us losing Watson, who was barely our leading rusher, is the same as aggy losing not only their leading rusher but a guy that gained 1700 yds with no one of note behind him. aggy may very well repeat that result with whoever replaces Williams, but I would imagine it is much more likely that Ingram easily replaces Watson's production and puts up a season more like Williams's.

    Connelly claims the numbers he uses for scoring player loss is based on prior performance. Did he randomly select a few teams to see how they did year over year? That seems like a recipe for shitty data. If he pulled from all teams, then he has the data to look deeper.

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