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Posts posted by shadow_operative

  1. 2 hours ago, henrygandorf said:

    i stopped after s1. 


    i got really into season one, but it turned out to really be the 80's nostalgia more than anything. started S2 and didn't get last ep.1. not a terrible show, but not all that gripping either. 

  2. 9 hours ago, Fudge Nuggets said:

    Good grief, Nelson Cruz just knocked the living shit out of that one.  Hit the restaurant in straight away centerfield.  The fence is marked 411 ft and the restaurant is at least 30 ft above the fence.

    114.4 MPH exit velo, the hardest hit ball by a Twin this year. 

  3. 12 hours ago, Dbeasy said:

    So you want the 90% of fans who don't really understand basketball to acknowledge he was a great coach, when in the last several years of his tenure at Texas he was a bad coach - by his own admission, by the way.

    The guy was a train wreck in his personal life the last several years before he got fired. He did suck during that time. There is zero debate about that. And if you don't agree, you need to take it up with Barnes himself who admitted that his condition made him a bad coach during that time period.  At that point in time, any fan arguing that he sucked and saying Tennessee was stupid for hiring him wasn't wrong based upon the situation. Had fans known the real situation with him, they may not have judged him so harshly and given him the benefit of the doubt about getting his personal life back together. But they didn't.

    you keep posting words at me without ever addressing what i'm actually saying. stop doing that. i've posted the receipts; the point i'm making is crystal clear. either address what i've actually said, or stop replying. jesus.

  4. 9 hours ago, Blotto said:
    well technically not the worst EVER. but you gotta scroll a long fucking way (keep scrolling). Great coach when it comes to getting in the tourney. Fucking brutal record when he gets there. The sample size is too large to ignore. I don't hate Barnes. I actually root for him at Tenn. But I still think canning his ass was the correct move. Hiring Shaka was not. 

    that's an old article which was talked about a ton on TOS, and the consensus was/is that the list was BS, and that the formula used unfairly punished successful coaches who've been coaching a long time/making the tourney year after year. that list had Shaka Smart 400 places ahead of Barnes, which is obviously laughable.

    The truth is that Barnes is a mediocre-average tourney coach whose teams virtually always play to their seed. in 20+ tourney appearances he's had a major upset, what, once? To characterize him as a "brutal" tourney coach is simply way off the mark. He's a screen cap from one of the threads about this on TOS:


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. 8 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    There will always be fans who hate the coach, unless that coach has a record like Eddie Reese. Most of those fans are just unknowledgeable.

    For knowledgeable fans, the issue with Barnes wasn’t that they thought he sucked all along, it’s that he slowly started mysteriously underperforming for several years. For a long time he was elevating the Texas program to a level it had never achieved before and most knowledgeable fans appreciated that and understood that.

    However, once it we became clear why he mysteriously started to underperform for several years, the administration had no other choice but to part ways with him, and you can’t blame fans for stating - correctly, that he had become a bad coach. He had become bad due to his condition.

    The fact that he’s now recovered and back to coaching at an elite level again isn’t an argument that fans shouldn’t have called him out. They should have. His behavior is what caused the problems in the first place.

    you also must not remember shaggy. a)90%+ of our fans from that board were neither knowledgeable nor reasonable, and b)i'm not calling out those who were. i just linked two different threads and cited i don't know how many specific quotes that were not at all in line with what you're describing. the overwhelming majority of shaggy hoops fans shared the sentiment that Barnes was a piece of shit coach who couldn't coach offense and whom Tennessee was stupid for hiring, all of which is factually wrong. and while i appreciate yours and ST's post, your responses aren't germane to the points i'm making. 

  6. also, define "on court success". he's already taken a bunch of 2-star recruits and won his league with them. Tennessee's final kenpom ranking Barnes' first four years at Tennessee: 103, 57, 13, 10. Does "vastly exceeding every single Vols' fans wildest expectations within four seasons count as successful? and that was with the recruits that nobody wanted. now he's bringing in multiple elite classes in a row and has the Vols back in the preseason polls with high expectations. sounds pretty damn successful to me. 

  7. 1 hour ago, SwanderedTalent said:

    I remember that he needed to be fired. The fact that we botched the replacement hiring doesn't change how stale the program had gotten by 2015 after years of stagnation. 

    For all his success at Tennessee-- which is "one conference co-championship and one Sweet 16 appearance in five full years"-- Barnes is also only about a million dollars or whatever the buyout differential was from being the head coach at UCLA and having Knoxville too in his rearview mirror. This seems to be a marriage of convenience more than a renaissance for anyone involved. 

    Given that Tennessee is coming off a 14-loss season, we might want to wait to see what Barnes can manage on the court this season (assuming their is one) before confusing "signing an elite prospect" with "getting jack shit done on the court", because we were still making that same mistake right through the point Barnes mismanaged Myles Turner and the 2015 season. EDIT-- my point there being, he signed a 5-star guard; that's awesome for him/them, that should make a difference, but recruiting well isn't the finish line. 

    this doesn't even address my point, and it ignores every quote that I cited. is Rick Barnes a piece of shit coach? has Tennessee made the tourney? do we feel sorry for Tennessee and their lame duck coach? no. so then those people (and many many more who claimed that he was a terrible coach) were wrong about him. period.

  8. lol, reading through some threads about Barnes on TOS, and it's hilarious:

    •"Rick just couldn't handle coaching in the Big XII." lol, he's probably the second best/most accomplished coach in league history, and was KU's biggest threat while he was here, but sure. great take.

    •"Tom Penders did WAY more with less talent than Rick Barnes ever did!." yes, someone said that.

    •"Rick Barnes will never get Tennessee to the tourney."

    •"Rick Barnes is a piece of shit  coach."

    •"Do we start feeling bad for the Vols, knowing they're wasting their time with this schlub?"

    amd i'm only on page 2 of a thread that isn't even an anti-Barnes thread:



  9. Post A Gif About Rick Barnes

    edit: oh yeah, this thread reminds me of how many of our fans also said that he was one of the worst offensive coaches around.

    the fact is he's one of the better offensive coaches in the country, with the stats to back it up. at Texas we were perennially top 10-20ish in AdjO, and often among the national leaders in the country in PPG and assists. It's just remarkable how many ways our fans have been dead wrong about the guy. 

  10. 21 minutes ago, Dbeasy said:

    Fans were wrong about Barnes in what way?

    uhhhh......do you really not remember? i mean the general consensus was that he's an asshole, a terrible coach, the worst tourney coach ever, and a guy who gets less out of great talent than anybody else would. i mean seriously, the vitriol and hatred and just straight up biased and incorrect assessments of him as a man and a coach were as prevalent around here (and TOS) as one of my interminable seven-paragraph posts. it's hard to remember Texas fans being more wrong about anything.

    our fans crushed Rick Barnes for being "too hard" on his players. now we've had five years of the opposite of that, while Rick is killing it at Tennessee where his players/recruits love how demanding he is, and yet it still hasn't sunk in for most of our fans that they were wrong. not sure what else needs to happen for our fans to see it. 

  11. it's kind of funny how bloodthirsty most of the people on this site are when someone gets something wrong (see: me being wrong about Ehlinger), yet very few (if any?) UT hoops fans have been able to admit that they were wrong about Barnes. hey, we're all wrong every now and then, so no big deal, right? he's a great guy, our program never got in trouble, he's the best coach in program history by a million miles, he brought us TJ, KD, AJ, PJ, DJ, three league titles, the Final Four, et al. it should be easy to let bygones be bygones and be happy for the man and root for him. and yet so few can seem to do that. strange. 

  12. Big time coup just now for Rick and the Vols. 5 star PG Kennedy Chandler just chose Tennessee over Memphis, UNC, UK, and Duke. If Yves Pons returns for this upcoming season then the Vols may be on the verge of a sustained period of excellence. Barnes has been killing it on the recruiting front, and I love that his work at Texas is the basis of so much of his recruiting pitch. This kid wants to be the next TJ Ford. That's badass. 

  13. BB producers definitely telling Davonne to play up the sassy black woman shtick. They like their gays flamboyant and their black women sassy, and a couple of Mama Dae's little sassy, black rants seemed incredibly forced/scripted. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  14. just now got caught up. i'm glad that Keesha is gone, and I hope that Kaysar, Kevin, and Janelle are next. they're the only ones i really haven't liked to this point. Kaysar is *so* gay for going on his little pre-planned, sappy, woke speeches. he seems faker than everything on janelle's face.  

    other thoughts: shouts out to David for getting a second shot to play BB and...totally coming in last place in the HOH competition. way to represent.

    also, everyone in the house is seemingly in cahoots with...everyone in the house. should be a highly dramatic season. 

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