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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by THUJONE

  1. Goddamit Bijan. sometimes he just needs to go straight.
  2. Wow. Okay. Got a break. Put points on the board you pussies.
  3. The fucking penalties. It's killing us. Otherwise the D is actually playing well. They just need to not be so goddamned stupid.
  4. I'll tell you this: This year our secondary doesn't allow themselves to get blocked. They blow through that shit.
  5. Okay this is gonna be a fuck fest if we can keep that going.
  6. Love how Ewers just doesn't give a shit. Lol
  7. Is there a bigger fucking windbag in all of sports than Dabo? Jesus man, shut the ever-living-fuck up.
  8. score and a missed xp would put it in overtime.
  9. This fucking Syracuse/Clemson game Jesus Christ.


    If you want to actually feel afraid, then read The Grip of It by Jac Jemc. That' light your spine on fire.

    USC @ Utah FOX

    Funny that Rising and Thompson, who were in the same class at Texas and now both have transferred, both chuck these arm punts off of their back feet. Rising is the better qb no doubt, but in this game he's thrown several of these "fuck it" bombs. One got picked and he got bailed out by a roughing the passer call.
  12. Is this Surly/Shag's first actual dick-measuring contest?
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