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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UTGrad98

  1. 2 hours ago, clapclapclap said:



    A virtual plague that decimated World of Warcraft could hold lessons for real-world outbreaks, researchers say (snip)

    ...Lofgren says that unleashing a virus inside a game can be a more ethical — and engaging — approach to gathering data about outbreaks...

    ...A key driver of the disease's spread, according to Lofgren's research, was players' ability to teleport from one part of the world to another.  While teleportation doesn't exist in the real world...

    ...Researchers took particular note of the way that Corrupted Blood was spread in World of Warcraft, and what developer Blizzard did to mitigate it. Ultimately, Blizzard was forced to reset the servers, which eliminated the disease's spread beyond Zul'Gurub's borders....


    So all we have to do is reset the servers.

    I was there in Ironforge when it hit. Scary stuff . 

    • Like 1
  2. 3 hours ago, NowThis said:


    Planters dials back on Mr. Peanut's death following Kobe Bryant news


    New York (CNN Business)Kraft Heinz (KHC) is pausing promotion for its Super Bowl ad that shows the death of longtime Planters mascot Mr. Peanut following the helicopter crash that killed Kobe Bryant and eight others.

    Planters' last week released a commercial in which the 104-year old mascot falls to his death after the company's Nutmobile veers off a cliff. The passengers -- actors Wesley Snipes and Matt Walsh -- all land on a tree branch, but Mr. Peanut "saves" them by letting go and falling to his death. The vehicle then explodes.

    Dude. “Sorry, not sorry.” That’s all you have to say. This is a safe space. Thanks for the lulz. Just caught up to this . 

  3. 1 minute ago, Atxracer said:

    What a fucking jackass. Saying “bakers” instead of Lakers”.  Ok.  But in what mind should that word be correlated to anything. Much less “lakers”.  Hope she enjoys permanent unemployment. 

    I highly doubt she did this even remotely on purpose. She tweeted after she got the Knicks and Lakers confused and it came out Nakers . I listened to this and she said Nakers. Fucking Christ...

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  4. It plagues me to this day but I could never beat the original NES Ninja Gaiden. The game was brutal. I must have rented it from Blockbuster 10 times and kept dying at the same spot. I still carry the burden of not beating it



    Honorable mention is Sword Quest: Fire World on Atari 2600. A couple of those rooms were just brutal to make it through and I could never find the damn chalice or whatever. 


  5. On 9/18/2019 at 12:51 PM, MoJames said:

    So my original addiction, I jumped in right after Kunark and managed to get I think to level 75 with both a cleric and beastmaster. Just absolutely dominated my spare time and I'm not anxious to go back, but saw a group in Australia is resetting the clock 20 years after it's original release. Apparently they will keep the original timeline and release expansions and patches as they happen, so stuff the was taken out of the game after a patch will be in the original version. 


    This is almost exactly what happened to me. My brother had bought Everquest for me as a birthday present right after Kunark hit. I had never been truly addicted to anything before or really after as I was with this game. I played through PoP before I stopped cold turkey. This is the only game I have had multiple dreams I was actually in the world since I played in first person. By far my favorite game of all time. Just completely addicted to the world. Had been an RPG nerd up until then and this just hit every single obsessive compulsive tendency I had. I never quite stayed up a full 24 hours playing in 1 sitting but there were times where I was by myself and would pull multiple 16-18 hour sessions. I loved every second. I doubt I could ever go back to something like this unless Im both widowed and retired. First max level character was an Ogre shaman, then later leveled up a dwarf priest. Still remember when I was high enough on my shaman to go solo camp Frenzied Ghoul in Lower Guk for the FBSS. Yea I said it...

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