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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UTGrad98

  1. 4 minutes ago, futureman said:

    top 5 thread entry.  great work. 

    also just curious but how do you have it cooked?

    You won’t like this answer but medium rare . I’m not an idiot. The sauce brings out the flavor. That’s what people don’t understand.

  2. I can’t believe I’m going to post this...

    I can’t stand anyone who says a good steak doesn’t need sauce . I irrationally hate them.

    if you put a gun up to my head I would say the best tasting wine is a white zinfandel.

    i can’t stand bacon on my burger . It’s too overpowering . And speaking of bacon I still dip mine in syrup for breakfast like an 8 year old.

  3. My take on what would be the best way to end the series as far as the major characters go. 

    Episode 3 - Jon’s and the night king’s dragon die fighting each other leaving Jon and the night king on foot. Jon retreats to bran and fights the night king. He wins the fight somehow but when he tries to kill the night king he can’t because there has been no ultimate sacrifice for lightbringer. 

    Jon bran Sansa Arya Jamie Tyrion and dany make it out alive. 

    Episode 4 - this is about their retreat and the realization that the only way the nk can die is by lightbringer. The episode ends with Jon stabbing dany through the heart to restore lightbringer. 

    Episode 5 - battle for Westeros in Kings Landing. Both episode 3 and 5 are directed by the same guy who did most of the shows battle episodes. It makes sense episode 5 is another battle and probably in Kings Landing. Jon kills the night King who then kills him ala Excalibur’s ending where father and son embrace with their swords. Jaime kills Cersei . Hound and or Arya kill the mountain . 

    episode 6 - epilogue. Bran goes north of the wall as the 3 eyed raven. Tyrion sets up a democracy with all nations under their own rule . Jaime is his hand. Sansa rebuilds winterfell. Arya abandons the faceless men. The last scene is Sam aka grrm sitting down in the citadel to chronicle the entire thing. 

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  4. 1 minute ago, slorch said:

    For me, the best Hoosiers scene was when Coach Dale was talking with Jimmy Chitwood and Jimmy drains shot after shot after shot; only for ole Norm to tell him he doesn't need him on the team.


    I’ve never looked it up but I wonder how many takes that took

  5. Of course being a kid at the time makes a huge difference but these are the scenes where I can remember distinctly how I felt at the exact moment even decades later. 


    The millennium falcon flying out of the Death Star as it exploded.

    when Sam picked up and carried Frodo.

    The entire sequence of the time out and last shot of Hoosiers.

  6. And here I thought the trump presidency was the last gasp of hatred and bigotry in this country.  That decency was finally going to win out . But nope the Democrats are going to eat their young with the now way too overblown metoo movement and all the special dem snowflakes are going to be pissed off come Election Day because the dem candidate offended a random southern middle eastern heritage in a 10th grade essay . They are flipping their shit and going hard left with completely unfundable new green deals when they should be trying to win over the moderate voting bloc. They can’t get out of their own way it seems and trump is going to waltz into a second 4 year term. You think the Supreme Court is conservative now? You think blatant racism and inequality is bad now? Wait until trump get a mandate on all of it with his second term. God damn my party pisses my off. You get what you deserve. 

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  7. I didnt know how I would react to the conclusion today but I have to honestly say when I read the headlines my first reaction was relief. And that is speaking as a moderate Dem. Im not sure how the country would have handled it had this report concluded Trump colluded with Russia. That said, if you are pissed off, then fucking vote him out of office in 2020. 

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