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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by dcbc

  1. 6 hours ago, BoomMF said:

    That WHOLE album is a banger. I saw him once when I was in high school and he asked if anyone wanted to hear anything off his Kiss solo album expecting to hear a chorus of Rip It Out or New York Groove. I yelled "Ozone!" and he looked over at me seemingly shocked a kid would know a deep cut off that album 20 years after its release. He played Rip It Out instead because he's a notorious asshole. His whole show was killer that night.

    Ace till I die.

    Ozone is such a killer tune. 

  2. 3 hours ago, The Dog said:

    Twitter folks may be over-selling it a bit. there's a play by play on Threads has that Merchan noticed Trump's grumbling and then smacked him down. wasn't terribly dramatic.

    apparently they did. 

    Good.  Hopefully they really need it later and don't have it.

  3. 3 minutes ago, TwiceHorn said:

    It's highly unusual. Most defendants are not stupid enough to make antagonizing comments about or towards a potential juror. 

    Lawyers actually spend some time coaching demeanor during a trial, but Trump just can't help himself, obviously. 

    Pretty much everyone gets a warning before the hammer comes. 

    The penalty is, at the very least, he has to burn a peremptory strike on her.

    • Like 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, tx 3 putt said:




    Objection.  The witness is unqualified to characterize what constitutes a "legal expense."  The evidence before the court conclusively demonstrates that he never once has paid a legal bill.


    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 3
  5. 1 hour ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    Lol, right. The audio of his “grab ‘em by the pussy” comment didn’t do it. Video of him shooting someone on Fifth Ave wouldn’t do it. His base is bereft of standards, values, or fixed principles of any kind. No decent person supports Trump.

    Its sad but true. It also makes them totally predictable. There is no bottom. Nothing that will change their minds. 

    I left out the sarcasm punctuation.

    • Rage+1 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    Sleepy Donald.  Episode 59 bajillion in the series "Every Accusation is a Confession." 

    This actually might be the thing that sinks his campaign.  We gotta have some video though. 


    Just wait until Stormy testifies about the 45 seconds of the toadstool game they played. He'll fall asleep right afterward.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. 2 hours ago, UTPhil2006 said:

    How’s that gonna work if the rentals are free?

    If they get you to walk into/up to the theater to return the DVD,  there's a chance you might buy a ticket to see another picture show.

  8. 33 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    There was a clever Simpsons scene ~25 years ago where Bart wants to work at this over-valued .com startup.  And he starts asking financial questions and the boss asks him what it will take to end this conversation.  So Bart says something outlandish like "10,000 shares of your company", and the guy turns around and there's stock certificates on a toilet/paper towel roll and he rips off 10,000 of 'em and says, "Then, it's done."  I hadn't thought about that in decades, but seems very appropriate here if anybody wants to find the scene, we could mock it up for Truth Social.  

    Yep.  Timely then with the dot.com bubble.  It's called "I Am Furious Yellow."



    13 minutes ago, YGIFS said:

    I thought I remembered the shares being on a toilet paper roll.  It was 20 years ago and I was a drunk law school student.  

    There's a Truth Social meme/gif edit in here somewhere though.  

    Which invariably will lead to "Truth Social 2.0"........This Time, We Mean It! 

    It was.  They keep paying them over time.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Francisco 2.0 said:

    It's 24.22 at this  moment.

    And somewhere, someone is thinking "I'll go sell my Dale Earnhardt collectible plates and some Beanie Babies Tricia had put back and buy some more stock".


    We're getting close to the point where this stock will be cheaper than toilet paper, and it's probably just as good to wipe your ass with.

  10. Prosecutor: "Yes, Panel Member 45, do you think the defendant's notoriety in any way impacts your ability to view the facts of this case impartially?"


    Panel Member 45: "I do not recognize the authority of a court that hangs the gold-fringed flag. A flag with gilded edges is the flag of an Admiralty court. An Admiralty court signifies a Naval court-martial. I cannot be court-martialed twice. that is all."





    Panel Member 45.jpg

    • Haha 4
    • Drool 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Captainant said:

    Oh wow, how completely unforeseeable! Trump is using a firehose of fraud to slow down the court and continue to delay justice with seemingly zero penalty? UNPOSSIBIBBLE!!!

    Are they extending the original 10-day extension/deadline every time there's an issue with the filing.  Or is he simply exposed without a bond at this point?  That order didn't stay the appeal outside of that now-expired ten-day extension, did it?  I haven't paid as close of attention to this lately.

    • Like 1
  12. 44 minutes ago, Chad Fuck said:

    I’m betting there’s a sleeper maga juror,

    From what I've seen of MAGA, none of their ilk is subtle enough to pull that off.  The only sleeper we've seen so far is Droolin' Donald.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Drool 2
  13. 4 hours ago, Goredho said:

    Missed this one.  I've owned an Eastman slope-shoulder Gibson J45 knockoff and a 335 knock off.  Both were great for just under a grand each at the time.  I've played some J45s and owned a couple of 335s and I'd say they were roughly on par with a Gibson standard equivalent.  They are made with a similar level of care and quality of component.  They don't hold value like a Gibson, but if you buy used, someone else has already taken that hit for you.  I ultimately sold them, but it was not because they sucked.

    At a certain point, long ago, I started buying the American-made Fenders and Gibsons because I could always resell them and not take much of a hit, particularly if I bought them used.  Spending more out of the gate tended to yield more when I grew tired of it and wanted to sell.  The problem eventually became that I liked what I bought and didn't want to sell it. 


    My only recent experience buying a guitar made in China was a beautiful, Gold-Top Casino.  What a looker.  But that damned thing sounded like I was playing a cigar box.  The only time it sounded good was when I ran it through my cranked Victoria Bassman. But everything sounds good through a cranked bassman.  I think the lesson for me was, as with most things, try it before you buy it.  But I've gotten luckier far more often with American-made Fenders and Gibsons buying sight-unseen.  YMMV.

    • Hook 'Em 3
  14. 3 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    .....the panties that your mother laid out for you?

    Let he who hasn't returned from foggy London town with a pair of "Mind the Gap" thong-panties for his wife cast the first stone.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 2
    • Drool 1
  15. 42 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    My buddy bought one of these at a pawn shop last year, except it was sort of a purple color.  It sounded . . . not good.  Looked cool, like it had been stored in the back of a Chevy shaggin' wagon van circa 1974:




    I feel like those old Kustom upholstered amps are standard issue at every low-turnover music store in Texas.

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