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Posts posted by DonkeyCigars

  1. 10 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Yeah....you still don't get it.  You're a lying/moron/troll who is continuing to play a dishonest "both sides" game when, sorry, both sides do NOT advocate for the violent overthrow of the government with zero consequences or the rule of law applying anymore, shit like that.

    The rule of law is a bedrock principle.  Without it, there IS no nation of the United States of America.   We'd be just another authoritarian shithole run by the will of the people in power, with no protections for anyone else.  WHICH IS WHAT YOUR TEAM WANTS.  This is not a difference between left and right.  That ship sailed long ago.  It's a difference between people who want to keep the Republic, albeit with certain different policies than your team, and people who want to ditch the Republic because they realize that the only way they can get their way is to eliminated impediments to imposing it on everyone else -- shit like "rules, and laws."

    Nevermind. I think we are talking at and over each other so I’ll just drop it.

    • Fuck You 4
  2. 11 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    When one side completely opts out of the rule of law, that’s a rubicon that should never have been crossed.

    And your Ream celebrates it. That never, ever ends well for the affected society. The answer shouldn’t be “well, everyone else should eschew the rule of law too!” Read a goddamned book. This is the road to hell. And you smile as you jam on the pedal.

    What you just said doesn’t negate or even speak to the point which is that we live in a political world in 2021 where almost everyone (pundits and citizens, everyday people like you and I) identify with a party or team. That identity leads people to justify (or soft shoe) every political incident.

    You might be different. There are an outlier group of people like you who don’t fall under that category. You have the the progressives who are pure and above the moral compromises that centrists make and you have those who are so narcissistic and think they are so smart and uniquely tragic that they don’t like either side intrinsically. They are for whichever side that represents freedom and rule of law and X, Y, Z of whatever makes up their ideals. They are just crying out for the world to change back for them. They recognize America was never great for URM but they want to make America [something] again, because it’s being destroyed by change.

    • Fuck You 7
  3. 12 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    Donkey posits that libruls would excuse this behavior and call it no big deal if he’d said things that are leftish because…..THAT’S WHAT CONSERVATIVES DO. Every accusation a confession and all that.


    Thats because that is what politics of 2021 dictates from both parties. If the Dems didn’t do this (which I don’t think they would not do) it’s because they are addicted to not being effective and not winning— a consistent gripe from both registered Dems and dem sympathizers alike on here since this place has existed.

    Its like the shift controversy in baseball. It’s obviously the smarter thing to do in 2021 if you want to win. To be a purist and say shifting is cheating, though it’s not, is to willingly disadvantage your team because of some moral conviction to unwritten codes in the rules of the game. It’s why the other team shifts too.

    The answer is to outlaw the shift.

    I’m not sure what you outlaw in politics to have pundits and diehard political identifiers and fans not engage in political gymnastics to justify their side (from hypotheticals to other sideism and “but Trump/Biden/Hilary”, etc.)

    • Fuck You 5
  4. 3 minutes ago, shadow_operative said:

    remind me- how much time has elapsed since we very first saw Nate in the pilot episode? his heel turn just doesn't feel natural to me at all. he's gone from an ultra submissive, spineless jellyfish to a giant prick who constantly undermines everyone who's responsible for his absolutely unreal ascent from club grass cutter to a well known English football coach with strangely gray hair. i liked him a lot better in his original role, and i think that watching him gradually grow into his own voice would have been more satisfying than watching him turn into a villain for no real reason. 

    Almost 2 years? I buy that people can change like that in that amount of time. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, shadow_operative said:

    this show can't continue to avoid the actual soccer that's currently being played behind the scenes. with the position the club is in, NOTHING would be on anyone's mind but promotion. playing for promotion is bigger than the. NCAA Tourney, the World Series, and the Super Bowl combined. there is literally nothing in professional club sports that comes even close, and nobody on the show is even talking about. the entire livelihood of the club- not to mention it's players, rests on this one upcoming game. it's such an inherently dramatic moment, but instead of even acknowledging it we're over here suddenly focusing on Roy and Keely's suddenly rocky relationship, and where Sam is going to play next year. which, btw, his decision will be greatly affected by whether or not Richmond gets promoted or stays down. the writers have the most dramatic event in all of sports sitting right in front of them and instead they're spending each episode focusing on the personal relationships of half the cast. not a fan of that.

    It’s because 90% of the fanbase for thIs show right now don’t know any of that. They don’t know how big a deal it is and they don’t really care.

    I thought this was a good episode and a call back to season 1 quality humor. I wish we could have heard the letter she wrote, but I guess that’s okay because it probably wouldn’t have been as good as leaving it to the imagination.

    I get a bunch more chemistry from the teacher and Roy than keely and Roy and won’t be too shocked when they have a saccharine moment of “mature love” when they realize they are better with other people— they’ve been mismatched the whole time IMO.

    The Nate thing must be addressed. He is disloyal and unlikeable and the real bad guy these days. 

    The guy that’s only worth $1.2bn but acting like he’s Elon Musk is weird. Can you even buy a soccer club for $1bn? I don’t think you can buy an NBA or NFL team for so little….

    • Hook 'Em 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Two examples among dozens, yes.

    Massive infrastructure investments (highways, power, water, sewage, etc...) led to the development of the suburbs (and still do).  Advantageous tax policies. The creation of entire agencies designed to make home building/purchasing easier away from cities (FHA, multiple public-backed loan corporations). And on and on and on and on...

    You can argue it's all worth it for whatever reason, but if you're going to try and argue that the suburb/exurb sprawl exists because of the raw efficiency of free market capitalism then you're only going to get bites from the dumbest YouTube addicts.

    A twist of irony for those in North Texas, to what you are saying, is that the economic hub and job center of exburb Plano (which itself also served as jumping off points of newer/better/modern sprawl like Frisco and McKinney) was because the city of Dallas would not subsidize and play ball with Ross Perot. So he took his company and planted a master plan and campus on farm land a million miles from downtown Dallas in what everyone at the time said was insanity and stupid.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 14 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    You can infer whatever you like. That's on you. 

    All I said was that the bills will pass. I made no claim as to when. 

    You were responding directly and quoted my “afraid it won’t pass today” comment. You are being dishonest, sir.

    I think I see your game now. Spin spin spin out of everything you say that didn’t happen, but take credit for everything you got right. You are essentially a human zodiac horoscope.

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Fuck You 2
  8. 3 minutes ago, hayden_horn said:

    this approach is not at all productive. i know you have your bullshit "aw shucks" schtick and your smiley avatars. you want to disagree with the man, do that. don't sit there and troll with accusations of "stroking out." do you realize how childish that is?

    This is why I think it’s weird people like you think my tone is affectation (e.g. your “aw shucks schtick”); if I think something is weird or stupid I’ll say so. Sometimes I’ll try to be funny when doing so, like in this case. And most times I will fail at being funny, I guess. Again, like in this case.

    I don’t even know if I disagree with this guy here because I found his post to jarring and difficult to really read and comprehend. 

    • Fuck You 2
  9. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    I said the bills will pass. And they will.

    I said, “Just heard on CNN that the pundits aren't bullish on this deal getting made today“

    and you said don’t worry they will get it done. The implication being done today as I specifically called out the “today” and that today was doing all the work in that sentence.

    you are lying because you were wrong.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Fuck You 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Js1 said:

    CNN is treating it like a soap opera for ratings? Must be your first time watching cable news


    I’ve kept CNN on in the hotel room; I never watch any cable at home outside of market news. I thought I’d be fair and balanced and listen to cnn during all this because I’ve been told on here that CNN is not propaganda and is fair and real journalism. You are seeming to imply otherwise…

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  11. 48 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Are you talking to the mirror?

    You just seemed to have stroked out for a second. I couldn’t tell if you were intentionally posting whatever that last thing was or if you were posting something coherent but got caught in an episode and what followed was the result of trying to type while writhing around on the floor or a Starbucks choking on your tongue.

    Are you okay now? Do you need medical attention?

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Fuck You 8
  12. 12 minutes ago, Js1 said:

    The American news media rushes to make everything a dramatic horse race.  The ARP got held up for 10 hours before passing. Politics is nasty and dirty but also Americans don’t know how to follow or the media how to cover pretty boring congressional negotiations and voting.  

    CNN is talking all morning about how everyone is frustrated: progressives are frustrated, moderates are frustrated.

    • Fuck You 2
  13. 18 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    Okay, let's play with stupid shit like simple majority rule which every other major Western democracy uses. Okay, let's apply that wild, leftist notion with equal representation which you clearly favor by your argument so eloquently and civilly made above, shall we?

    Without me using numbers which can be confusing (a leftist trick like science!!!!), imagine one largely uniform region such as the sparsely populated plains having the same political clout as a densely populated area home to farming/industry/business/services.

    That sounds fair, you communist! What are you griping about? What's the deal with this cabal of wild-eyed, America-hating, always-providing-what-my-eyes-are-looking-for, fascist, God-hating, baby-murdering, former GOP pinheads? Please don't be mean to me or call me names when you answer. We're as classy and polite as Aggies on gameday! 

    What I describe would be fair. But the plains have subdivided into different political entities giving them enormously more clout than their fellow citizens in the densely populated area. Now look at all the senate clout the densely populated area has!

    Now, all the farming collectives communities are even further disproportionately represented in the Supreme Soviet Senate. In this fantasy land, these votes of the common clay of the earth are co-opted by the powerful totalitarian authoritarian People's Republican Party to maintain power thus making all their talk about helping the people they represent black lies. Anyone allowed to read non-Party literature from places like cities of the United States. (Propaganda, comrade! Fake News. All is well in the People's Republic of Republicans. Shut up or your vote will be suppressed!)

    This Party has real and amateur operatives, many actually blind-faith believers, to parrot the foolish things they hear to calm the duped and ironically oppressed constituency. They site fairy tales about the mathematics of Senate representation by hoodwinking fools into ignoring the intent of representation. 

    They point to a single senator aligned with the Plains senators but not one himself as the exemplar of how the unequal representation is actually appropriately equal for all the people. They know better than to point to the obvious case of the aggregate Senate power of the FEW which makes their little math game absurd.

    To wit from Illinois NPR (FAKE NEWS!!!!!!)

    But most amateur operatives know this. They act in the name of the Party to protect the power of the Party. Apply your formula about Manchin to these 20 senators representing 3% of the population. It probably still comes out to about 1% of the population represented by each Senator, but do the division just for fun to be sure.

    Remember, it's 3 divided by 20 and not 20 divided by 3. It's bound to come out as about 1% of the population represented by each senator. Show your work.

    Ebil libs using ebil science and math to promote fake news, comrades fellow American patriots! They're communists!

    As for the blind faith believers in the party? Maybe some of this information (IT'S FAKE!) will get past their butt cheeks and sphincter to arrive at their ears in a dark smelly place.


    Are you okay?

    • Hook 'Em 1
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    • Fuck You 3
  14. Just now, aggie08 said:

    An yes, if Democrats were just nicer, everyone would have Covid vaccinations and $3.5T spending bills. Why won't they account for everyone's feelings?!

    You aren't wrong (and I think Machin's suggestion that if the Democrats don't like him, then vote for more progressives is a good one), but when you have a slim to very slim margin, it's bad politics. And we are seeing the fruits of that miscalculation so far.

    • Fuck You 1
  15. 2 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    At the end of the day, we can rest assured that Joe Biden did literally everything he could for the people who are going to be left out of this spending bill. And by literally everything I mean basically nothing.

    You've been MIA for the last couple weeks on this stuff (I get it, football season), so I was expecting a little bit more pent-up smoke from you.

    I guess you are a bit beaten down already and have settled into accepting the realities of a Biden/centrist regime, a year into it?

    • Fuck You 1
  16. 7 hours ago, Satchel said:

    Will Nancy finally meet her Waterloo on the legislative battlefield? Perhaps. The human infrastructure package is on the ropes, even as the Progressive caucus remains resolute to see it through. Late this evening, Nancy called off a vote. That can only mean Manchin and Sinema are refusing to abandon their benefactors. This is shaping up to be an all or nothing battle.

    I was assured by @David Dennison that a deal will be done and all the posturing and drama was manufactured for television.

    • Hook 'Em 3
    • Fuck You 5
  17. 2 hours ago, TwiceHorn said:

    It's fine to point out that military/defense spending is "socialist."  It is.

    It should also be pointed out that that bit of socialism is set forth right there in the Constitution.

    So the "Constitution loving, sOcIaLIsm hating" GOP can take a flying fuck through a rolling donut.

    I agree it's fine to point it out and that is what it is, which is why I pointed it out and called it that.

    In my opinion, the defense industry generally and our standing military specifically is the best application of socialism because it represents a true win/win. You subsidize a set of people or a population that otherwise would likely not be as efficient or valuable in the private markets and they either serve a valuable purpose as is (defending the country for the rest of us and/or fighting in war) or they get free enablement and education and discipline and work ethic so that when they are released to the private markets, they are efficient and valuable.

    It's actually quite fantastic if you think about it and it's a pretty crucial piece of keeping us whole as a country (and protecting the wealth of everyone from the uber wealthy to the middle class).

    This is also why I think it's a pretty creative and good idea to use military service as a path for legal immigration. I think it's that important; especially in 2021 with the geopolitical chess board looking the way it looks.

    • Fuck You 1
  18. Just got back from the game. #87 Uzamah was a beast. MVP of the game for my money. 

    The stadium out there in Cincy is pretty sweet-- I was on the 50 in the lower deck but looking around there really isn't a bad seat in the house. I'm not a Bengals fan (and found myself enjoying Lawrence but also Burrow was great), but the Who Dey nation is loud and proud for sure.

    That area around the stadium is really built out and fun with HH spots and entertainment, the Reds ballpark is right there and then a short walk to Paul Brown, in the heart of downtown. It makes the tailgating and atmosphere on game day really exciting, versus commuting to a suburban parking lot/stadium. People were walking around all day in Jags/Bengals gear.

    First half was kind of ugly football, second half was awesome. Always cool to see a game winner and my ears still hurt.


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  19. 2 minutes ago, Neonmoon said:

    We've all been alive long enough in our adult lives to literally see the failed results of bullshit Republican fiscal arguments. MULTIPLE TIMES

    But here we are again. Clutching our pearls. 

    But also, the flip side, is we have all lived long enough to see failed and massively wasteful and inefficient welfare/entitlement programs multiple times. 

    The most succesful socialist/welfare/entitlement program, as is often mentioned, is the military and the defense program.

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