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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UTCzech III

  1. I 'm in the process of converting all my old cassettes to digital and trashing them, just getting rid of some clutter, and came across this one, had it forever, the Koyaanisqatsi soundtrack.  I remember renting Koyaanisqatsi back in high school and being blown away by both the cinematography and the music, my first introduction to Philip Glass.  I actually scored and analyzed this piece for a Music Theory class at UT.  My prof said he hated Glass' music because it made him "edgy", to me it's just the opposite, it almost puts me in a trance.

    Then, after moving to Austin, discovering the greatness of Vulcan Video and all the great cult movies and documentaries.  This one changed my life, and again, Philip Glass, whose soundtrack has become THE model for documentary soundtracks to this day, I still hear knockoffs constantly.


    Been an fan ever since.  Does all his music pretty much sound alike?  Yeah.  OK with me, I enjoy it all, kind of classical easy listening.  For a while I bought everything he put out.  This was interesting, a collaboration with just about everybody in the indie/art world in the mid 1980s - Laurie Anderson, David Byrne, the Roches, Kronos Quartet, Suzanne Vega.   Glass wrote the music, pairing up with lyricists, these by Paul Simon.  It's got just about every Glass musical cliche in it, but I still enjoy it.


  2. 17 hours ago, kopp0e said:


    Nice, let's go back a few years, includes a full "Supper's Ready".


    I also enjoy the original Wall shows.  Roger's version was good, but nothing can top the original.  Someday Roger will release the cleansed up version of these, maybe...


    and I can watch the King anytime, actually remember watching this as a kid...


    • Like 2
  3. Saw them in Katy last Friday, really enjoyed their show.  They definitely decided to just say "fuck it" and let their freak flag fly (the guard anyway...).

  4. 13 hours ago, DougO said:

    Not AXS, but the Terry Kath documentary is showing on HDNet at 9PM. Right after the Allman Brothers doc.

    Yeah, some kind of Stewart Copeland-hosted Rock Week, saw a great doc on Clapton during his 70's phase last night.  Here's the rest of the week's line-up (pissed I just tuned in last night, missed some good ones earlier in the week...)

    FRIDAY July 20
    RUSH: THE RISE OF KINGS 1968-1981 – 11/10c
    SATURDAY July 21
    STEVIE RAY VAUGHAN – LONESTAR: 1984-1989 – 10:50/9:50c
    SUNDAY July 22
    • Like 1
  5. Just got back today, quick weekend trip.  Sunday, rolled in, time to kill before check in, did the walk-on ferry ride, do that every time we go.  Seemed really quick, maybe they were running at top speed since the line to get off the island was backed up all the way to the seawall.  Ran back to the other end of the island, hit up Jimmy's on the Pier for a beer right before check in.  (Somebody mentioned before on the Shag about all the Russian-Croatian-whatever exchange students or whatever on the island, yeah, nothing but at Jimmy's, weird, 2nd year-not in a row-we've seen that there...).  Finally check in, quick dip in the pool shared with the with the 4 parentsand their 15 kids , then a few pints at Galveston Island Brewery.  Never knew about that place, just googled it, love it, good beer, love the deck to watch the sun go down, cool spot.  Then down to Brews Bros for a late supper.  Burger was great, wife had fish tacos that she said "tasted like a finger", whatever that means, she wasn't a fan, too dark in there to tell what exactly was in them, but too froo-froo for her.  Otherwise not that impressed, been wanting to go there for years, thought the beer selection would be bigger.

    Monday, all day at the beach, back to the pool around 4pm, then shower and off to Benno's, our every time stop.  Had the same platter as phd above, excellent as always, although the crab balls and hush puppies were just a little over-browned for me, on the edge of being burnt, and a little dry.  Wife had  dozen fried oysters and downed 'em all.  Then back to GI Brewing for a game of Quirkle and watch the sun go down, really like that place a lot.

    Tuesday, lazy day, wife got me Shipley's for breakfast because I grew up on Shipley's and love it, so what?  Couple more hours at the beach, hit the pool to wash off, then short walk over to Tortuga's for some fruity cold drinks.  Shower time, then hit Shrimp n Stuff Downtown, which I didn't even know about until we got to town.  Had the shrimp n oyster po'boy, wife had shrimp gumbo, just as good as the original SnS, and again with all the eastern euro waitresses.  No, no keepers, these were probably Albanian.  Then over to the George Sealy Pavilion for the Tuesday night concert by the Galveston Beach Band, been doing that since our kiddos were in diapers, cannot beat it for old-school Americana, big-band music at dusk, some chick singing torch songs like she's on a cruise ship, two ladies reading a Galveston history lesson, and a flag parade for all the kiddos, it's the best.  Off to the Marble Slab on the way home, then pack up and headed back out this morning.

    Beach was great, not too crowded, hardly any seaweed.  It was really choppy and strong undertow on Monday, windy as hell too, but yesterday was picture perfect, calm and no undertow at all, chilled out on the sandbar all afternoon.  Do it every couple of years, just go hang out, drink, eat seafood and recharge my batteries.  Love Galveston.

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  6. 17 hours ago, Anton Chigurh said:

    One of my favorite tracks, and the only one to not be on a studio album. It was the B side to Immigrant Song.

    While it is on the much later released deluxe version of CODA, I’m surprised it didn’t get on the original release; there was certainly room for it.

    Nice.  Back in the early 1980's, a lot of the record labels re-released a lot of groups' biggest hits on 45, usually 2 hits on one 45, labels like "Columbia Hall of Fame" (got Aerosmith Sweet Emotion/Dream On) or "Epic Sun Gold" (Queen Bohemian Rhapsody/You're My Best Friend), "A&M Forget'Me Nots" (Brothers Johnson Strawberry Letter 23), RCA (David Bowie Space Oddity/The Man Who Sold the World).  I grabbed a ton of those, was able to snag a re-pressing of that Immigrant Song/Hey Hey single.  Still sounds damn good.



    I have this original single of this one, it's the flip side to "Everything Turns Grey".  I don't know why, every version I've ever found on the internet has the single repeated twice (the fade-out is at 1:50, but then they just looped it back to the beginning again, original is shorter and better, still like it anyway...)


    From "Repo Man", definitely has the surfer vibe to it...


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