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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UTCzech III

  1. 3 hours ago, BurntEyes said:

    See how close that all that pasta is to all the Ketchup.. do you know why? I was an exchange student in Germany, and I can promise you, you don't want to know why. 

    Can't even get decent food. Right after I got here, I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce, and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. Get to live the rest of my life like a schnook.

    • Haha 2
  2. Not as hot as the crazy bitch in Austin who stabbed a girl just to see what it felt like to kill someone (she didn't), but not bad.  And seriously, just go with it for minute or two, then wrestle the machete away from her and kick her ass out the door.  Fucking millennials...

    • Like 2
  3. 9 hours ago, Sbbruin said:

    I just hope Kevin Morgan inherited some liabilities he will be saddled with.  Cuntbag.

    Yeah, 8badmofo31 and Epi Quinn, literally the only two left standing over there, jerking each other off in the CR, not a single other forum has any activity at all...

  4. Don't know why this fucker won't let me edit, props to jive turkey who posted the link on Thurs, it does mention the new character, or are people referring to the  "couple of new characters that we’ll be reintroducing to the world"...

  5. 38 minutes ago, NorthLoop said:

    The impression I got from the quote was that it was an important but unseen character from BB. Jesse or Hank wouldn't fit that bill

    I saw it on some Hollywood website last week...


    Don't remember it myself, but from Breaking Bad, a person Saul mentioned several times-Lalo-but was never seen

    Ps: also confirms that Chuck is indeed dead...



  6. 4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

    I'll save everyone the click:


    That's his new squeeze.  Crazy ex never even bothered to show up for court proceedings...

    edit: this appears to be the ex:


  7. I would say most prog bands, Genesis, Yes, King Crimson, ELP, etc.  My wife does like Pink Floyd, that's the exception, and a couple of Rush songs, but I think most women have the attention span of a gnat, so anything over 3 or 4 minutes, forget it.

  8. Link


    Eric Abramovitz had been training for this moment for nearly his entire life: the opportunity to study under one of the best clarinet teachers on the planet, on a full-ride scholarship to a prestigious music conservatory in Los Angeles.

    The college sophomore from Canada was already an elite musician, having won a slew of awards and delivering stunning solo performances in his home country's top symphonies. And completing his bachelor's degree at Colburn Conservatory of Music in Los Angeles on a full scholarship, worth about $50,000 a year, was a dream he had been working toward since he was 7 years old.

    After a lengthy and competitive audition process, he was one of two students to receive the honor that would jump-start his career. It should have been a seminal moment in the 20-year-old's life, but he instead ended up devastated when he later got a rejection email.

    "I was numb when I read the email. I had to read it a few more times," Abramovitz, now 24, told BuzzFeed News on Thursday. "When I found out I didn't get it, it was really hard to deal with. I went through some really dark, sad, angry days."

    Little did he know, his girlfriend at the time was the one who had sent the heartbreaking rejection.

    At the time, Abramovitz was dating Jennifer Lee and both were both serious musicians at McGill. They had recently moved in together and things "became serious very fast," he explained.

    What happened next, outlined in interviews and court documents filed in Abramovitz's successful lawsuit against Lee, paint the picture of a promising "what if" life trajectory knocked off its rails by what a Canadian judge called "despicable interference" by a selfish girlfriend.

    TLDR: dude gets congrats e-mail from professor to go to haughty music school  Crazy clingy girlfriend intercepts said e-mail, replies (as dude) that he is rejecting scholarship.  Deletes e-mail, creates fake e-mail acct. as prof and tells dude he didn't get scholarship.  Few years later, dude and prof meet again, hijinx ensues.

  9. Network77

    Right in my wheelhouse, child of the 70s.  Great concept, (IMHO) horrible execution, just not that funny (definitely not for 40 minutes).  Has potential, but definitely needs some better writers.  Thoughts?




  10. Won't go into the whole backstory (fir for my family is a shit-show thread), in a nutshell:

    Wife's dad died in 1992, no will, so property went to his estate, fun by my wife's mom.  Mom lived in house with my wife's 2 brothers, they lived like hermits, hoarders, house deteriorated, yadda yadda.

    Wife's mom died 6 years ago, again no will, so house is still owned by estate, still run down, since brothers live like hermits and don't even see the sun and eat shit junk food and cokes, younger brother passed out 5 weeks ago and has been in ICU with total kidney failure and pancreatitis.  Older brother is freaking out at medical bills, etc. said if it comes down to it he will just abandon house and allow county/whoever to foreclose on it.  To which I say, the fuck you will.  1/3 of that belongs to my wife, shitty as the house is, the land itself is still worth 30-40 thousand.  So as simply as possible, can someone please explain how to transfer the house/land from an estate to my wife & her brothers, where it would at least be a lot easier if they wanted to sell it?  We talked to an attorney a couple of years ago, he said it would cost about ten thousand for all the p/work and fees.  Trying to see if he was right or just a shitty bloodsucking lawyer (present company excepted of course).

    Thanks, I'll hang up and listen.

  11. On 6/9/2018 at 2:51 PM, Brisketexan said:

    Tell me more about this cornbread waffle....

    According to Grungy's facebook post, you can find that at the Harwood Cafe in Hurst (and Grungy said he nixed the onions and japs, so it appears it's even more glorious...), called the Texas Cow Patty.

  12. On 6/9/2018 at 4:36 PM, Judge Roybeanbag said:

    I’ll ask grungy about it.  Dude is hard to figure.   World class hippie, rice engineering graduate,  rocks a vw van and can fix anything on the planet.  Raised a couple of world class kids too.  

    Holy shit, I knew I had seen that food somewhere before, goddam Grungy.

  13. On 6/7/2018 at 2:28 PM, Cheeseweasel said:

    I think he was in on it and got played. Cost him his life. 

    Agree with everything above, a few observations/questions I had:


    I know Marge was in on it, I thought it was funny in one of the later interviews she gave with the producer, he asked her about her and Bill being seen at the pay phone, and she said since they were co-defendants in the Roden case, they were talking about that.  The police didn't even know about Roden until 3 weeks after the bank robbery, there was no Roden case at that point.

    And I guess they had nothing substantial to tie Bill to the case, but c'mon.  The minute he said he rebuilt that staircase, and then melted down the shotgun with a torch, it was obvious that dude would have no problem building a bomb.

    As far as Wells, I'd like to know - 1) the prostitute said he was with her until about 2:30 the day before the robbery, and he had to be at work at 4.  I'd like to know what time it was when the person almost hit him leaving Rothstein's house.  and 2) when the order came in for the pizzas, was Wells the only driver there, or did he volunteer to take them, knowing that was the "cue".  Never understood what the other delivery guy had to do with it, either.  

    Couple of random thoughts, I'l like to read those scavenger hunt instructions and the notes on the inside of the bomb, just curious what they said, probably out there somewhere.

    and two, what the fuck was the deal with all these goddam hoarders?  Every single damn one of them, weird.

  14. We've gone the past 2 years, but it's such a long day.  Think I might drive down to Katy the night before, most of the top 12 will be there, really all I want to see anyway.




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