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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by UTCzech III

  1. 1 hour ago, Hugo Stiglitz said:

    With the ability to eternally edit thread titles, y’all might want to consider starting GAME threads.

    Threads titles like:

    Horns 7 vs Aggy 1 - BOT 6 - ESPN

    of course you’d need a volunteer to edit the thread title periodically but it really adds value to the forum.

    This can also be done during football season.

    Just throwing that out there.


  2. 20 hours ago, BurntOrangeCrush said:

    What life was like in America the last time aggy allegedly won a natty:

    Gone with the Wind and Wizard of Oz premieres

    Regular television broadcasts begin in th U.S.

    Germany invades Poland and Russian troops invade Finland

    Lou Gehrig retires after being diagnosed with ALS

    Thailand changes its name from Siam

    The Manhattan Project was formed

    Average cost of a new house is $3,800

    Average cost of a new car is $700

    Gas is 10 cents per gallon

    Yeah, and I read somewhere that Texas A&M's only national championship is closer by date to Abraham Lincoln's assassination than to today.

    • Haha 1
  3. 5 hours ago, 52-80 said:

    1. asphyxiation.  although there was probably a small metaphorical element of its mortality tied to the fate of the crew.  i.e. it existed to destroy them

    2. iirc

    3. hickey was as clever as he was crazy.  i think he connected the dots between the old man being mute, and her, and the suspicion that they controlled tuunbaq.  

    4. loosely related to #1 - that once tuunbaq was done, her role was also done?

    re: #4, I think the old man (her father maybe) that was shot and killed was the shaman for the tribe and helped keep the tuunbaq in line, it was kind of their "guard dog".  When he (the old man) died, I think she could have become shaman if she had been able to keep the little carved figurine he had in his coat, that the sailors threw away.  That's why she had to cut her tongue out, kind a "shaman in training", then they sent her out with a new figurine (representing their tribe maybe), to reign in the tuunbaq again and then she would become shaman.  With tuunbaq dead, there was no reason for the tribe to keep her around.  And perhaps since she (inadvertently) let the tuunbaq be killed, she was shunned from the tribe...  $.02

  4. Don't know if anyone else has been following this, they had their first show last night:


    Pink Floyd drummer Nick Mason has put together a band called “Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets” that will play four intimate shows in London next month. The group is expected to focus on material from Pink Floyd’s first two albums.

    Nick Mason’s Saucerful Of Secrets will find the drummer joined by Guy Pratt, Gary Kemp, Lee Harris and Dom Beken. “This is a unique opportunity to experience Pink Floyd’s celebrated and significant early body of work played live including songs from albums The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn and A Saucerful Of Secrets,” the new group said in a statement. “Very few bands are as culturally important as Pink Floyd. They are one of the best selling music artists of all time and Nick Mason is a founder and the only constant member of the band performing on all of their albums as well as all of their live shows. This will be Nick Mason’s first live musical outing since Pink Floyd played at the 2005 Live 8 concert in London.”

    Video starting to come out, pretty damn good...




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  5. Since this is the humblebrag thread, child #2 graduates tomorrow night with his Masters in Civil Engineering (could also go in the graduation thread, can't wait to fight the shitshow at the Erwin Center tomorrow night, then turn around and be back in Austin at 8am for the Masters-only ceremony at Bass...).  He's already got a job lined up in Dallas, starts in the middle of June.  

    When he was little, people thought he was "special", we never did, but he couldn't talk well and just seemed to be off in space  all the time.  Turned out, his hearing was all fucked up, even though they kept telling us, no, he doesn't need tubes or anything.  They actually put him in the pre-k for special kids.  Once we got everything figured out, my wife busted her ass one summer to work on his speech before he went to kindergarten.  Even when he was in school he never seemed "smart", he got good grades but never was a bookworm or anything. 

    Our daughter was the genius, top of her class every year, graduated valedictorian, top score at state in Academic Decathlon.  The boy, I never figured it out, he played sports (never too "into" any one, but just to try them all, although he did finally hit a groove in cross-country), was first chair in band (thank you, that's my influence there), learned guitar solos by ear sitting in his room, just normal.  But damned if he didn't start taking all the math/science classes in high school and just acing them.  And then he got valedictorian as well.

    Suddenly, it just all clicked.  My wife's dad was an engineer with the Highway Dept. for 30 years, so we kind of steered him that way, I don't think he really knew what else he wanted to do.  He just took to it like a duck to water.  My daughter, she's still probably technically smarter, she went to Rice, got a degree in linguistics, lives in Seattle now and draws comics while she's looking for a job.  Like I said, he's already got a job laid out, I think eventually him and a buddy from high school want to start their own firm.  Would have never in  a million years guessed how this would have turned out for the both of them.  And he plays in my polka band with me, father and son on stage together.  Couldn't be prouder.  

    • Like 3
  6. 2 hours ago, ulukinatme said:

    Humble brag?  Those with money hear Yanny, the poors hear Laurel.

    I hear Yanny no matter how I listen to it.  I even tried this and hear Yanny no matter how I change the slider on laptop or desktop:


    Finally after going  to the nytimes site and sliding it way to the left (cancelling out the high frequencies) did I hear the laurel, but still underneath the yanni.  I hear them both now, now that i know what I'm supposed to be listening for, but still yanni on top.

  7. 4 hours ago, Clackles said:

    Yanny on both phone speakers and laptop speakers.  No hint of laurel.

    This right here.  Will give it another shot at work with my headphones on.  

  8. 18 hours ago, Longboard Horn said:

    The MOB always has an entertaining halftime show. This one made me laugh.


    That's my daughter at the bottom of the $.  So go ahead, enhance, enhance!

    Every time we went to visit we had a great time, plenty of room for tailgating, loved the stadium, old school, you could drink a beer in there long before UT finally came around.  Campus was nice and small, Rice Village was cool, lots of good pubs down there.  That's all I got.

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