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Had Enough

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Posts posted by Had Enough

  1. Colt McCoy = most underrated player in CFB history. Essentially left the field with his team leading every game. He may have had 1 second vs Tech. And the offensive talent around him was minimal in those two years.

    I'm not saying Sam is Colt. But some comps. Sam led his team to more points in a single OU game. Probably averaged more vs. OU since Colt led his team to the fewest points versus them too. Colts 2009 season was not as good as 2008. His last full game played he led us to 13 points when his defense gave up 100 yards of offense. He made poor throws, held the ball too long (not all the sacks were the Olines fault), and missed open guys.

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  2. But here is the thing, being a 4th year starter Sam also does a bad job of coming off his 1st and second reads. He doesn't do well hitting check downs when if you watch the games there are players there wide open. He's forcing balls deep and into windows he shouldn't. 

    The first part may have some validity.

    But he is not forcing balls into windows he shouldn't very often. A deep ball into man coverage is not forcing it into windows he shouldn't. Now if you want to argue he should take more underneath higher percentage throws, then that's a good argument. And that argument would be supported by a discussion that our WRs simply do not make plays often. An example is Moore in the endzone versus OU that results in a pick. Yes underthrown. Not a bad decision. But the WR did a poor job fighting for the ball too.

    This year Sam has seemingly been less inclined to take underneath routes. Is it his doing? Has he been instructed to take more deep shots? Is he trying to prove he can? But this was not the reason we lost to TCU. Penalties, dropped balls, the fumble, and disappointing defense were the primary reasons.

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  3. I find it odd that some go to such lengths to borderline trash Sam. Incessant bitching about his flaws and disregard for all other QBs exhibiting similar flaws. Yes, some may overlook those flaws to an extent but that's somewhat understandable knowing how hard he plays, how well he represents and cares for the university. Those same people should not find it odd that Longhorn fans come to his defense.

    Regardless of what some of you dipshits say, his style of play and the QB play this offense dictates will lessen his accuracy. He's not as good as last year or even the year before but oddly enough he had great moments in our two losses. And our WRs were not especially good in either of those games. The defense and special teams were flawed too. The two fumbles were massive.

    And now we're spending time on how talented our guys around him were/are. LJH so damn good he was undrafted. CJ so damn good he was a later round pick. Duvernay a 3rd rounder. But wow that one potential 1st round pick in Cosmi. So 1 first rounder on offense in Sam's 4 years. That's tremendous. Braun and Shack were so good the NFL didn't give them much respect. But hey we've got a potential draft pick at the other tackle spot but he's playing center. And probably ain't gonna be all conference.

    Most of the bitchin about the offense should be directed at the staff. Obviously none of our guys are perfect. Probably few on offense are all conference. But none of the parts are playing to their supposed or even proven talent level.

    But my guess is we look damn good for these last 3 games. As a team. The wildcard is the weather. I'm all for winning.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  4. This is likely Sam's worst year. But some of you nimrods act as though QB hit all their open shots. Last time I watched Patrick Mahomies, he threw 3 shitty passes in a row. One he completely missed tyreek hill for a TD. And he missed him by 5 yards.

    Injuries and even hits matter to a QB. Some plays Sam has just flat out not been good. The run game is inconsistent. It produces few big plays. Pass blocking while generally good also has too many whiffs. If you have an average of 4 seconds pass pro per play, which are you taking? 4 second each play or 7 and 1 seconds, respectively. Too often were 7 and 1, which can jack with a QB. 3rd and long - let's split Ingram and Brewer out.

    Covid - yep everybody has that excuse. But we lost our top two WRs and switched OCs. We've got two transfer WRs, a small walk on, two guys who have been undependable and a guy who missed all of last year. We won't use our big time threats in the passing game from RB and TE positions to their full potential.

    And this garbage of previous guys bailing him out is ridiculous. Yeah they made plays but that's what receivers do. In fact you'll probably be bitching about our DBs getting balls caught right off the top of their heads next game. Well if Collin and Lil Jordan can't run away from people, they're going to use their big bodies. Duvernay has a small catch radius so he's going to have to outrun em. Our WRs have not done a good job of making plays this year. And there have been a few in which passes looked poor because their effort was lacking.

    The offense is a cluster due to all its parts. All inconsistent. It falls at the feet of the coaches because their decisions are making it all moreso.

    On 3rd down passing situations. Wiley, Robinson, Smith, Moore and Eagles should be on the field. Every. Time. Build confidence and consistency. Then when Whittington is back you can put him in for one of the others.

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  5. So they’d be just like us? But better? With better players? From Texas?
    Yeah, sorta. Except more pricks as fans. And in Ohio.

    And they get their butts kissed in a way that we never will.

    But I also was subtly saying sorry Big 12 refs. And Tommy Boy's title is tainted. And if that championship didn't happen, would Herman ultimately have gotten the Texas job? Leading an offense that held their asses off, which in the 12 the Longhorns will never be allowed to do. Maybe is offensive mind was never that stellar.

    It's the confluence of those events that lead to Ewers commit then decommitt then OSU commit.

    So to hell with the Big 12 office.

  6. How's Bill doing without the best QB of his generation in Brady?  I don't mind trading down if we get a huge package, but if we get 3, I'd rather just take Sewell.
    He's leading the league in players opting out. QB was out with covid. Offense looks better than the last performance with Brady. No Edelman. You know the guy who won them the last Super Bowl. Well at least their best offensive player.

    Actually no idea about opting out but you wouldn't recognize the guys in the front seven.
  7. Lol @ on a line
    Ok. I never said straight line now did I? But definitely more linish than hail maryish. Had some juice on it.

    I did the math for you so you wouldn't argue the distance. Sorry for not elaborating the trajectory of the throw. I am unable to determine the angle and exact speed and distance. My apologies.

    Only Quin Ewers, Michael Vick and Bruce Matthews can throw it that far on a line. But they can't be throwing off their back foot while rolling away from the direction of the throw

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  8. Think of all the buttheads out there who trashed him. Changing the system was a killer. He probably didn't handle pressure of the situation well.

    He had some stellar games for SMU. Arm chair QBs were all over his game while at Texas.

    You will not find a greater play than this. Looked at several options. Showed mobility. Threw that about 60 yards on a line. (From the 7. 10 yards deep in the EZ. About three-fourths across the field out of 53. And it would have carried beyond the endline)

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    • Hook 'Em 4
  9. IIRC yesterday WV got called for roughing Sam, and the refs were pretty kind to us on multiple occasions. Not usually the case, I agree, but yesterday if any team was helped by the refs, it was us.
    I'm drawing a blank on one against Sam. Seems familiar. Pretty sure we got two. One was borderline at best. One gave them a first down.

    The reversal of the backward pass was probably correct but a bit surprising. The non call on Brown surprising it wasn't called, but it was good defense too. However, the easy missed call in that series was a hold against Cook. It should have been 1st and 23 but instead they got 2nd and 7 or so.

    The non call on DPI that killed our drive in the first half was blatant. Forced a punt when we should have had a 1st in scoring range.

    But yeah I'd say it felt in comparison to many games they were helping us.

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  10. I only caught the last five min of regulation in the Notre Dame Clemson game last night (plus the OT), but it was frustrating watching two well-coached teams give us play after play of DISCIPLINED, smart football performed by talented kids. It was quite a contrast to the shit show that Strong and Herman have brought to the University. 
    Hiring one mediocre coach can lead to hiring another, as we've seen. Why? Because top coaches aren't on the market all that long, and when one is, you'd better not wait for the forces of the universe to align - for a defining moment when Herman's incompetence is on full display AND the season is over, to fire him, because you'll be waiting a long fucking time. There's a chance Urban is waiting for that call from us, but he isn't going to wait forever. If he sees that Herman isn't fired after his next fuck up, Urban will probably give up waiting. A nice scandal would be timely, but I say if Herman doesn't win the conference, or loses any game this season, fire him the next day and move on from mediocrity. 
    If you only caught the last 5, you missed Notre Dame with the false start on 4th and 1 inside the Clemson 5 early on. Or ND jumping offside on Clemsons 4th and 1 at about Clemsons 35. Then there's Clemson holding and running out of bounds on separate plays with the ability to run out the clock in regulation.

    I've had enough of Herman but we often get stuff called that others don't. Yesterday refs weren't interested in throwing flags. A little odd no one ever roughs Sam but we get a borderline calls every other game against us.

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    • Rage+1 1
  11. Some interesting thoughts here.

    Was he the worst player on defense? If so, that would mean others developed better right? The defense was good. Especially considering the O was fairly useless.

    Too much labeling of regression versus scheme. Ossai has never regressed as a player but situationally last year he was wronged. Big time. Roach was hindered due by stupid coaching decisions and not a regression of skills.

    Sterns well could be limited due to injuries. Maybe the want to is lacking. He wasn't that good as a frosh. He didn't do much last year. Injuries have for sure held him back.

    His season is highlighted by the 3rd and 8 game clinching play vs TCU. It wasn't poor health that caused it. Probably not coaching. It showed a significant lack of instincts/understanding of the game. Give up 8 or 90 the game is over. I'd rather him give up 90 than allow the first by one yard.

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    • Hook 'Em 1

  12. I don’t see enough talk about how shitty this receiving Corp is, Only how bad Sam is. That’s a crappy Oline and sub par receivers he is playing with.

    Eagles is stiff with mediocre hands. Epps is worthless. Money? Seriously?

    The only playmakers are Moore who weighs as much as one of Sweats legs. Whittington and Smith are always hurt.

    The rest of the crew aren’t even worth mentioning.

    None of these guys go up and get the ball like Humphrey, Duvernay or Johnson, not even close. They let little DBs out muscle them time after time...
    But they break lots of tackles and make guys miss.

    Gameplan and play calling was atrocious. Execution was not good but this staff is doing everything it can to make it difficult.

    I'm not sure anyone is confident. In themselves or each other. No sense that Brewer plays damn near all the game then almost never plays yesterday. Robinson needs more involvement in the passing game. Not as a checkdown necessarily but a primary target like the game clincher yesterday and moving down the field.

    Quit trying to force the running game. And quit hurrying on 4th to no avail. The passing game needs rhythm. Only once do I recall 3 passes in a row. And it didn't work but oddly enough Sam got better with each throw. Course the receivers dropped a catchable ball on 2nd then flat our dropped it on 3rd.

    Eagles and Smith are your 3rd down guys. They need to be out there every 3rd down. The rotation at WR is crazy. It absolutely affects productivity from a consistency and reliability standpoint.

    It also is odd how we look downfield a lot more than in season's past. But Sam is not throwing into double coverage so it's not necessarily a bad read. What has changed from two years ago when we had no 50 yard plays but were successful on many 3rd downs. And I realize the WR personnel is drastically different (no more Charlie recruits - thought you Jack wagons might like that) but there's more to it than that.

    Even if we win out, Herman is inept in several weeks facets. He is very Greg Davisesque in certain ways.

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  13. I haven't been watching all this but yalls penis envy is showing.

    Non call on intentional grounding for Clemson. Then kick a field goal.

    24 interfered every bit as much in the endzone before the ND FG as what was just called on ND.

    Ug sure as shit ran out of bounds before the first down around the 50.

    Clemson is good but they've been mediocre in a few games this season.

    They have 3 penalties on the road.

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  14. What a fucking chode. Almost the same no call we had earlier in the game. And even if they score we still would’ve gotten the ball back (not to mention had been stopping them short yardage all day).
    The no call earlier in the game was atrocious. The non calling ref and I had virtually the same angle only he was 75 yards closer. It was blatant and obvious.

    The Brown play far less so.

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    • Hook 'Em 1

  15. Yes, the horns down being a personal foul is a recent rule change/point of emphasis in the Big 12. Just because you are uneducated on the subject does not mean your emotional argument has any more merit. 
    Point of emphasis and recent rule change are two entirely different things. I'll agree with the emphasis on this being somewhat fresh.

    Also, it's not a personal foul. It's unsportsmanlike conduct, which is not recent. And yes it is very subjective. But Horns down/guns down on the field of play is less subjective. Celebrate your team, your institution. It really isn't that hard.

    But tell me how uneducated I am. Hell you probably don't even know who Lectic Leeland is or why Westbrook got that "personal foul" back in 1996 for taunting. Or maybe I just have a different definition of new.

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    • Hook 'Em 1

  16. I understand what he is saying. But he’s wrong. The horns down draws the flag. Do you have any evidence players are doing the horns down after scoring or making a big play and not getting flagged? This was a recent rule change and this has been a change in officiating in recent years. 
    It's not a recent rule change. Taunting has been a flag for as long as I can remember. We got flagged for guns down in the mack brown era. Remember when bryant Westbrook laid out Electric Leeland and got a flag. That was deemed taunting.

    Shawn bell standing on the 50 doing it. No call.
    Jermaine Gresham runs dam near the length of the endzone. No flag. Butt munches do it all the time. Pretty much every damn opponent.

    To think this a recent phenomenon either in it being a flag or frequency is off base.

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    • Hook 'Em 2
  17. I'm not a fan of taunting. If you got rid of it, I can only imagine the garbage that'll go down.

    And the Horns down really has a life of it's own. I went to baseball playoffs in Arlington. Got a Horns down for simply wearing a sweatshirt.

    I don't act that way so I expect the same in return. I might feel a little differently if I were allowed to police that behavior myself.

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