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Had Enough

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Posts posted by Had Enough

  1. Caden's biggest strength is his play recognition. I'm sure Corey Raymond at LSU would have found a way to take advantage of that.
    Maybe. Or maybe our S&C is garbage and they get him moving better. I don't think he's a bad tackler. More so than most him being a step quicker would make a huge difference. And maybe the injuries are a primary cause of that too.

    Hard to tell how much want to is there. Not a big fan of the Brown flex, but he's plays hard and leaves the impression that he plays hard. Sterns doesn't quite give you that feel.
  2. I'm not sure he'd see the field at LSU due to his limited speed and size.

    People paint a rosier picture of his freshman year than what it was. He was good for a frosh but average or maybe even less so for any other classification. The other DBs probably masked his limitations. Boyd was vastly underappreciated here. Like him or not, he'd often take half the field. Jones covered a lot of ground too. That being said most freshman DBs are not good because they're too inconsistent.

    That being said it's hard too see the improvement. TCU - 3rd and 8. We make the stop. We get the ball back and I bet win. He's the guy who needed to make it. A tackle after 9 yards didn't get the job done. Physicality is not his game but he may be better in the run game than the pass game.

  3. Maybe Kerstetter goes back to Tackle to see what Majors can do at Center?  Think I saw Kerstetter didn't walk with the Srs Friday.
    Kerstetter did walk.

    I'd put him at tackle for the rest of the season. Let Majors give it a shot.
  4. I’ve only read this page of the game thread, so I apologize if this has been brought up 69x already, but did we throw any passes in between the hashes?  I think it was Sam’s freshman year where the only passes we trusted him to throw were screens and bombs down the sideline because those were the least likely to get picked off.  Well it seems like our game plan regressed back to that.  Was ISU just not giving us any room in the middle of the field, or did Tom think that this game plan was the best way to beat them?  Our WRs are unable to get separation from any DB, which has been proven in several games this year, so what did Tom see that he thought this was the way to win?
    Tried what may have been a slant. It was wide open. Ball batted down at LOS. Never saw it again. Nothing too Wiley in the middle.

    People are harping on the sack before the field goal. But the biggest issue was not using the middle of the field on 1st and 2nd downs with a timeout left. The two throws were to the sidelines. Little to no room there so my guess is there was space between the hashes.
  5. The interesting nugget in this story for me is that it was Fenves who made the call for Herman’s extension, and that CDC was opposed to it. Has anyone ever reported that before? That gives me some hope that CDC might know what he is doing.  Of course, it could be some propaganda out out by CDC’s people to use a guy who isn’t around anymore as a scapegoat. 
    I don't remember the story at the time but every comment since then laid the extension at CDCs feet. This caught my attention as well.
  6. That fourth and one is so frustrating and not only because we should have kicked it FG.  But because that stupid run Sam from shotgun up the middle on 3rd and 4th and short!!  Tom that worked three fucking years ago but you keep running it on short to goes in important situations and everyone knows it’s coming and has for the last two years!  But cause it worked against Georgia a few years ago why adjust anything after it stops working.... 
    You remember that play fake, roll right, toss to Brewer vs Baylor to finish off the game?

    Yeah run that play there. Or even on 3rd and 2. We probably win.

    Play calling and scheme matter.
    • Like 1
  7. Venables won’t leave his DC position to take another DC position.  However, he’s 49 years old, has been at Clemson since 2012, and knows it’s time to make the move to HC if that’s ever going to happen.  
    Hmm. Might be an interesting choice. And might have a little extra desire to take it to the Sooners.

    Outside of Urban, no one moves the needle much.

    Can he bring great coaches? He will bring some credibility.
  8. The question seems to be whether Sam generally has been taking too long to stop looking for an open receiver and either run or throw the ball away, not what down it happens on. If you want to argue about the down, you need to go ahead and make a decent analysis and take all of the game variables into account. What period are we in? Are we ahead or behind? What's the field position? What formation are we in? What routes are the receivers running? Who are the receivers? Why aren't they open? Has Sam been told not to run or scramble at this point in the game? Is he in the tackle box or outside it? I have no doubt you can find many more salient points, so get right to it. 
    I'd say for those saying he's held on to the ball too long to prove it. I'm not claiming he is or isn't. I've heard it said over the years about different QBs yet never heard real data to substantiate that claim.

  9. I just don't really understand what you're arguing. That Charlie wasn't as bad as we all thought because he wasn't an utter, abject failure against OU?

    The original point was that Charlie would certainly lose to Liberty. Not your point necessarily but another posters. His record was subpar to say the least. But his teams hit good OU teams in the mouth from the opening snap. So my point there was in games against our biggest rival Charlie's team showed up to their best abilities while Herman's have not. Given the level of talent on the 2020 Texas roster compared to the 2014 Texas roster, I have questions as to which coached team shows up more ready to play Liberty.

    But you then took it and turned it to say that Herman's teams show up full of piss and vinegar (not your words) when playing OU. Only in 2018 did they do that.

    Texas fans want the win-loss record to be stellar. But they also want the team ready to play OU every damn time. Not 3/5ths of the time. Not 2/5ths of the time. Herman's teams have not done that. You said they did/do. And this 2020 OU is the weakest of that bunch of OU teams.

    So that's my point to your interjection. Herman's team do not always show up ready to hit OU in the mouth.
  10. If you’ve got 4 seconds to throw and get sacked, you held it too long. There’s no shame in scrambling for a few yards, dumping it off or throwing it away to have another chance. Don’t just hold onto it hoping someone comes open.
    Fair enough. But I'd say certain situations dictate it is reasonable to hold it longer if that ultimately increases your conversion rate. But that is predicated on not having another chance for that possession. You do not approach 1st and 3rd the same.
  11. So have Tom's. 
    Sorta. Three not so no good starts but we did hang in and compete. It is difficult to find inspiration in 2020s effort. 2019s effort was quite poor but hung in there. So it's really these last two that lacked inspiration.

    2017. Down 20-0. Outgained by 90 yards. Lost by 5.
    2018. Showed up ready both games.
    2019. Ou up 10-0. Outgained by 190. Lost by 7.
    2020. Ou up 10-0. I think the fumble really impacted each team's confidence big time. Lost in OT.

    2014. Outgained Ou by 250. Were down 17-3 due to kickoff and defensive TD. Lost by 7
    2015. Outgained Ou by 90 yards. Won.
    2016. OU outgained us by 250. This is the 2nd half back and forth until Ou stole the ball on an interception. Lost by 5.

    In 2014-16, we weren't good and were outmatched but showed up to compete. There are a number of fans that don't feel that we showed up to compete in 2019 or 2020 in spite of the final scores. It's really those efforts that have people wanting Herman's job.

    I'm done with it if you'd like the final word.

  12. Also, a bunch of those sacks are Sam's fault. He's holding onto the ball too long and missing windows, or scrambling when it isn't necessary.

    This line of thinking brings to thought the question of how long is too long to hold the ball. And maybe you could argue everytime you get sacked you held it too long. If all receivers are running verticals, you're going to hold it longer. If receivers are covered, you're likely to hold it longer. If your receivers are slow, you're likely to hold it longer. All sorts of variables. 3rd and 15 versus 1st and 10. You should hold it longer on 3rd than on 1st.

    What I've not heard is a good analysis on how long is too long on a particular play or even for a type of offense that compares how long the QB actually holds the ball. I heard it several times that justin Fields has a tendency to hold onto the ball too long. I suppose if you present no evidence that evidence cannot be proven wrong.
  13. That's awesome. I'm so happy for him. We really fucked up by letting him go.
    Oh wait, except you left out the part where he somehow found a way to lose this fucking game and drop to 2-4 on the season:
    Actually I did reference the fact that we did not win that game aka lost it. And I did say you lose to Kansas you lose your job. But I admit I liked Charlie.

    But my point was that his teams showed up to play versus OU. The boxscore shows it. But yeah it also has you asking how the did we lose.

    And I'm telling you the refs screwed him over like no other. The OSU game is remembered but look at this one. 11 to 3. I'm quite certain OUs first penalty was on a punt return for 10 yards so that leaves 2 others for 5 yards each. Those are generally gimmes too. I know damn well one of ours negated a huge run by Swoopes. You know an impactful penalty and really called on a borderline impactful hold.
  14. Whoa, even Charlie? I agree we both hate Therm, but let's not put the cart before the horses. Charlie lost to Kansas, a team Therm needed a fg to beat. Charlie would almost definitely lose to Liberty. 
    One of Charlie's teams held OU to 28 yards at the half. Had an 80 yard run called back. Didn't get a live ball penalty called on our behalf until the 2nd half. And that wasn't even the game he won. Can we show up to play OU like that everytime? Tom doesn't think so.

    An NFL RB and possible NFL QB turned it over 6 times vs. Kansas. Lost in OT on the road. Frosh QB vs. Jr. QB. Last minute drive to secure win at home. Not sure that gives an advantage to hermie.

    You get fired for losing to Kansas. Charlie upgraded the talent for Hermie. Hermie upgraded the talent for.................well that may depend on whether he leaves now.
  15. Where did I say he sucks?
    You honestly think Alabama would give up Mac Jones and ND would give up Ian Book for Sam? That’s delusional. 
    Probably not. Kudos to Book for beating Clemson without their QB and several defensive guys. But Sam has shown more than Book that if a coach is choosing a college QB, he chooses Sam.

    And Mac Jones stands back there playing glorified 7 on 7. Just like Tua before. But I would expect Saban to choose his guy.

    As a sample of Books stats. 11-19. 106 yards. Against Louisville. 3 and 6 Louisville. 153 yards of total offense vs. USF. He's played 3 teams with winning records. Pitt and BC are 1 game above .500. He's played 3 with no more than 2 wins.
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