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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by UnhappilyMarried

  1. Someone smarter than me needs to explain how RPI and SOS aren’t incestuous nonsense. The Big 12 basketball metrics slant this year really highlighted this. Back to the point, do SEC baseball teams have fewer Q4 games bc they’ve played fewer terrible teams? Or do they have fewer Q4 games because they’ve started to play other SEC teams which raises their SOS. And if their SOS is higher, the Q4 teams they’ve played start to look better on paper and move up to Q3. The opposite for TCU which has bad conference losses. Round and round in a circle the math goes until the SEC fills the top of the RPI
  2. For as bad as we played, we had Max with the ball to take it to OT. Can’t ask for more. Is what it is. I feel validated that Rick and Shaka are March midgets
  3. It’s insane how effective Tyrese is when he just gets to the hoop and doesn’t fuck around
  4. Our only shot to win is Ziegler taking jump shots and us getting out in transition. PLEASE Rick don’t change it
  5. I feel bad for how Disu’s career is ending, but Shed needs to be in
  6. Dear Whoever Funded The Hunter Transfer, I understand you’re hurt about the lack of ROI. Please don’t let it prevent you from funding a future starting PG
  7. Very excited to never see any of these guys except Weaver play basketball ever again
  8. If they can review the last one for goaltend then that will be another 2 off the board. Not that it matters
  9. Disu 3/11 Max 1/8. PGs with 8 TOs. Disu + Shedrick 1 rebound.
  10. Excited for next year. The team defense is phenomenal. Coaching can’t account for horrible point guard play, open jump shooting, defensive rebounding, or The Brock Factor
  11. I honestly can’t remember a single play at the plate on a ball to left field that didn’t go our way in the last 2 years.
  12. Team HR celebration switched back to last year's. Double digit win streak incoming
  13. Rather interesting HR trot there. Caught about half of yesterday's game, did I miss any spiciness?
  14. Because the plug needs to be pulled and the “3 Omaha trips” line is the only argument not to pull it
  15. Can we start caveating the 3 Pierce Omaha trips with Augie-recruit Kody putting the team on his back in 18 and the easiest regional/super path in college baseball history in 21? Yes, 22 was gutsy as hell. And then Pierce fielding an entire team of toddlers in all 3 Omaha game 1s in a tournament that is completely predicated on staying in the winners bracket
  16. Why on earth would we keep Rodriguez?
  17. He should go for the Jake McKenzie one of these Tuesdays
  18. Win's a win. Gotta hope Wash can stay a Q2 team all year
  19. Pierce must be dead set on that sweet $2.4m buyout at this point. Comical stuff
  20. Pierce forgetting Fontenot exists in high leverage innings for the last 2 weeks is a great bit.
  21. If you want more O'Dowd whining I can up my quota. Also Thomas needs to move out of the leadoff role immediately. He has 1 multi-hit game in the last 12 games
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