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Everything posted by ATXbronco

  1. Oh hair no! https://www.rottentomatoes.com/celebrity/deborah_foreman/pictures Joking - she was a fox
  2. Weirdest game I've seen in awhile And of course it happens in Waco
  3. Was Rodney's preseason mandate ... "I don't care what you do at home but you need to win every damn road game on our way out of the Big12".
  4. "In replacing 72-year-old Pete Carroll with 36-year-old Macdonald, the Seahawks are going from the NFL's oldest head coach to its youngest." Exactly half Pete's age
  5. Good game, Longhorns. Lots of trying out there tonight.
  6. How was EnSync (SP) anyone's favorite band
  7. Dude was thinking more about being a hero than he was about making a basket.
  8. I knew Tyreese was going to get excited and throw that away
  9. Mitchell really good with those toss-it-off-the-other-guy when going out of bounds
  10. FUCK YES!!!!!!!!!! Dem boys getting some confidence now.
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